"Of course, I'm a well-behaved killer. As long as the employer asks, I can definitely help you."

"The premise is that you can pay me enough."

Lu Wu let go of Xiu Yin's hand and continued happily, "lady, tell me your name."

"You look like a big client!"

"Hueyin, Hueyin Campbell." The salesman rubbed his aching palms and said slightly restrainedly, "You can just call me Hueyin."

"Okay, Xiu Yin." Lu Wu approached suddenly and said in a tempting voice, "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Staring at the gray face and the mysterious red eyes in front of him, Xiu Yin almost fainted from fright, and said tremblingly, "Kill...kill, help me kill someone."

Lu Wu, who showed a curious expression, said meaningfully: "Oh, who is it?"

Xiu Yin was a little hesitant at this moment, but when he thought of his girlfriend's tragic condition, he immediately said firmly, "Lokomotiv!"

"The locomotive that belongs to the same group of seven as the Invisible Man."

"Superhero?" Lu Wu asked knowingly.

"Yes!" The gentle salesperson became more and more emotional at this time: "He killed my girlfriend, I will make him pay the price!"

"That afternoon, I just came out of the store..."

Xiu Yin wanted to explain the reason for killing him, but was ruthlessly interrupted by the gray-white demon: "Stop, stop, stop!"

"I'm a killer, not a psychiatrist. If you want to complain, please find someone else."

In fact, Lu Wu, who knows the plot, knows the reason why Xiu Yin wanted to kill, and he can explain it clearly in a few words.

The speeder locomotive, for some reason, accidentally killed his girlfriend.

Afterwards, he successfully avoided legal sanctions by using the identity of the superhero and the capital behind it.

So, Xiu Yin, who wanted revenge but didn't have the ability, hated the locomotive deeply.

This is the sadness of ordinary people living in a world with extraordinary power, and there seems to be no other way than to obey.

However, Xiu Yin obviously chose another way to resist.

As a result, he was almost killed by an invisible man just now.

Lu Wu doesn't intend to make too many comments on this kind of person who dares to challenge power. He just wants to do his own thing well, so he continues:

"What I care more about is, what are you going to use to hire me?"

"Your life, Huo Yin?"

The salesperson hurriedly waved his hand: "No no no, I can go collect the money."

"300,000, right, give me a little time, I'll definitely be able to get it."

Lu Wu looked at his cheap street stalls, didn't agree, but curled his lips and said, "When will you settle the final payment this time?"

Then, he tapped the position of Xiu Yin's heart with sharp fingers, and continued: "Remember, you only have ten days."

"Don't try to default on your debts, I'll be watching you all the time, dear Huo Yin~"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Wu disappeared, leaving only a faint cloud of smoke in place.

The salesperson, who was completely relaxed, sat on the ground with both legs limp.

Afterwards, clutching his aching chest, panting heavily, his heart was filled with the happiness of the rest of his life.

The sense of oppression brought by the gray-white demon was too strong.

After a while, Xiu Yin finally calmed down and laughed at himself.

Unexpectedly, people like him would actually buy murder and kill people, and still make a deal with a demon.

After regaining a little strength, Xiu Yin struggled to get up.

He is going to go to the hospital now. He was thrown around by an invisible man just now, and his back hurts a lot. It seems that something is wrong.

Just as he was getting up, a card suddenly slipped out of his shirt pocket.

Xiu Yin picked it up and saw that it was the big ghost in poker.

On the back of the playing card, there was a name written crookedly in red handwriting.



The salesperson subconsciously read it out, and then heard a strange snicker in his ears.

Looking at the picture of the clown who was also laughing arrogantly on the playing cards in his hand, he already understood who left it.

Putting it back in his pocket nervously, Xiu Yin supported his nearly broken waist and walked out of the video store slowly.

As a result, within a few steps, he met the person he was the least likely to see right now.

Immediately turned around and walked away in the opposite direction. Xiu Yining would not go to the hospital, nor did he want to have any more communication with this person.

The man's name was Billy Butcher, or just the butcher.

Strong and burly, with a ferocious face, short-tempered, and indeed like a butcher in temperament.

Claiming to be a CIA agent, Heo-yoon is skeptical of his identity, especially after what happened today.

Just a few days ago, this man came to the door and said that he could help Xiu Yin get justice.

Then let the ignorant salesman go to the headquarters of the Super Seven to install eavesdropping equipment on the grounds of reconciling with the locomotive.

Xiu Yin was dazzled by hatred at the time, and this butcher was really good at manipulating people's minds, so he went silly.

Unexpectedly, during the placement process, the invisible person inadvertently saw what happened tonight.

This caused Huo Yin, and now completely lost the trust of Billy.

As for the butcher Billy, he didn't know what happened. He came to Xiu Yin tonight for something, but because of his appearance, he was stopped and questioned for a long time when he was passing by a bank.

It took a long time to get out.

According to passers-by who were also stopped, there was a very tragic robbery at this bank a few hours ago.

After finally going through the inspection, he came to the video store where Xiu Yin was, and saw him hurried out of the store.

So Billy the Butcher hurriedly shouted, "Hey, boy!"

"Stop, it's me!"

Unexpectedly ~www.readwn.com~ Huo Yin walked faster when he heard the voice.

When the butcher saw this, he took a big step, chased after him in a few steps, and then stretched out his hand to grab it.

"Boy, what are you running for!"

The salesperson was a little afraid of this grumpy man, so he quickly found a reason to prevaricate: "Let me go, didn't you see that I was hurt?"

"I'm going to the hospital now!"

After speaking, he broke free from the butcher's hands.

Xiu Yin, who had already made a contract with a certain demon, is now less interested in joining the butcher's team than before.

That strange creature named Sacco was obviously far stronger than Billy the Butcher.

Regarding the excuse of Xiu Yin's injury, the butcher was very keen to feel that there was something tricky, and he even began to wonder if Xiu Yin had betrayed him and fell to the side of the Super Seven.

So he pushed Xiu Yin to the wall next to him, grabbed his throat, and said viciously, "Are you hiding something from me!"

"Come on, or I'll kill you today!"

Good boy Xiu Yin wants to cry but has no tears, what happened to him today!

Why is everyone threatening his life, can't there be another reason?

But I think so, under the crisis of life and death, Xiu Yin still told the story of the invisible man coming to kill him at night.

The part of hiring demons was naturally concealed by him, and he just said that the invisible man was killed and the murderer ran away.

Then he continued to talk at length, citing scriptures and saying a bunch of messy things in an attempt to divert the butcher's attention.

Who knows, the butcher caught the key all of a sudden: "The invisible man is dead?"

"Where is his body, take me there!"

------off topic-----

Sorry, sorry, my good friend got married today and got drunk.

The next chapter will come later~

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