“No one knows how much I truly care about Lucian. I chose a young commoner, whose origin was unknown, as my army general and sent him to the battlefield, and never ceded my effort to take him as one of my people. But he betrayed me, right when I really needed him.” 

His seething anger sent chills to my body. My body trembled unconsciously.

The emperor’s anger did not fade as I stayed silent. His fierce eyes faced me.

“Did you ask Lucian? Why he disobeyed Your Majesty when you needed him the most? What did he say?” 


He couldn’t answer. 

Why did Lucian oppose the emperor who’s radiating a great amount of anger? 

I shook my head at the thought.

‘He must have a reason.’ 

But as usual, the reason for Lucian’s actions was… me. 

“It’s because of you, Pernia.” 


“Lucian said he couldn’t leave you. Even if it’s only for a very short time.” 

The emperor’s beautiful face twisted. He said as he wrapped his forehead around his head, exasperated. 

“He betrayed me for such a silly reason. Doing so simultaneously means he is betraying my people.” 

After a while, the emperor let out a long sigh. When he looked up afterwards, the emperor’s face was calm. 

As if he had let go of his immense anger inside. 

The emperor said. 

“I do wish to slit Lucian’s neck if I could, but what I need now is not his head, but his strength. So Pernia, please. Convince him.” 

And that is the cruelest and scariest request one could receive. 

* * * 

Shortly after the emperor’s visit, Lucian came to see me.

Lucian entered the store with an abundance of sweet cakes in his hands as usual. 

“You said you wanted to eat Sharips’ peach cake, right? I also bought tea that’s known to go well with peach cake.” 

Lucian’s face showed no sign of anguish or distress. As if everything I heard from the emperor were lies. 

I told Lucian, who was taking out the cake on the table. 

“I heard the situation at the war zone is serious.”


Lucian froze and looked at me. When I saw his shocked face, I sighed. 

The emperor was not lying. 

Lucian asked with a flustered face. 

“Where did you hear that?” 

“That’s not important. What I’m curious about is what Lucian thinks.” 

“What I think?” 

“Yes. What do you think about the situation there?” 

I needed to confirm Lucian’s intention. 

Whether he really doesn’t want to go there because of me or because he just doesn’t want to go to dangerous places anymore. 

He is a famous figurehead, but he may not want to go to dangerous places anymore. 

‘If that’s the case, I won’t persuade him no matter how much His Majesty begs me.’

But Lucian said with downcast eyes. 

“…I sincerely hoped that the area would become peaceful after fighting there for the past three years. I thought peace had finally come, but to hear that the rebellion broke out again… It pains me to think of all the people dying at this moment.” 

I swallowed my saliva and said. 

“… Does that mean you want to go?” 

Lucian hesitated to answer. After a while, he said. 


“You said the rebellion makes you sad.” 

Lucian said to me. 

“But you won’t be with me.” 

I stopped breathing for a moment. 

The emperor was right. 

It was only because of me that Lucian made such a choice. 

I looked at Lucian with trembling eyes. 

His red eyes looking at me shined clearly and beautifully. At the same time, it looked painful and dangerous. 

I remembered the emperor’s words. 

[Persuade Lucian. Pernia, if you don’t succeed, Lucian will lose everything. He will lose my trust, he will be ridiculed by the nobles who despise him, and he will be criticized by the soldiers and commoners who respected him. Now, it would be quite difficult to face all that, right? For Lucian, and you too.] 

I couldn’t just let him be dumped into that hell.

I knew how hard he worked to get to where he is now. 

I closed and opened my eyes. And I said with a troubled face. 

“Lucian, if the reason you’re not going there is because of me… Let’s go together.” 


“Let’s go to the war zone together.” 


This is the only way I can convince him. 

Lucian shook his head. 

“There’s no reason for you to go to such a dangerous place.” 

“You can protect me.” 

“But… You said this place is precious to you. You can’t go with me.” 

“Things are different now.” 

We made eye contact. Feeling my resolve, Lucian eventually nodded. 


Lucian hugged me with mixed feelings. He whispered in a low voice. 

“Let’s go together, Nia.” 

I hope… 

I hope it was just my imagination sensing the little joy in his voice.

* * * 

Lucian told the emperor that he was leaving for the war zone. The emperor hurriedly deployed the army with great joy. 

I was also busy.

I sent an apology letter to the customers who made the reservation stating that the shop was closed due to unavoidable circumstances. 

I told my father, too. 

“Father, I’m leaving for the war zone with Lucian.” 

My father shouted with horror. 

“What are you talking about, Pernia?! Why are you going to a place where barbarians roam free? You can’t go!” 

