The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 77 The Belated Conclusion

Chapter 77 The belated conclusion

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your rewards and monthly ticket support. Although I am a little bit in a hurry to add more, I still want to thank you for your full support!

Thanks again for everyone's support!

In order to live up to everyone's support, we should keep adding and updating Contest Condition like this before we put it on the shelves. The daily update has reached 8,000 to 9,000 words.

Second, let’s talk about the content of this volume.

This is the first time I have tried to write the content of the first volume in such a multi-foreshadowing way. There are still many flaws, but fortunately everyone did not spray me, and let me write all the foreshadowings that should be said in the first volume. .

I don't know how everyone's reading experience is. Anyway, I feel pretty cool when I write it, but it's a bit brain-inflicting, painful and happy.

My goal for the first volume is about 200,000 words, and at present it is in the early 180,000 words, because I skipped some processes that may not seem to be so relevant or feel relatively watery, and try to present the content as much as possible. It's still under control.

The title of the first volume is "Lightning and Thunder", a word I stubbornly (a little embarrassed), and the purpose is also very clear, which is to point to Zapdos, but what I really want to bring out is not it, but Tom Ritchie , her deposit is to set a tone for the subsequent development.

Reluctantly, the foreshadowing corresponds to the result, plus a little suspense, but maybe in the end, because the writing force and the overall tension are not enough, it does not reach the height of the finishing point I want, it is a little Crisna hope, this is also a personal Reasons for incompetence.

Finally, summarize the shortcomings, and hope that I can pay more attention to this aspect in the future. The first is the lack of characterization, the lack of details in some behaviors and expressions, which may cause the characters to look less vivid.

The second is similar to the first, and the characteristics and image of Pokémon are insufficient, but I have already conceived the characteristics and images of the two Pokémons in the second volume, and I hope to be able to present more in the second volume.

The third point is also the one that I think can be corrected the most. When faced with the doubts and doubts raised by some friends, I was a little flustered and eager to convey my thoughts and ideas to everyone. Maybe it was because some of my foreshadowings were not so obvious or some were too obvious, and I couldn't control them well. My own emotions caused a little confusion at the end.

In the next volume, I will try to press my heart, and I hope everyone can press my heart. Basically, I will see some of your doubts. If it is what I have already thought of, I will explain it later. A reasonable explanation is given later.


These days, I have been busy dividing some details and foreshadowing of the second volume, as well as the character settings. In addition, I have created a group and I can't help but water, so the archives have been exhausted, and the update time may be a little different. I hope everyone can Forgive me, I will try to increase the quantity on the premise of ensuring the quality.

Plus, I'm serious.

Oh, and last but not least, the name of the second volume is called "Black Flame", which has several meanings. Of course, it inevitably represents a Pokémon. You can guess, it is not a particularly strong one.

Also, seeing such an extremely "fair" self-deprecation and self-deprecation, is it possible to support it with a monthly pass?

Oh, last but not least, there is another question about Sabrina, which will be explained later here. It is boring to talk about it now.

(End of this chapter)

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