The All-League of Legends Starts From the Heavens

Chapter 171: Magic creations and little jokes~

Xiu Yin returned to the video store with Billy the Butcher.

Seeing the cold invisible man lying on the ground, Billy kicked the crumbled shelf next to him angrily, and then uttered a foul language.


Then, he anxiously walked back and forth in the store.

Suddenly he stopped, pointed at Xiu Yin's nose and warned, "He has a tracker on him, if you don't want the police and the Seven to come to you, just listen to me!"

However, Xiu Yin obviously didn't understand the situation: "I didn't kill people, why should I run away."

"There is surveillance in the store, can't you just show them the surveillance?"

The butcher sneered: "What happened after your girlfriend died, did you forget it so quickly?"

"Or, you want to taste the taste of Cyclops from the motherland."

Looking at the apparently panicked salesman, he continued, "If you want to survive, just do as I say."

"I'm going to drive now, take care of the corpse, and don't let anyone find out before I come back!"

Xiu Yin, who understood the seriousness of the matter, nodded hastily, expressing his willingness to follow the instructions.

After the butcher left, he immediately closed the door of the video store, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, Xiu Yin suddenly felt that the playing cards on his chest began to heat up.

He screamed in pain and took it out immediately.

Strangely, the temperature of the poker returned to normal as soon as he got it in his hand. It seemed that the change just now was mainly to remind him.

On the playing cards, words slowly appeared in the blank space below the clown image.

"Huo Yin, my dear friend, don't forget our previous agreement."

"It's already zero o'clock, which means you have nine days left before the deadline, so hurry up~"

"Good-hearted Sacco, yours!"

Then, a simple but very expressive smiling face appeared on the playing cards.

Ruo Ruo's laughter lingered in Xiu Yin's ears, but he was not happy at all at this time.

Sure enough, trading with the devil is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

Mingming Xiuyin meant to catch Starlight within ten days from tomorrow, but because he didn't make it clear, he was caught by the devil, and the deadline was inexplicably shortened by one day.

And he doesn't have a clue as to how to catch a superhero who is high above the ground.

After all, it's only been a few hours since the incident, and he can think of a good way to have a ghost.

The poker card was like a talisman, which made Xiu Yin tremble with fear, but he didn't dare to throw it away, so he could only put it back into his pocket obediently.

Suddenly, a hurried knock on the door broke the silence of the video store.

Xiu Yin's face turned pale, and he stammered and asked, "Who... Who is it!"

The butcher Billy, who was driving back from the door, replied angrily, "It's me, open the door quickly, don't go to that mother-in-law!"

The voice was very irritable and very impolite, but it made Xiu Yin extremely reassured. Fortunately, it was not the police or anyone else.

Then he slowed down his quick breathing and opened the locked door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, the butcher scolded him with a face covering his face: "Are you looking for death? Why do you lock the door!"

"Knowing that we are short of time, we are still wasting time here, get out!"

After that, he pushed the confused salesman away, walked behind him and lifted the invisible man's body, and then scolded:

"What are you still doing, why don't you come and help?"

"Oh." Xiu Yin quickly stepped forward and carried the body to the trunk of a dilapidated sedan with the butcher.

A few minutes later, the two of them got into the car, and the butcher kicked the accelerator and carried him.

Xiu Yin knew that this time he was on a pirate ship, but there was no other way.

After the car drove a certain distance, the butcher seemed to feel that it was safe, and his attitude towards Xiu Yin was no longer as bad as before.

Instead, he took the initiative to talk about his own affairs.

He said that he used to be a regular employee of the FBI, but left there for some reason, and now he is self-employed.

To be more precise, it is to do some shady private work.

Butcher Billy's openness made the atmosphere in the car less solemn, and Xiu Yin also took the initiative to ask where they were going.

The butcher simply explained it to him.

The invisible human body has a location tracker implanted by the Water Company. If it is missing for too long, the Water Company will definitely send someone to look for it.

tomato novel

By then, the two of them will be in trouble.

So, the two of them are now going to a friend of the butcher, either to get rid of the invisible man's body, or to get the tracker out.

Suddenly, Xiu Yin nodded and said nothing.

At this time, the butcher was interested. He had just checked the body. The cause of death of the invisible man should be poisoning and hemorrhage caused by the kidney pierced by a sharp object.

But ordinary cold weapons can't cause damage to the carbon skin on his body at all.

So full of doubts, he asked Xiu Yin what was going on.

The salesperson's mind is still a mess, and he doesn't know what's going on. He can only rely on his previous memories and slowly open his mouth: "It's magic."

"Anyway, that's what the monster who killed the Invisible Man said."

Hearing this answer, the butcher hesitated for a while before replying: "Okay, what is the specific situation, let's talk about it in detail when we go back."

Having said that, he actually didn't believe what Huo Yin said at all.

What kind of magic, that is something that does not exist at all, this is obviously a weapon made of some new material.

And it is very likely that it was specially developed to deal with this group of superheroes.

After all, superheroes with copper skin and iron bones and invulnerability are more than invisible Is there any other person or organization that wants to deal with these superheroes besides him?

Thinking of this, the butcher's eyes were a little hot, it would be nice to give him a weapon like this.

Maybe try to get in touch with these people and see if you can get special weapons against superheroes from their hands.

So, the butcher asked side by side, "Did you leave any contact information for the strange-looking person you mentioned?"

When Xiu Yin heard this, he subconsciously covered his chest pocket and said unnaturally, "No, he left after killing the invisible man."

"I never spoke to him."

Billy the butcher saw this obviously unselfish action, but he didn't act rashly.

The current salesperson is still a bit unrealistic and delusional, but when he arrives at the destination, he can't help it.

The butcher let out a sneer and said nothing.

And Xiu Yin only dared to stare at the windshield in front of him because he had a ghost in his heart, but he didn't notice his gloomy expression at all.

The car fell silent again.

On the other side, Lu Wu, who was wandering aimlessly in the city, came to a pier.

There are a lot of Water Company staff here, who are building the scene overnight.

I heard from one of the supervisor-like people that two of the Super Seven will be conducting a patrol operation here soon.

By the way, hit a few little thieves who accidentally hit the muzzle of the gun.

Of course, these little thieves were pre-arranged and disguised by the staff.

Seeing this, Lu Wu's gray and smooth face showed a strange smile, and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

He suddenly wanted to play a small joke with the Super Seven...

------off topic-----

come, come~

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