But his overall disposition was completely different. 

If Kardien has a bright face with silver hair, then he brings out a dangerous vibe with long silvery hair. 

His vibe felt much more solemn. 

He looked just like a creepy and beautiful doll. 

Griffon spoke.

“Of course not. It doesn’t make sense. Red eyes are indicative of a curse in the first place.” 

“Yeah, so I don’t have to worry about that. It’s just a rumor created by people who love those kinds of stories.” 

Princess Lara answered triumphantly and rose to her feet. 

There was not a trace of her earlier depression left on her face. 

She lifted her chin and made an arrogant face. Her entire body was revealed as she stood up straight. 

“Talking with Griffon has made me want to have him even more.” 

“How will you acquire him?” 

Princess Lara answered, protruding her plump lips. 

“Do I need any special skills to have a man?” 

I just need to rape him.

Such a phrase is too terrifying for a girl to utter, but Griffon smiled.

As if there will be some interesting entertainment.

* * *

The day after the banquet, a letter arrived at the Lilac mansion. 

It was from Princess Lara to Lucian.

Lucian, of course, paid no attention to the letter. Anne had a grave look on her face as she looked at the untouched letter. 

“Why would she send a letter to an engaged man? Does she have no shame?!’

Anne, who felt ominous energy from the letter with her keen sense, burned the invitation. 

But the letters continued to arrive the next day and the next day onwards. Lucian kept ignoring it, and Anne kept burning it. 

And then, one day. The name of the recipient on the invitation was changed. 

<Pernia Lilac>

To my name. 

I wanted to ignore it like Lucian did, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I opened the envelope and read the letter with dread, looking as if I were catching a bug. 

<Do you remember the terrible incident that happened at the banquet? When Kardien said he’d rip my tongue off?

I don’t know if you know, but the alliance between the two countries is not looking too good because of that. 

The nobles of Axion wish I’d punish those who made such terrible threats, but Your Majesty covered for him. 

That’s why I arbitrated.

Lord Kardien should personally apologize, so we can move on. 

Because Lara loves peace.> 

This person who killed their own slaves loves peace?

I continued reading the letter with a crestfallen face.

<I have written to Lord Kardien several times, but I have received no reply. 

The anger of the aristocracy in Axion is growing… 

So I am writing to you, his fiancée. 

What should I do in this situation, Lady Pernia? 

I’d like to meet with you for advice.>

Her language was polite. But the content was not polite at all. 

To word it nicely, she’s asking me to tell my boyfriend and bring him as well.


I sighed and touched my forehead. 

It was as the princess said. 

The incident cannot be forgotten as if nothing had happened.

If it had happened to an imperial nobleman, he could be covered by the emperor, but the other person was a princess from another country who even the emperor treats carefully, so he would be done for.

I glared at the letter and decided. 

“Anne, get me ready to go out.” 

Anne, who was looking at me with nervous eyes next to me, asked. 

“Are you really going to go?” 

“I should. She said she wants to see me.” 

Although I’m sure she actually wants to see Lucian.

Anne said, frowning. 

“Can’t you not go? I haven’t met the princess in person, but I don’t feel good about her.” 

Anne. You have amazing intuition.

I’m sure you’ll succeed, even if you leave our mansion, with your amazing predictions. 

Instead of strongly recommending her a new occupation, I told Anne. 

“But if I don’t go, there will be a war.” 

“That can’t be. No matter how much the Axion King loves the princess, he wouldn’t declare war on this.”

“We don’t know that. Surprisingly, war often stems from very small matters.” 

Anne’s face grew darker. I said with a smile, as if I had frightened an innocent person for nothing. 

“It’s just a saying. You don’t have to look so serious.” 


“I will have to meet the princess someday. I can’t keep pretending to not know.” 

I had to meet the princess in person and finish this properly.

Anne sighed as if she had given up on breaking my stubbornness. 

“Okay. Will you be going with Lord Kardien?” 

“No. I’m going alone.” 

Anne’s eyes grew bigger. 

“Why? You’d better go with him. What if the princess says something really bad to you?” 

Anne was right. 

