"My name is Perek. It's flowing from the west."

and the old traveler names.

From the imperial capital, there is an elf country to the north, and the sea to the east and south.

In other words, travelers basically commonly come from the west, and Bal decides that Pelek did not seem to have introduced himself.

"Where were you before you came here?

"It's a group of urban countries. Prior to that, he was in the Holy Nation, and even more so in the Federation."

Pelek answered Bal's question like it was nothing.

A group of urban states literally means that one city has state-like autonomy and military power.

"An urban state... I'm not sure there. Why can't we attack anywhere?

Bal's acquaintance twisted his neck.

A similar relationship to the Federation, but not as binding as the Federation.

Nonetheless, besides the Empire, it seems strange that there is no connection with the Holy Nation, the Confederation while adjacent to it.

"It's going to be hard."

Perek responds instantly.

"It's like a buffer zone between big countries over there. If some invade, they will just unite, and other powers will be on guard. It doesn't taste good enough to be wary of the big countries."

The old man told me it was because there was no return commensurate with the risk.

"Is the only exception an empire? If the Empire is serious, it will be possible to kick back Federation and Holy Nation reinforcements and swallow a group of urban states."

"But the Empire won't do it."

Bal says cheerfully.

I can clearly state that the contemporary emperor is a man with no territorial ambitions or anything like that.

There was no reason for the empire to move if it was not to have problems that would not be solved unless it attacked the group of urban states.

While he is on the throne, or if something so special does not happen, the Imperial Army will not invade.

"Right. But the Kingdom of Gestern has been destroyed."

Pelek lowers his voice and speaks in awe.

"That was the story of my predecessor."

Bal becomes the face of having no choice.

The previous emperor said he was a bloody enthusiast.

He couldn't stand the skirmishes and power disputes that had lasted for years with the Kingdom of Gestern, and ordered Jurgen, who at the time was headed by Yagami Fai, to deploy.

As a result, it ends with the result that the great powers, which lasted hundreds of years, will perish.

That may have been a good idea as an empire, but anti-empire luck has increased throughout the continent.

Would it be more accurate to say that fear of Yagami Fai has increased too much?

Jürgen was too strong.

The hasty empire was a diligent diplomatic offensive and managed to avoid the deployment of Continental vs. Empire.

"You may win if you let all Yagami Fai out, but you can't rule if you win," is what the then Prime Minister said.

Pictorial affairs were also a good place, such as sending out personnel to govern the entire continent.

No matter how short-tempered and belligerent the previous emperor was, he was just reluctant to make much of the continent an area without a ruler.

"So that's why"

"Here's to a rational, hard-working imperial," Perek snapped to Bal's acquaintance's gesture.

And shake the glass and say.

"You've been taught to talk about information fees. I have to answer all kinds of questions for you."

"You're a disciplined man."

and Bal laughed, but didn't really believe it.

"Do you know anything unusual about this?

"I don't know if I'll live up to my expectations," Perek says in advance to his question.

"There seems to be some smelly movement in the Holy Nation. I don't know why, but the Chief of the Supreme Temple lost his leg or something."


The acquaintance reacted appropriately without knowing what it was about, but Bal wasn't.

As a glimmer of Yagami Fai, I know some things about the temple of the Holy Nation.

The Chief Temple of the Holy Nation will not resign unless he dies or becomes seriously ill.

Because no one wants to quit in an all-you-can-smoke job, it should be very rare to lose a leg.

It is, of course, information that no citizen living in the second class of the Empire can possibly know.

"Is it the smell of the Chief Temple losing his leg?

Bal asked Perek with the expression that he didn't know what it meant.

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