“No way, I wouldn’t do that.” 

I answered slyly, but the anger on Princess Lara’s face did not go away. 

“You knew who I actually wanted to see. You-, do you think I’m easy?” 

Princess Lara looked serious. 

There was an eerie look on her ferocious face. 

It felt like she was going to scribble on my face with her long red nails at any moment. 

But I took a piece of paper out before she could do that. 

Princess Lara’s eyes grew when she saw the design on the paper. 

A golden lion. 

It was the emperor’s emblem. 

I said with a grin. 

“This is a letter from His Majesty.” 


“I saw the Emperor before I came here. I told him about meeting the princess to talk about what happened at the banquet and that we decided to forgive one another. He was really happy to hear it because what happened bothered him too.”


“Then he wrote this letter and gave it to me to give to the princess.” 

I held out a letter to Princess Lara. Princess Lara took the letter away and read it.

The content of the letter was simple. 

<I’m so proud to hear you had decided to meet with each other to solve the complicated situation. 

I hope you can move on and build friendships. 

Like the friendship between the Empire and the Kingdom of Axion.> 

The emperor expressed his wishes in the letter.

But it meant more than a letter to me. 

This was my shield. 

As long as there is this letter, the princess can’t do anything against me. 

To treat me rashly is to ignore the emperor’s wishes. 

Princess Lara chuckled like she couldn’t believe what I had done and glared at me. 

“You don’t look like it, but you are quite clever, aren’t you?” 

And you act just like how you look. You’ve never heard anyone say you’re smart, have you? 

Instead of saying that, I covered my mouth and laughed. 

“I guess I am quite clever, ho ho ho.” 

The princess’s face twisted beautifully. 

* * *

My plan is to say what I had to say to the princess and go back quickly. 

I thought the princess wouldn’t hold me here any longer because she didn’t have anything to do with me. 

But I stand here facing the princess longer than I expected. 

‘It feels immoral to be here.’

Luxurious food was laid on the floor, and slaves sang and danced in the room. 

Princess Lara and I sat, leaning against a fluffy cushion, holding a glass. 

In the meantime, various slaves were waiting for the words, “There must one of them that suits your tastes.”

Princess Lara waved her glass and said. 

“I did say I would try to move on. I’ll pour you a drink.” 

I can’t ignore her and try to leave now that she said that.

‘Is this one of those work drinking parties that you can’t escape?’

As I shed tears inside, a beautiful-looking woman approached me. 

The woman held out a bottle with an innocent smile. 

‘Okay, let’s go along with it.’ 

After a deep sigh, I received the woman’s drink with resignation. 

The princess looked at me and said, 

“My slaves. Don’t you agree they’re all pretty cute?” 

I was thinking about how to answer that, but I just smiled with disgust.

Maybe she didn’t expect an answer from me, but the princess pouted her lips while drinking a glass. 

“I thought Kardien would come, so I dressed up, but this is really disappointing.” 

Oh, you were gonna invite my boyfriend to sit in this promiscuous place? 

I smiled with downcast eyebrows. 

“I’m glad Lucian didn’t come. He despises places like this the most.” 


Princess Lara’s eyes froze. 

At the same time, all the slaves who were smiling brightly like flowers were stiff. 

I held up a glass and brazenly asked.

“Princess Lara. You’re trying to meet with Lucian, not to get an apology, but to seduce him, right?” 

It was bold of me to say that. But the princess did not deny the statement. 

It was obvious from how the princess was wearing much more makeup and the strange clothes I had seen at the banquet. 

Anyone could see that it was not an apology that she was looking forward to with this outfit. 

I said, looking at the princess. 

“You better give up.” 

“Ha. His fiancée is nothing like how she looks. How dare a mere Marquisate Lady give me orders?” 

“No, I’m saying this for your stake, princess. No matter how hard you try, Lucian won’t fall for you.” 

I raised the corner of my mouth and smiled. 

“Because he’s crazy about me.” 


“Don’t put in too much effort. It won’t work.” 

At the end of my sentence, I emptied all the glasses. 

