The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 76 Decision (Seeking To Read!)

Chapter 76 Decision (seeking to read!)

Saffron City.

Trainer Guild.

Du leaned on the back of the seat, his clothes were a little messy, and he had some scars, but it had been treated and the impact was not big.

Just empty eyes, no focus.

His Pokémon are all back to normal with the help of Nurse Joy, the Pokémon center.

Looking at the trainers and guild staff coming and going in front of them, they are busy catching and expelling wild Pokémon in Saffron City, repairing the law and order of some chaotic regions, and reporting the situation at the same time.

The Zapdos incident has come to an end. Alliance's fugitive Thompachi has successfully subdued Zapdos. This is the existence she has been pursuing. The process is a bit bizarre and tortuous, but after listening to Azir's explanation, Du also roughly understands The ins and outs of things.

According to Azir, the Zapdos that appeared is just one of the many Zapdos that exist in this world. It may be the stronger one, but it is not the "God of Thor" that many people say. The two Zapdos have essence. difference, which involves the clergy of the Pokémon world.

That's right, Zapdos also has races. There have also been cases of subjugating the Three Divine Birds in the Alliance. It is said that an Alliance executive owns Articuno.

But even if the Zapdos captured by Tom Ritchie is not the one with the priesthood, this is also a Zapdos. From the perspective of the Pokémon upper limit, it definitely exceeds most of the ordinary Pokémon, and can bring a Trainer to the top of the world. exist.

But still got caught.

The key to this is the "Pure Gold Feather" eaten by Weedle.

"Pure Gold Feather" is a feather on top of Zapdos' head, which has the function of gathering lightning and even summoning Zapdos. How Alliance got it cannot be traced back.

After Weedle ate the "Pure Gold Feather", the huge electrical stance that blocked the entire slum gradually dissipated, and the Zapdos of Xia Yan and Weedle were hacked, and somehow their strength was weakened to a certain extent.

In the end, under the perfect preparation of Tom Ritchie, she fell into the perfect cooperation of her seven Pokémons, and was subdued by the characteristic Poké Ball that she threw, and disappeared from everyone's sight together with it.

someone said.

That's because Zapdos felt Rage when he saw Weedle ate the "pure golden feather" that he even needed, and while the stockpile of thunder struck Lash Out, he also weakened his own power.

Someone else said.

Although the huge electrical energy gathered by the "Pure Gold Feather" trapped Zapdos, it also provided Zapdos with endless power, and when the "Pure Gold Feather" was destroyed, Zapdos's power also weakened.

Of course, there are other arguments, each with their own opinions and views.

Du also doesn't know which conjecture is correct.

The only thing he knew was that his good friend Xia Yan, and his Weedle had disappeared under Zapdos' Bolt Strike, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

But thinking about an attack like Zapdos, with Xia Yan's body and Weedle's Contest Condition, it shouldn't be able to withstand it.

"Tom Ritchie, Jimmy Sato"

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk, the sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor, and a middle-aged man dressed in navy blue slowly walked towards Du.


The warm, deep voice seems to be very righteous, and the awe-inspiring eyes around him who dare not look directly at him also show that the identity of the person here is not simple.

Hearing the familiar voice, Du slowly raised his head.

What caught the eye was a face with distinct facial features and a head of light blue hair.

"Second Uncle." Du murmured, only to feel that his voice was so dry.

The name of the person who came was Yuan, who belonged to the Yulong family like Du, but they were the previous generation of Du and had a close relationship with Du's father.

At the same time, he is also one of the three top investigators of the Alliance. After receiving Saffron City's request for help, he came to Saffron City as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Tom Ritchie had already taken Zapdos and ran away when he arrived.

"Du, your intuition is very sharp. If we had listened to your advice earlier, I'm afraid the incident of Tom Luqi would not have developed to this stage. You are a natural investigator." Yuan sat beside Du and patted his shoulders for encouragement.

"A natural investigator?" Du repeated blankly.

He stood up suddenly, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his light-colored eyes.

He looked at the second uncle Yulongyuan and said firmly:

"Second uncle, I'm going to the third cave of the Dragon's Cave to practice!"

The Dragon Cave is the most important place for the Yulong family. Due to the changes in terrain and age, there are many different caves. The Yulong family divides these caves into different labels according to the strength of the wild Pokémon and the rarity of Pokémon. .

As a talented descendant of the Yulong family, Du entered the first cave and brought out Dratini. Since then, he has been considered by the Yulong family as one of the strong contenders for the next patriarch of the Yulong family.

The third cave skipped the second cave, the degree of danger is self-evident.

"The third cave?" Yuan saw Du's determination, and after a little surprise, he nodded with a smile, "Okay, you can go in when you go back, just say I agree."

"it is good!"

Du's eyes turned cold, and he gritted his teeth silently.

Xia Yan, I will give you Retaliate!

Silph Co. Penthouse.

secret office.

I saw a middle-aged man with a smile sitting on a brown leather boss chair, shaking the goblet gently, and the red wine that was like a gemstone in it also swayed gently.

The whole person is hidden in the shadows.

"Master of the gymnasium, is it fun?"

On the sofa in front of him sat a little Stephanie, about a teenager, holding a cute stuffed bear in his hand and kept playing.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there is a document titled "Draft of Simulation on the Evaluation and Implementation of Control of Pokémon Psychic Out of Control in the Psychic Department".

Hearing the voice, Stephanie suddenly showed a sweet smile.


At the same time, there were many people in the same uniform standing in the office, with straight postures and serious faces.

It can be seen that a fiery red "R" is printed on their clothes.


As the door of the office was pushed open, a burly man with blond hair and a dark green military uniform strode in.

When the flamboyant burly man saw the middle-aged man sitting on the chair, he couldn't help but put away his careless and reckless temper.

Then he said, "It's over, Tom Ritchie ran off with Zapdos."

If there are some powerful trainers from the Kanto Alliance here, you will definitely be able to recognize this burly man, the owner of the Vermilion Gym in Vermilion City, south of Saffron City, and a trainer specializing in electricity Pokémon, Ma Zhishi!

And the little Stephanie playing on the sofa is the owner of the Saffron Gym in Saffron City, Sabrina!

As for the one sitting in the boss chair.


A faint voice came.

"Since you are in Saffron City, why isn't that Zapdos?" Ma Zhishi said in a stern voice when he heard the other party's answer.

Obviously, as a trainer who also specializes in electricity system Pokémon, he is also very jealous of Zapdos, otherwise he will not rush over from Vermilion City in a hurry.

The goblet was still shaking.

"Zapdos, is it strong?"


Thank you Blue Milk, Qinggu, and Big Brother for the rewards, and thanks to all the friends for your rewards! There is one thing to say, just read the book, and reward it. If you can save it, you can save it, ahem, so what, the monthly pass will be delayed for a while!

py a book by a big guy, "A certain Hogwarts Rune Professor", it is estimated that not many people do not know, we are just rubbing the heat, it is very beautiful!

Summary: Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix walked into the wizarding school again, only this time, as a professor!

Muggle wisdom and magic combined, what kind of Ember will collide?

(End of this chapter)

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