Of course, I will not let myself be exposed to the dangerous situations that father worried about. 

I will never stand in the front as I am not here to fight.

I’m going to stay in the rear, where I will be safe under the soldiers’ protection. 

‘The moment I am in danger, the imperial forces will also be pushed back and our trip will be delayed, but Lucian said he would never let that happen.’

So I’m not really afraid of going to the war zone. 

After the emperor’s long speech, the soldiers finally began to move. 

I can see Lucian from the small window of the carriage. Lucian’s eyes softened as he met my eyes.

He had such a gentle face that it was hard to imagine that he had commanded the soldiers with an authoritative voice just earlier.

Normally, I would be mesmerized by his smile, but I felt something strange.

I felt a stinging on one side of my chest. 

I smiled at him, trying to hide this feeling.

* * *

The road to the war zone was more comfortable than I thought. 

The soldiers treated me, the fiancee of their commander, with great care, and Lucian also paid close attention to me.

It feels like I’m being treated like a princess who doesn’t even exist.

But it wasn’t just comfortable. 

‘Hic hic. Just a little bit more and I’m going to get calluses on my buttocks.’

No matter how high quality this carriage was, my butt is tingling after sitting all day long. 

At one point, while I was rubbing my poor butt, the carriage stopped.

I grabbed Lucian’s hand and stepped off the carriage. Lucian said with lowered eyebrows. 

“Great job, Nia.” 

The carriage had stopped in a quiet rural village. A small castle stood behind a field of golden wheat. 

It was Baron Alicia’s castle, the closest estate to the war area. This is where we’ll be staying while we’re here. 

When Lucian and I entered, Baroness Alicia, the owner of the castle, greeted us. 

“Welcome, Lord Kardien. Even though you’re not here for a happy reason, I’m glad to see you again.” 

The baron’s face when welcoming Lucian looked full of joy. 

Lucian asked with a calm face. 

“How’s the situation?”

“The rebels have reached the Coral Mountains behind the castle. They’re looking for a chance to ambush us.” 

“They’re stationed so nearby.” 

The baron nodded. I felt fear creeping onto my pale face.

However, Lucian’s words eliminated any hint of fear I had in me. 

“We will have our soldiers stationed around the border of the mountains to prevent them from entering. Rest assured, you won’t have to worry about going into battle.” 

He said it in such a confident voice, which made me believe that it would happen. Only then did the baron couple’s faces brighten up. 

The baron nodded and said. 

“If Lord Kardien says so, I will believe it. Haa, I’m so glad you didn’t come late.” 

The relieved Baron couple pretended to have  just noticed me then. 

Baroness Alicia approached me and said amiably. 

“Thank you for coming such a long way, Lady Pernia. I had a room prepared for you, my lady, please follow me.” 

I glanced around the room and blinked. The room, decorated with light pink wallpaper, was cute. 

This room was decorated so prettily that I wondered if it was okay to have a room like this in an old castle that looked far from spacious.

Baroness Alicia asked carefully. 

“Do you like your room?” 

“Yes, it’s magnificent.” 

“That’s a relief.” 

I asked the baroness whose chest released in relief. 

“You must have only heard that I’ll be coming just yesterday. How did you prepare this room in such short notice?” 

“As soon as I heard Lord Kardien’s request to prepare a room for his fiancee, I stayed up all night to prepare it. Since you’re used to life in the capital, I was worried if it would satisfy your tastes, but I’m relieved that you like it.”

She was sincere in her words. 

I didn’t feel any judgemental glances or that she was secretly looking down on me for coming to such a place with Lucian. 

Her kind eyes were filled with unconditional goodwill. 

‘Lucian sure is popular.’

I heard that the people residing near the war zone had much more respect for Lucian than those living in the capital.

Not to mention the baron couple who governs the estate closest to the war zone. 

Everyone else treated him with great hospitality.

“This might not be much, but I prepared this with all my heart. Please help yourself.” 

A well-prepped meal was brought into the room. 

“I’ve also prepared books, instruments, and art tools so that you won’t be bored while you’re here. If you need anything, whenever, whatever it is, please ask me. I shall get it for you.” 

Various knick knacks were presented to me. 

“I know that you’ve brought some clothes, but I kept some clothes in this room because those might not be enough during your stay. If you don’t like the design or size, please let me know right away.” 

Even a closet filled with dresses.

To be honest, this was very burdensome. 

“Thank you for your hard work, but I’m not here to play.” 

Although we cannot see them from here, the baron had said that a large number of rebels were camping under the mountain range outside the castle.

How could I indulge myself in such luxury like this when we’re literally in the middle of battle. 

I told Lucian who entered the room. 

“Lucian, stop the barons. I just want to stay quiet like an outcast.” 

But Lucian shook his head. 

