That Ordinary Mister is a War God

113. The Kingdom's God of Struggle

Fighting gods embark on the exorcism of "Red Greedy Fulcht” with exasperation.

(When you have an alias, you're not afraid enough)

This is not the first time he has exorcised an alias.

That's why I was so confident.

Even when it comes to having aliases, they vary in strength and type.

(You can't be caught off guard if the first adventurer party is the one who lost, but it's more like the second party is the one who lost)

The vigilance that even first-degree adventurers might not change the outcome was not in the fighting gods.

He flies with metamagic to the castles of the small capitals and tells arrogantly the soldiers of the noisy watchdog.

"I am the god of the struggle of the sixteen-pillar jewels of the kingdom. At the request of your country, I came to destroy the Red Greeds. Let me see the Duke."

Too much to tell, the soldiers learned their anger, but the kingdom is not a good opponent for a small country to defy.

Reply barely polite with hands trembling at remorse.

"It is with unwanted joy that we have the people of XVI Pillar Jie. Please wait in the reception room as we will now run the next person."

"You're not handy. Well, it would be harsh to tell a small country in the countryside to observe the courtesy of their big opponents. I'm generous. I send you with special forgiveness."

Fighting gods were eye-catching stories from above everywhere.

"You're a nasty bitch," he says when he can stroke the samurai's ass to guide him and scream.

After he left, the soldiers grabbed on to their bosses in anger.

"What the hell is that? He!

My boss's soldier chief exhales with a distressed face.

"It's the strongest corner of the kingdom's power. If you make me angry, this country will be crushed in no time"

"That's why..."

The soldiers bite their teeth with regret.

In fact, the national power of a small country cannot challenge a kingdom or anything like that.

The kingdom can form a hundred thousand great armies, whereas the question is whether this country will reach a thousand.

It will not be a battle from the beginning.

"And did you see his gear? Everything is diamond."

"Rigid stone..."

My men were stunned by the words of the soldier chief.

Rigid stones are top notch popular metals, but they are rare and expensive.

It is an ingredient of rank that no one in a small country has.

"... if we had more power, we wouldn't have to ask that guy"

"Why did His Excellency rely on the kingdom? I wish I could have asked the Empire to do it anyway."

Still, dissatisfaction cannot be suppressed.

No matter how much gear you have, the contents suck.

One soldier mourns, and the soldier chief lowers his voice and puts him down.

"Shit. The kingdom is eyeing the empire anyway. If they find out they've relied on the Empire, that's all our country will stand in distress at once"

"... why is this country next to the kingdom"

The soldiers cursed the lack of luck in their country.

You could have relied on the empire without any worries if you were away from the kingdom and near the empire.

I couldn't help but think so.

The fighting gods receive hospitality in the castle, mocking their disgust.

No matter how arrogant he was, the reward did not change only in that it was after success.

I was in the mood to drink expensive liquor instead of paying in advance, eat lavish meals and entertain the beauties, "if for the people," the main duke of the small country endured.

He also endured the disgrace of treating his wife and daughter as mistresses.

When he saw the duke, his ministers also managed to do so "because His Excellency the Duke is enduring".

If a small country had more power, there might have been a war with the kingdom.

It was not until the next morning, when the sun rose high, that the fighting god, who did all he wanted to do, headed for the demonic exorcism.

The little ones are going to drop him off on his back.

I didn't expect you to lose.

Because we are in trouble.

What they thought was, "Get in touch with the red greedy".

Arriving at the spot where the red greedy Frucht emerges, the fighting god is attacked by an unpleasant hunch that his skin will tingle.

(You're out)

As the fighting god pulled out his sword, the sky or a giant red ghost descended.

I guess he jumped over from behind the woods.

Is that the place where physical ability beyond human common sense is a ghost?

"Human, human, eating, eating"

Frucht pounds out his nitanita and laughing white teeth as he turns his golden eyes.

It was clear that I only thought of fighting gods as new food.

"You're being rude when you're a lousy ghost. Know who you are! [Supersword]"

Fighting gods activate the magic that they grant to their swords.

One of the higher sorceries increases the sharpness, endurance of the sword and gives it the effect of breaking through physical attack resistance.

Even when he sees a sword that emits a blue-white light, the red ghost named Fulcman only laughs at Nitanita.

I guess the ghosts who have returned so many humans, adventurers, just felt "prey does something similar all the time".

"I can't tell the difference between me and an elephant. Is that a ghost intelligence?"

The fighting god laughs confidently.

"[Fierce lightning]"

The first step is a pre-emptive attack with magic.

[Fierce lightning] is a high magic of thunder that shoots five to dozens of thunder spears depending on the power of the surgeon.

The number of shots fired out by the fighting gods was twenty-five, and they were well controlled.

Of course the Auga, a blow so intense that even the Troll ashes it hits Fulcht directly.

But Fulcht, instead of becoming ash, endured, roaring and poking at him.

"Shit, you have an alias for a miscellaneous fish."

Fighting gods don't run away, they kick the earth and pack the distance from themselves.

If a person saw the sight that moved to the right side of Fulcht in a flash, they would have mistaken it for metastatic magic.

However, this is a technique called [shrinkage].

He brilliantly uses only a few of the best samurai supposedly have access to higher technology.

And cut it with a sword fortified with grant magic.

His style of combat was that of a demon warrior who fights using higher technology in combination with higher magic.


The fighting god confirms his victory just before his sword touches the neck of Fulcman.

But the next moment, the sword got caught in the skin of a ghost.


I'm surprised he's got a full human arm swinging.

One hair at a time, although he flew back and avoided, a few pieces of hair fell apart.

"The ghosts endured my slaughter."

I think the fighting god is such an idiot.

Even with an alias, there couldn't have been an enemy of his.

He was supposed to be the most powerful warrior on the continent and not the number of things such as the Imperial Yagami Fai.

His confidence makes a loud noise and shatters.


Red greedy Frucht barks at him for stiffness and penetrates.

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