That Ordinary Mister is a War God

109. To Guilty Goddess Ville, Meena.

It is in the southern sea that Meena came at the request of the Emperor.

Because a massive herd of demons appeared in the sea.

"How many enemies?

"Yes, there is one Kraken King, ten Kraken Generals, and usually a hundred Krakens. About 2,000 other fish demons."

It is the Admiral of the Navy who is responding to the question, refraining next to her when she boards the ship.

"Sounds like you could call it Kraken's army."

She understood why she was called.

The navy of the Empire is not as strong as the Army, but it would still be about as good as the pirate exorcism before breakfast.

But Krakenking has first-degree equivalent, Kraken General has second-degree equivalent strength.

We will need enough power to defeat the aliases in order to eliminate them in the sea.

Even though they are troublesome alone, I don't know how much damage they usually do even with Kraken and fish demons.

"Were there any omens?

"Ha. Local fishermen said there were signs that Kraken was coming, but it was the first time Kraken King was here," he said.

"... I see"

Meena thinks it may be a new hand in enemy forces.

Did the Imperial Army, which is unrivalled in land warfare, also wonder what the nautical warfare was like?

Not bad for eyes.

(Is it about Baru, me, and Sidonier who can fight their opponents in the sea)

With ranged attacks, even underwater, few can satisfy the conditions even with Yagami Fai.

Actually, Guisel Hale also meets the conditions, but Meena hasn't let him in.

"I'm sorry right away"


Meena looks grumpy and the Marines are frightened.

The only reason she's in a bad mood is because of her less time with Bal, but they don't get it.

Many mistakenly assumed that they were unhappy that they had been summoned for each of Kraken's flocks.

Soon enough, if she hadn't been Yagami Fai, she would have been regarded as a grand language.

When the ship carrying her goes offshore, a massive amount of bubbles and loud noises appear and a giant red squid appears.


"Yes... human"

"Shh, did you talk?

The Marines gave a surprise, while Meena sighs.

"I can talk more or less about demons called kings. You haven't even learned to that extent?

"also, sorry"

She wanted to tongue the admiral, who apologizes shyly, but weighs herself in with Bal's face on the back of her brain.

"Then take advantage of this."

That's what I say. I turn back to Kraken.

"It's Kraken. What circumstances threaten us? If you're going home, you don't have to feel painful. Leave early."

What she sent out was a warning.

It was Bal's fault that she was so fierce and belligerent that she did not look beautiful enough to be considered a gem or art.

You don't have to kill each other if you can solve it with a discussion.

Bal's idea is something that afflicts her in understanding, but at the same time she wants to respect it as much as possible.

Besides, the emperor's request was to "get rid of the demons".

Driving them away in conversation does not violate orders.

"You have decided on your own territory. We came here to deny it and give you a hammer to be proud of. Strike despair in the rain of blood and beg forgiveness with sobbing."

Returning from Krakenking was an unmistakable amount of war and hostility.

The general soldiers trembled at the pressure, and the admiral swallows the babies.


Meena's reaction was short.

"If you want to see so much blood rain, I'll let it fall. Rain your blood."

"You little elves! Think of our power!

Krakenking shakes his tentacles violently and flies massive blisters.

Apparently that was the decree. The demons began to move forward simultaneously.

But their movement stops about a meter away.

"What are you doing!? Proceed!"

I don't know what's going on. Krakenking gives orders along with his anger.

But the demons don't move.

If you look closely, they are trying to move forward, but not at all.

"Phew... you fools"

When Meena said so, she lifted her supple right hand all the way up.

At the same time demons other than Krakenking are dragged out over the sea.

"Hih, hih... what, what's going on?

"What, I just restrained him with wind sorcery and held him up"

It wasn't to Krakenking that Meena explained, it was to the soldiers on her side who were flattered nearby.

"I see..."

Though the soldiers said so, they were not convinced.

(How far is it from here?... Wouldn't you need hundreds of magicians from the Ministry of Magic if you wanted to restrain all those demons!?

I think the Admiral.

By simple calculation, Meena means the power of hundreds of magicians selected by the Empire.

And it doesn't look like I'm doing it for the least bit.

"[Burning Formation]"

A huge wall of fire occurs along with her voice to burn down demons other than Krakenking.

"That's ritual magic..."

"Ritual magic is the one that takes dozens of leading magicians days to activate, right? To Ville, Master Meena is just a magic attack."

"Is there such a thing as just one attacking magic stronger than dozens of ritual magic...?

"Because it's possible, to Ville, Master Meena is Yagami Fai (Leviatain)."

Soldiers on my side were surprised by the overwhelming strength of Meena, and could only afford to talk.

Krakenking, who has become an enemy, doesn't either.


I finally understood that I had turned those whom I should not turn against my enemies.

"Yes, help me, help me because I was wrong, the battle will not produce anything!

The desperate less slippery tongue was getting better, but Meena's heart wouldn't be moved.

"Want what? The battle will create tragedy and tragedy."

She slashes and throws away cold.

Krakenking intuited when an emerald-like eye said "you're the next victim".

"Or I'm going home! Because I swear I will never bother you again!

"Whoever sees the power of an enemy and changes his attitude will change his attitude again if he thinks he has no more powerful enemies. You die here and now."

Not moving one eyebrow at the enemy's pathetic voice appeal, Meena burns and kills Krakenking.

"Su, wow..."

The soldiers somehow perceive why the Emperor sent Meena.

Although the Admiral had noticed, he says something else because he can't put it into words.

"I've often said that disputes only occur at the same level. It's like executing a sinner unilaterally, overwhelming strength... so to Ville, Lady Meena is called the Goddess of Sins."

His words, with plenty of realism, crept into the hearts of the soldiers.

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