“They’re only doing it out of their own violation. So don’t feel burdened by it.” 


“It’s only for one month at the most.” 


“I’ll quell the rebels and do it so we can return to the capital within a month. So please bear with it for one month, Nia.” 

Lucian’s eyes twinkled when I looked at him. 

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been attacked with that look! 

I closed my eyes and opened my lips. 

“I don’t know if I can be comfortable in this situation… I’ll try.” 

It was only three days ago that I said that.

“Hahahah, Miss Pernia, you’re so funny.”

“How are you so good at small talk? Everything you say makes me laugh so much.” 

“Haha. I laughed so hard that my eyes got bigger.”

What is this adaptability of mine?

Lucian went to battle with the soldiers and it was difficult to see him afterwards. I had to stay inside with the ladies, and the women in the castle were very interested in noble ladies from the capital. 

So it’s inevitable that I became a rising star. 

Baroness Alicia, who has a very low laughter tolerance, said, wiping tears around her eyes with a handkerchief. 

“You’re good with words, elegant, confident, and beautiful. Ladies in the capital are truly different from us.” 

The ongoing praise unknowingly loosened my face.

“Hehe. I’m not that amazing.”

The baroness and her two daughters said with bright eyes. 

“Do you put on makeup yourself?”” 


“It’s really pretty. Is this makeup really popular in the capital?”

“It’s my preference, but sometimes, this style is really popular.” 

The Baroness and her two daughters exclaimed.

I answered humbly. However, the baroness and her two daughters always responded in amazement. 

How to put on makeup or what kind of cosmetics to use. They were very interested in hearing about trends in the capital.

Their interest stimulated my ambition that I had been suppressing for days. 

I looked at them and said. 

“Do you want me to do your makeup?” 


Far away, your daughter, Pernia, is opening her second makeup shop. 

* * * 

For the imperial soldiers, the war zone was a scary place.

The soldiers were unfamiliar with the climate, topography, and plants and this place is also home to vicious monsters. 

Meanwhile, their enemy were locals here who know the terrain better than anyone else, so there was no reason not to be afraid. 

Nevertheless, the soldiers’ eyes were hopeful. 

Because they had Lucian.

Lucian was patrolling the camp. 

“You’re seriously injured. Don’t try to fight it and go to the back. If you leave it like this, the wound will get infected and it’ll worsen.” 

“Yes sir!” 

The soldier, who got Lucian’s attention, nodded his head with thrill. 

Lucian was a benevolent commander who took care of even the lowest-ranking soldiers. Yet he was supremely valiant on the battlefield. 

‘So how can they not respect him?’

Paul, Lucian’s aide, looked at Lucian with a pleased face. 

However, Paul’s face darkened at Lucian’s next words. 

“I’ll return to the castle for a while.” 

Ordinary generals tend to be more comfortable in the castle, but not Lucian. 

Lucian always used to share every move with the soldiers. 

But not in this battle. 

Lucian returned to the castle every day, despite the prepared barracks. Even on days when the situation was not in their favor, he always stopped by the castle once a day. 

Rather, it would have been understandable if he had an unavoidable reason to go to the castle or it was so he could rest comfortably. 

However, Lucian visited the castle every day only because of Pernia. Knowing this, Paul did not have a good feeling.

However, he did not reveal this.

Because he knows how much Lucian values Pernia… 

Lucian said to Paul, who had been calmly prepping a horse for today’s mission. 

“I’ll just go see her for a while, so let the meeting proceed as scheduled.” 


As Lucian mounted the horse, a sarcastic voice was heard. 

“Wow, are you going again today? Anyone who sees this would think that the castle was coated with honey.”

It was Kuhn. 

Kuhn’s white robe had blood stains on it, perhaps from treating soldiers.

Lucian ignored Kuhn and passed by him. Kuhn continued to speak from behind. 

“But you know what? You look really happy.” 


“Don’t you think it’s great that Pernia followed you all the way here?”

The horse that was riding Lucian stopped walking. Lucian slowly turned his head towards Kuhn.

“What are you talking about?” 

Kuhn giggled as if this was fun. 

“You were really upset, weren’t you, since Pernia said she couldn’t go with you. Then, she cleaned up her shop and came with you. Besides, everyone here is a stranger to her, and she has no one to turn to buy you, isn’t that exciting?” 

“… No, I wasn’t. That can’t be true.” 

However, contrary to his answer, Lucian’s voice was shaking. 

Like he was forcing out words that are not true. 

Kuhn eventually burst into laughter. 

‘I thought he would have changed since he’s in a serious relationship now, but he hasn’t at all. Kardien, you’re the same as before. You look as big as a bear, but you’re actually just like a little child inside.’ 

Kuhn told Lucian. 

“Relax. Pernia came all the way here because of the emperor, not you.”

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