That Ordinary Mister is a War God

114. Struggle against greed

A big fist of red greed is rolled out at the chest of the fighting god.

He cut out his left arm and covered it.

The cage hand part makes a noise and smashes and scatters, and severe shock and pain strikes him.

"Gu... my cage hand made of diamond..."

Fighting gods are also spiritually shocked.

Gold diamonds are one of the most popular and rugged metals in the first-tier fierce.

In terms of strength and rarity, it is the fourth place after the legend, the divine steel, the star steel, the illusion, and the scarlet steel.

Being able to align the rigid stone weapons was in itself a special proof that he was also convinced that he was special.

"Me! Ghostly!

If you think calmly, you should retreat, get ready and gather your people before you try again.

But the fighting gods were not such a special character.

against ghosts who have shattered their confidence.

"[SuperSword] [Ultra Body]"

He strengthens his weapons and physical abilities and challenges ghosts again.

Apparently this was an out-of-count thing for ghosts, delaying their response for a moment.

The fighting god only has one hand with that gap, aiming at the right shoulder of the ghost and releasing a slash.

Red greedy tried to stop it with his right arm.

But now the sword of the fighting god slashes and rips its arms off.


Red greedy kicked up the left arm of the fighting god with his leg as he raised his scream.


The broken arm can't withstand the ghost attack, and the tip breaks off the elbow and flies.

Ghosts fly backwards without coming after us.


The fighting god, who unleashed a blow all over his body, is heavily drained and breathing on his shoulders.

Still, with all the last will, I glanced at the red greedy.

Red greedy Frucht, slashed first off his right elbow, is hitting him with a gaze mixed with anger and hatred.

The stare between those who lost ahead of each other from one elbow eventually ended when the red greedy showed his back and ran into the woods.

"To, escaped...?

That's how the fighting gods interpret it.

Red greedy people unrelated to crappy pride just quickly decided to retreat when they got an unexpected counterattack.

It is a man named him who interprets it in his own convenience.

"Have you feared me... my victory"

Though he lost his left hand, his claim is that he won because the alias escaped.

"You're such a fierce man to take your left hand from me."

He does not try to inform the small countries immediately.

I was full of thinking about theoretical arming to see how I could not hurt my honor.

Fortunately for all that, the Red Greedy Frucht comes to a place where there is a residence.

Red greedy Frucht can also regenerate his arms if he eats and recovers health in large quantities.

At the time of his escape, the victory of the fighting god disappeared as well, so much so that it can be said that the substance is the victory of the red greedy Frucht.

But it will never be known to the public.

Because where the red greedy Frucht tried to move for a meal, his whole body had evaporated wrapped up in a fierce column of light.

"Red Greedy Frucht, Crusade Complete"

"Yes, we have confirmed."

Bartolomeus is the man who wiped out the red greedy in the attack of light.

And next to his left stood a gentleman in a black jacket in a grey hat about forty years old.

"Thank you Bartolomeus for your cooperation."

The gentleman takes off his hat and finally bows down towards Bal.

"Your Majesty ordered me to respond to your request. I don't thank you."

That's what he replied.

"Then thank His Majesty the Emperor for ordering you to march."

The gentleman corrects with a grin.

"Success rewards will be paid later. I'm glad you believe me."

"Oh. Your country thinks the merchant countries can be trusted in that regard"

"It's an honor. Then I beg your pardon."

The gentleman from the merchant country once again thanked Bal and disappeared using the magic equipment of metastatic magic.

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