Before I knew it, I could no longer hear the music, and the slaves who were dancing stopped.

Princess Lara looked at me with fear. 

I spoke to her, meeting her in the eye.

“I enjoyed the drinks the princess served me, but I’ll be going now.” 

I stood up and greeted the princess. 

Above my bowed head, I could hear the princess’s loud voice. 

“You think you can just leave after everything you’ve said?” 

Her voice was full of hostility, but I didn’t falter. 

The emperor is watching over us. 

The princess can’t do anything to me. 

But it was careless of me to think that. 

“Grab hold of this bitch.” 

At the pricess commanded, the slaves, who were smiling brightly, rushed towards me. They grabbed my arms and pressed me down.

I shouted. 

“If you put a finger on me, His Majesty the Emperor will be angered.” 

“Don’t worry, they won’t lay a finger on you.” 

She said, raising her red lips. 

“On the contrary, they’ll protect you. Because Lady Pernia is so drunk that she is unable to go back to her house.” 

She beckoned. 

A slave came up with a bottle of alcohol and began to pour it into my mouth.

I couldn’t do anything but swallow the booze that rushed into my mouth.

‘Crazy bitch!’

The princess giggled like a child at me. 

“If I tell him to come get his drunken fiancée, he’ll show up immediately! I will finally be able to see Kardien!” 

The princess rubbed her hands together and smiled ecstatically. 

* * *

“What do you think? Do I look okay?” 

At Princess Lara’s words, the slaves in charge of dressing her up nodded. 

“Yes. You’re very beautiful.”

“If anyone sees the princess, they’ll immediately fall in love with you.” 

Listening to their sweet words, the princess looked in the mirror.

Small jewels glistened through her curly red hair, and the heavy makeup gave her a mature look.

Her voluptuous body was exposed under the thinly draped dress.

‘I even look good in my own eyes.’

Princess Lara smiled with satisfaction. 

“But something’s missing. Should I put more perfume on my chest?” 

At that moment, the door opened with a bang. 

Princess Lara and the slaves turned their heads. 

It was Lucian who opened the door and came in. 

Princess Lara’s eyes widened at the sight of Lucian. 

Because Lucian came to the mansion much faster than she thought he would. 

‘Oh my. He is the best knight in the empire, so the speed is understandable. But he’s standing there without a drop of sweat.’

Lucian’s cool eyes gave off a sense of danger. 

And yet he was horrifyingly beautiful. 

Princess Lara felt thrilled all over. 

‘As expected, this guy is just my type.’

No slave would sparkle more than the man in front of her.

Princess Lara smiled brightly from the heart. 

“Welcome, Kardien.” 

Before she knew it, the slaves by her side had left the room. 

The sight of Princess Lara standing in a scandalous dress in the dim lights was bewitching. 

She looked like the woman who would appear in the dreams of boys going through puberty. 

But Lucian’s face didn’t show any excitement. He spoke with a cold expression. 

“Where is Nia?” 

The princess was offended by his words. 

‘Hmph. That’s what he says after all this time? Is he not affected by how I look?’

Of course that didn’t dishearten Lara.

She knew he wasn’t an easy man to win over. 

The temptation is just beginning. 

“She’s sleeping in another room right now. Lara treats drunk people very kindly.” 

The princess approached Lucian. Every step she took gave off an enchanting scent. 

She didn’t use any ordinary perfume. 

The perfume is designed to give off a scent that seduces men. 

Princess Lara said, opening her red lips. 

“Kardien, do you know why I called for you?”

She looked at Lucian with sparkling eyes. She looked like a young girl, but also like a seductress.

“I have a lot more than you think. If you choose me, you can have so many things. I can give you ten times as much land as you have, and I can give you a great title that this empire couldn’t give you. Marquis, Duke, whatever title you want. As King Axion’s most beloved daughter, I have the power–” 

She was no longer able to speak.

Because Lucian’s hand grabbed her jaw violently. 

Lucian’s red eyes turned to her. 

He repeated. 

“Where is Nia?” 


His red eyes were as terrifying as a ghost’s.

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