This reaction is completely different from how he usually cheers me on for whatever I do.

I tried to speak in a light tone. 

“Don’t worry, father. I won’t be in much danger since the soldiers will protect me. His Majesty also said that he would carefully select escorts for me.” 

“But the battlefield is still a battlefield. If you really want to go, I’ll go too. Let’s go holding hands!”

To be honest, I was a little touched that a person who couldn’t even hold a sword because he’s scared of a lot of things would offer to go with me. 

I said, hiding the few teardrops that spilled. 

“Father, you have work to do while I’m gone.” 

It was me who chose to go with Lucian, but it was the emperor who forced me to make that choice. 

Did he feel sorry? Or was it to return the favor?

The emperor entrusted the Lilac family with a water maintenance project. 

I whispered to my father. 

“His Majesty is openly pushing the Lilac family. This opportunity won’t come again. So give it your all and press down on the noses of the families who disregarded us.” 

I comforted my father with that. 

Afterwards, I headed to the shop. 

Lucian said we would not be able to return for a month, at the shortest, up to three months. 

Looking at the desolate store, I smiled bitterly. 

This is very unfortunate, but it’s okay. 

It’s not like I’m closing the shop forever.

I’m just on a short break. 

“I’ll be back.”

I said goodbye and hung a sign over the closed door. 


I locked the door and left the shop, and at this moment, a face I didn’t want to see appeared. 

It was Kuhn. 

“I heard you’ll be going with Kardien.” 

I scowled.

What is he trying to insinuate, bringing that up? 

Is he trying to ridicule me, judging me for being blinded by love and following my loved one to the war zone without any regard to the dangers? 

However, Kuhn said something unexpected. 

“The emperor threatened you, didn’t he?


I tried not to react as much as possible, but Kuhn clicked his tongue. 

“Ha, that bastard emperor. I’ve just cured his illness, and he’s already using the new energy he gained. I’m afraid he’ll get sick again if he continues this.” 

Great! Make it so he can’t get out of bed! 

I barely held back what I wanted to shout. 

I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 

“How did you know? Is there a rumor going around?” 

I didn’t want everyone to think that something occured between the emperor and me. 

Fortunately, Kuhn shook his head. 

“No. I just figured it out with my own wit.” 

“That’s a relief.” 

I passed by Kuhn, answering him primly. Kuhn followed me and asked, 

“Aren’t you angry?”


“It wasn’t your own will to follow Kardien. The emperor threatened you, and Kardien wouldn’t yield his greed.” 


“I would be annoyed and refused if I were caught in the middle of those two.” 

“… I’m not really angry. Because my heart is as wide as the ocean.” 

“Do you know what they call that kind of person?” 

“An angel?” 

“No, a pushover.” 

“Like your face?” 

Kuhn cursed.

That’s what you get for trying to test me.

Kuhn continued to speak from behind my back. 

“Alright. So tere’s no need to stop him from doing stupid things simply because he likes you. But how long do you think he can go on like that?” 


“This won’t be the first time. Kardien will try to tie you up more and more. To the point where one day you won’t be able to handle it.” 

Hearing him asperse our future, I turned around and shouted. 

“Can you quit judging us like you know everything? My love for him is greater than you think!” 

Kuhn smiled mischievously.

“You’re confident. Well, we’ll see how that goes.” 

What do you mean we’ll see? 

I don’t want to see your face ever again so I’m leaving! 

* * *

The day has come when Lucian’s army is dispatched. 

There were a tremendous number of soldiers. 

I felt the emperor’s determination to resolve the conflict in the war zone. 

Lucian is on a huge white horse spotted right in the center of the army, followed by a carriage where I stay. 

I was amazed to see Lucian commanding the soldiers in his silver armor, but soon, an upset expression formed on my face. 


Kuhn waved at me from next to the carriage.

‘Why is he here?’ 

Kuhn quit his job as the emperor’s doctor yesterday. 

[The emperor is close to being fully recovered, meaning it’s time for me to leave. Healthy patients are no fun.] 

With that said, Kuhn asked the emperor for permission to join the army. 

Lucian didn’t like Kuhn, but he couldn’t stop him. 

Because Kuhn was the emperor’s savior. 

What my father said before I left the mansion came to mind. 

My father, who had cried all night, spoke to me with swollen eyes. 

[Make sure to eat Pernia. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Never do what you’re told not to do, and if you’re in a dangerous situation, don’t look back and run away, and don’t glare at the enemy even if they were rude. Honestly, you have a great pair of fierce eyes. What if someone shoots you because of your eyes?]

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