I am only a marquisate, and she is a princess of a kingdom. 

Our difference in power is too big. 

She may be angry at me for coming alone. She may humiliate me.

Still, I would never want to go with Lucian. 

‘You think I want to take Lucian to a woman who said all kinds of dirty things? No way!’ 

I don’t even want her to see Lucian. 

It wasn’t just because of my petty jealousy. It’s obvious things will go south if I take Lucian. 

This time he might actually rip the princess’ tongue off. 

‘No, that can’t happen.’

Yeah, absolutely not. 

I didn’t want this conflict to get any bigger here. 

I told Anne. 

“You don’t have to worry. I can always think of a way to protect myself.” 


Anne moved her eyes anxiously. She looked at me and said, 

“Will Lord Kardien be okay with you going alone?” 

Anne, who watched us in the mansion, was well aware of Lucian’s condition.

That he’s abnormally obsessed with me. 

Lucian always followed me around. 

“It’s okay. I’ve been out alone a few times recently. He’d understand if you said that I was put in a difficult position so I couldn’t go with Lucian.” 

Of course, I’ll have to offer a huge reward. 

“So don’t tell Lucian where I’m going. I’ll be back soon.” 

Anne eventually sighed as if she had given up. 

“All right.” 

I turned my head and looked at the window. 

I could see Lucian outside the window. 

Standing in the pouring sunlight, Lucian was wearing a straw hat and watering flowers in the garden. It was a hobby that he started recently because he wanted to give flowers that he grew himself to me. 

Seeing him like that, I become more determined to not give up. 

I didn’t want him to go back into a dark state. 

I wished he could smile happier than anyone else, and be loved by people in the bright light. 

……I wanted to protect him. 

I want him at least to not fall into a dark abyss without a single light. 

* * *

As I planned, I succeeded in going out alone. 

‘Of course, it wasn’t easy.’

I had to wager the portraits of me as a child that I had saved and rewards that could not be revealed in this all ages novel.

The place I headed to was the mansion where the princess was staying. 


A young servant greeted me as if they had been waiting. 

The pretty servant had a necklace engraved with the royal design of Axion on their neck. 

I recognized their identity with one look at the necklace tightly tied to their neck.

‘A slave.’

Seems like it’s true that slaves take care of royalty and the nobility in the Kingdom of Axion. 

The empire also has a strict social status society, but at least everyone is treated as humans. 

I felt overwhelmed to have encountered an actual slave, who doesn’t define as a person.

“Follow me.” 

The servant guided me in an extremely polite manner. 

I walked along the servant. 

The mansion, which was built for important guests, was huge. The princess’s room was in the innermost detached building. 

The servant said at the door. 

“Princess Lara. Miss Pernia Lilac is here.” 

“Come on in.” 

The voice of the princess, as high as a nightingale, was heard. 

The servant opened the door. 

The moment I saw the inside of the room, I had no choice but to open my eyes wide. 

‘What is this?’

I was not surprised by the size of the huge room or the splendid interior.

I was surprised by the amount of people in the room. 

They were of different genders and ages, and each wore a different style of clothing.

From the revealing and airy Axion traditional clothes, to the fancy dresses fashioned in the Empire, and to simple dresses worn by the people of Chao far away. 

A gentle smile lingered on their beautiful faces.

They were like well-decorated dolls. 

And in the middle, there was the glamorously dressed princess Lara. 

The princess was sitting in a soft chair, with the most relaxed face in the world, as she was served by them.

She turned her head at me. As if she were looking for something.

Soon after, she asked with a disappointed look.

“Where is Kardien?” 

How rude.

Is that the first thing she says to someone she asked to meet?

She was rude, but it was fine. 

Because I also had no intention of greeting someone like her.

“Lucian didn’t come.” 

“What, why?” 

I answered with a smile, looking at the princess with her eyes wide open. 

“He’s not feeling well.” 

Of course, that was a groundless lie. 

Lucian is famous for never getting hurt or ill in any fierce battlefield. It was a fact that even Princess Lara, who did not know much about him, knew. 

Princess Lara’s eyes sharpened. 

“Did you leave him behind on purpose?”

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