The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 204: Nine Tribulation

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One of the most surprising was Zhao Ling'er hanging from the tree. She even forgot herself and was in a dangerous situation, just staring at Ye Chen with a complex eye.

All of the previous two came to mind in Zhao Ling'er's mind. She had answers to every question, but his sentence became extremely ironic.

"Every gossip gate, I don't even think about it."

"The people who are qualified to be my masters in this world are not born yet."

"You look at me too low and look at yourself too high. My purpose is not what you can guess. The world I am in is an area that you can't imagine even after a lifetime."

In Zhao Ling'er's mind, every word flashed by Ye Chen flashed in an instant. At that time, it seemed to be boasting and ranting, but now it is found to be true. Her remorse and annoyance can only be reduced to one sentence:

"Why didn't I find out earlier?"

Ye Chen completely ignored other people's performance, but calmly walked step by step to the edge of the pool and said lightly: "I am Ye Chen."

The old patriarch sneered, "Master Ye Xian, when you killed my child and killed my subordinates, you didn't soften your hands at all. When I saw it today, I was so arrogant."

As soon as he said this, the people around him were shocked again. Unexpectedly, this Master Ye Xian was so arrogant that even the young Sect Master of the Yin Guizong dare to kill!

Today it seems that there must be a dead battle between the two, but in the end it is the old legend of the old sect master, or Ye Chen, the newly famous martial art?

Ignoring other people's expressions, Ye Chen said lightly: "Yes, they were all killed by me. Do you have any opinions?"

Suddenly, the old patriarch seemed to expect that Ye Chen was so arrogant, and he couldn't help getting angry from the heart, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, good Ye Chen, since you admit to killing my baby, then even if you are here today, you are killed by me The corpse has scattered souls and has entered the eighteenth layer of hell, so there is nothing to say?"

Ye Chen disdainfully said: "It's up to you, you don't have that skill yet."

The old patriarch coldly snorted: "Ye Chen, I know that you have both martial arts and full martial arts, and both of them step into the sanctuary, which is a rare peerless genius in thousands of years, are too small to look at the old man!"

"As soon as you arrive in northern Jiangsu, the old man has already noticed it, but you haven't been able to find the old man, right?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "You are only relying on Lingbao to protect your body, not to be afraid."

The old patriarch Yin said with a smile: "It is indeed Ye Xianshi, what you expected is not bad, but you should not be here at this time. Since you came to the Bishuitan, don't want to leave alive again!"

Ye Chen glanced at the old patriarch and said, "Just with this big piece of blood stained with Xuanwu Ding's blood, and the broken bead in your arms?"

The old patriarch's face suddenly solidified, but Ye Chen didn't seem to see it. He continued to say: "Xuanwu belongs to water. In this clear water pool, it can exert a combat power that is higher than usual by half. In addition, it is now Yinyueyinyin, which is suitable for your spells, and the orb in your arms is obviously biased towards the water system and the Yin ghost, so you can be so confident."

He said this, stretched out his palms, turned his palms up to the old patriarch, and said calmly: "Come here, let me see if your skills are worthy of your confidence."

When the old patriarch heard Ye Chen's words, his countenance changed, and finally recovered to a calm and fierce, he said: "Ye Chen, you guys are terrible. If you are given for a few more years, I am afraid that even the old man is not your opponent. If you don’t get rid of you here, I’m afraid you will kill me in the future."

Ye Chen said lightly: "You think too much, I want to kill you, you can kill anytime, anywhere."

The old patriarch laughed and said: "But you only counted one thing wrong, and that is the power of my spirit treasure, which is far more terrible than you think!"

In this way, he touched his arms, and there was a dark black ink in his hand, and there was a round orb of purple gas around him. He raised his head and laughed arrogantly: "The nine robbery control water beads, since the old man got it, I have only used it three times, and each time I killed the powerful sage domain. The last time, I killed the original entrenched in East China. It is the fourth saint strongman who died under my hands!"

Having said that, he urged the Orb, and the world faded in an instant, a gust of wind, and a jet of water suddenly blasted from the bottom of Bibotan, but the goal was not Ye Chen, but Zhao Ling'er hanging from the tree.

The water column was urged by the old patriarch using a mysterious method, and became like a high-pressure water gun. After passing through, the trees were cut off one after another. It was actually three points sharper than the sword!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ling'er was astonished. She knew that this was Ye Chen's fear in the old patriarch's heart, so she was ready to attack herself and attract him, but...

Zhao Ling'er smiled bitterly and closed his eyes in despair: "I have targeted him so many times. Where else will Ye Chen control my life and death?"

In an instant, the water column pulled up the mountain and fell trees, and roared, but Zhao Linger not only did not feel the pain, but seemed to be driving in the clouds, and the whole person floated.

"How is it possible?" Although her eyes were closed, Zhao Ling'er's brain was running fast. "It's difficult, is it that Ye Chen came to save me? This feeling... is the princess hug!"

Thinking of this, she suddenly turned flushed, opened her eyes excitedly, and found out...

Although Ye Chen rescued herself, the situation was somewhat different from what Zhao Linger imagined, because after opening her eyes, she found that she was being carried by Ye Chen on her shoulders in a posture of carrying a sack.

For this woman who is aimed at herself everywhere, Ye Chen does not have any good feelings. She rescued her, but she only looked at Zhao Ya'er's face. Of course, it was impossible for the princess to hug her.

He rescued Zhao Ya'er on the occasion of a sudden attack, came to the father and daughter of Zhao's family, and casually dropped her on the ground, saying lightly: "Be good here."

Zhao Renqing hurriedly supported her daughter and said with gratitude and shame: "Thank you, Master Ye, and Master Ye!"

Zhao Ya'er is still a little silly. Obviously, he hasn't reacted yet. How did the younger brother become Master Ye Xian? Until Ye Chen turned back, he hurriedly said: "Master... Master Ye Xian, be careful."

Ye Chen turned her head and smiled lightly at her, before continuing to walk towards the Bishuitan. Seeing this scene, Zhao Ya'er's pretty face suddenly turned red, and Zhao Ling'er's heart was a trace of sourness.

At this time, the old patriarch still stood above the center of the Tanshui, his face sullen and cloudy. Just now, Zhao Linger closed his eyes and couldn't see them, but he saw them all.

Quick, it's too fast. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, but he didn't expect the other party to just pass by.

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