The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 205: The wind rises, the clouds surge, and the thunder comes

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"It's worthy of being a strong weapon of both martial arts and law. Even if everyone is a sanctuary, it is difficult for me to confront him on the front." The old patriarch thought of it while gently stroking the orb in his hand, and the purple mist was slowly wrapping it. His body.

At the same time, the mist slowly condensed into a silk thread, penetrated into the mouth and nose of the giant beast in the pool, and sucked in the mist. Its dark triangle eyes suddenly turned red and open The mouth roared loudly, revealing sharp fangs.

The roar of this beast was like a small hurricane blowing, blowing the surrounding trees and vegetation, and could not lift his head. It is even more frightening for people watching the game to crawl on the ground in a hurry, for fear of being affected.

Zhao Ya'er looked worriedly over the pool, and the proud figure stood up and asked: "Dad, Master Ye Xianshi, can he win?"

Zhao Linger hurriedly hugged her and comforted her: "No problem, since Master Ye Xianshi has been invincible since he was born, he has never lost to anyone and will definitely win."

However, Zhao Renqing's expression was uncertain, and he sighed for a long time: "The old patriarch has also been invincible since he came out of the mountain. It is said that even the sanctuary has been killed, plus the power of the orb and the beast... … I am afraid that even Ye Xianshi will have a hard time.”

Just when this group of people had a lot of discussion, the old patriarch had already moved. At this time, his might had already mentioned the extreme. If he didn't shoot again, it would be exhausted and exhausted!

But when he saw the orb in the hand of the old patriarch, it shone with dazzling light, and the beast under his feet roared loudly, and the water shook violently.

The next second, the turquoise water rises into the sky, forming a huge water tornado, and you can clearly see that there are countless wailing faces in the water, which is the resentment of the old Sovereign seal. spirit.

This ghost dragon alone is enough to kill ordinary sanctuary. The old patriarch was originally a strong man in the middle of the sanctuary. At this time, collusion with the giant beast of the Bishuitan, coupled with the nine robbers to control the water beads, the strength is not trivial. It is no wonder that he can unify the three provinces of East China.

However, Ye Chen faced the huge water dragon, but did not shy away. She lifted it with one hand and punched!

"Oh, la--!"

Under the prestige of this punch, the earth-shattering water dragon exploded directly, and water droplets mixed with wraiths splattered out, corroding the earth.

In the face of the old sect master's ghost dragon, he couldn't find magical skills or martial arts, and smashed it with his fist alone.

Not only that, the aftermath brought by this fist even caused the beast to roar upward and keep retreating, apparently showing fear.

"Impossible, he is so young, how can true energy be like the sea, endless and unfathomable?"

The patriarch Suddenly amazed, his vision became unprecedentedly dignified, and he took a deep breath: "Except for Xiao Yijue of that year, I have not seen it before, there is such a powerful strongman."

Ye Chen calmly said: "Your words are too much."

After all, he made a move and calmly shouted, "The wind rises!"

In an instant, countless wind blades stood up out of thin air. At this time, he had already practiced the four-elements Xuan Gong to the third floor, and he could manipulate the heaven and earth aura between his hands and feet, just like these low-level spells, it was simply a hand in hand.

But the low-level spells that Ye Chen can look at are also carefully selected from the tens of thousands of spells in the cultivation world. How can the common people resist?

I saw these wind blades, each of which was half a meter long, turning lightly in the air, covering a 50-meter circle, and swarming towards the old patriarch, if he did not respond, I am afraid that he will be lingered in a flash dead!

However, after all, the old patriarch is an old strong, and he is not a guy who has no fight back. He solemnly raised the nine robbery to control the water drops and shouted: "The waves are terrifying!"

I saw the turbulent huge waves in the turquoise water pool. There were three or four layers, one layer on top, one layer on top of the other, and pressed towards the wind blade.

Although these wind blades are sharp, they have insufficient stamina, and can only break through two or three layers of water waves at most. Even if a few have rushed through the obstacles, they no longer have the previous speed and accurate head, and hit the tortoise shell of the beast diagonally, It just left a white mark.

The old patriarch laughed proudly: "Ye Chen, it's useless, the old man's magical skills, if you use martial raids, you may still have some chances of winning, but playing with me, it's like getting axe, your little one Means...not worth mentioning!"

Ye Chen sneered disdainfully, and then took a move, snorted: "Yun Chung!"

Obviously, his goal is also very clear, do you think his magic is very powerful, right? Then I will defeat you in your most powerful place and make you convinced!

I saw that there were clear skies and blazing sun, and in the cloudless sky, a large cloud of white clouds suddenly appeared.

Although the old patriarch did not know the intention of the other party, he would not watch the white cloud approaching himself, but also drive the orb, throwing several black gases into the cloud, directly dyeing the white cloud into a dark cloud, and falling into the big raindrops.

Thinking of breaking the old patriarch of the method, he laughed and said: "Ye Chen, you can't fight me!"

Seeing this situation, both Han Qingshan and Wang Duo also jumped out and shouted to cheer: "The old Sect Master has infinite mana, immortal blessings, unbeaten battles, and unified East China!"

Compared with them, the father and daughter of the Zhao family were half cold and lost their souls.

However, Zhang Tianhang flashed the excitement in his eyes, staring at Ye Chen eagerly, hoping to see the expression of frustration and loss on the other party's face.

It is a pity that he was destined to be disappointed. I saw that Ye Chen was not discouraged at all, but with a slight sarcasm on his face, he said: "Are you rushing to rain in such a hurry, are you afraid that you will not die fast enough?"


The old patriarch suddenly had an ominous hunch, but before he could speak, he saw Ye Chen on the opposite side, flicking his fingers, and there was already one more palm in his palm that exuded a faint moonlight.

Moon glass beads!

Ye Chen gently stroked the orb, and spit out two words in his mouth: "Lei Lai!"

Only a thunderbolt sound was heard. Among the dark clouds, the crackling thunder suddenly burst. Under the guidance of heavy rain, this thunderbolt was far more violent than before, and a thunder light wheel with a diameter of nearly ten meters was directly condensed.

This is his middle-level spell engraved in the moon glass beads, the nine-day Yingyuan thunder spell, the thunderbolt summoned by this method is the most mad, it is the nemesis of all evil things!

Seemingly feeling the danger approaching, the beast raised his head and roared to Ye Chen to demonstrate, but Ye Chen's last life, even real gods and animals can be caught and raised as pets, how could he be afraid of such a district, only containing a small bit The guy with the bloodline of the **** beast?

But when he saw his hand move, the huge thunder light wheel, with a roaring sound, cut straight to the old patriarch!

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