That Ordinary Mister is a War God

110. Inaugural General Ouvé

"I thought my service was over... but I didn't know there was anything left to do"

An old man with a white beard and a mustache crumbles in front of the Knights' garrison.

Wrinkles everywhere, but the spine is still firmly stretched, and the footprint is certain, and the green eye has the power to make tension strong on those who see sharply.

It was once on the General's throne, and it was Wouve, who took the alias.

All his former men, who had seen him, stretch their spines and greet the tension with an indelible face.

"Is Weinverger here?

"Ha. This way, please."

Do not imitate that the opponent only has the opponent and the knight on his stand also makes him wait, but let him go through.

If it's true, someone should run and let them know, but no one came up with it.

Some of them young men don't know Woové's face, and they curiously snap at senior knights.

"Who the hell is that guy?

I could have predicted that someone who knew the old man's face was nervous, so I guess he wasn't the majority.

But that was all it was.

"That's my predecessor, General Ouvé."


The young man voiced unexpectedly and hurriedly pressed his mouth with both hands.

It was a serious ugliness in the regular knight, but the senior knight never tries to blame it.

"That's General Ouvé."

"That's right. That's General Ouvé."

The knights say each other with a cold look, even though it is not winter.

They are turning to look like citizens ready for an awesome storm.

When his men had such thoughts, Weinberger was quietly lost in a room addressed to the General.

Because it is no coincidence that Woové came at the time when he is here, who usually works for the castle.

A nervous voice reaches his ear along with a knock.

"General, if you'll excuse me. Master Ouvé is here right now. You said you wanted to see the general."

Let me through.

Weinberger wouldn't dare tell me not to be rude.

Because Wilhemina is the only one who knows about Woové and seems to be able to work disrespectfully on him.

And soon Ouvé will come.

"Long time no see, Davido"

Weinberger responded with a flattering prayer to Woové calling in his first name.

"Long time no see, Master Ouvé"

For Weinverger, Woové hits the mentor.

"You seem to have a reputation for working as a general."

"I'm afraid so."

His reverence for Ouvé is not just because nothing is predecessors.

"So why don't you see it from Master Ouvé?

"Not bad, but it's a theory of results. Isn't the consciousness of the knights slightly sweet? So much so that there was no knight to rush out to you as soon as he saw me. With such consciousness, can we fight in an emergency?

"... I have no words to return"

Weinberger hears Woové's point in awe.

He was tough enough to be called < > because he had a strong consciousness to always be prepared for the worst.

Weinberga understands that, and he has a consciousness that he is not as thorough as his mentor.

"Just an apology to your mouth?

Ouvé's eyes sharpened even sharper and Weinberger accidentally wanted to shrug his neck.

The mentor was not unreasonable, but the proper escape of words is a strict character that will never be tolerated.

"Immediately cleans up problems and strives to improve them"

"I'll come check it out once a month, so stay with me."

Weinberger was not surprised by Woové's words.

Because I could have expected it.

Instead, once a month, it was enough to say that I was gentler than I used to be.

"I'll just give you a tour for today"

"Yes, let me show someone around"


Weinberger thinks the re-enactment of Woové will tighten the air that was loose for the Knights.

(I'm sorry that's not all)

I couldn't help but think.

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