That Ordinary Mister is a War God

103. Rumors in Imperial Capital

"Did you hear that, Bal? They've sent a mission to make friends with the elves."

In a tavern in the second-class area of Teito, Bal was so spoken to by an acquaintance.

Nothing I know. Bal is one of the central beings, but he just shows surprise when he first hears about it.

"Oh, yeah. Will we get along with the Elf Country?

"I don't know, but an elf is strong, isn't it? Maybe we should stay close."

The acquaintance drinks the barley deliciously as he says so.

The waitress girl who brought them the dishes puts a plate on the table, while she enters the conversation.

"Uh, but we have Yagami Fai in our country, don't we have to freak out so much?

The man at the table next to me who heard about it came in one hand with a skewer grill.

"Right. All you have to do is tease him with Gatsun. Anyway, no one can beat God of Light."

"Isn't it too tough through the strong air?

Bal feels the inner danger while speaking out loud.

Yagami Fai is certainly strong, and I think that if we had ourselves, we could solve the problems that are forceful and solvable first.

But there are problems in the world that cannot be solved by force.

"Bal is weak. Isn't it because you haven't seen the God of Light destroy a whole bunch of demons in an instant?

"That was amazing, huh? If you think the sky's glowing, the next moment the demons are gone."

"Oh, yeah, you are"

and Bal nods.

I can't help but say that my mouth is torn that I did it.

Since the name Bal is common in empires, no one doubted his relationship with the God of War of Light.

"Your thoughts are dangerous."

It is one old man who has joined the conversation further.

"The idea that we can have more enemies is not a good idea because Yagami Fai is strong. I don't mind intimidating people who come in contact with me with hostility, but if they want to shake hands of friendship, they should normally just shake hands."

He was wearing an old brown hat and a traveler-like outfit with feathers woven in a udder dirty green coat.

"What is it, Grandpa? Are you weak, too?"

The old man slowly shakes his neck to the side when the skewered man tells him to hang up.

"If you're an enemy, you can hit him, but suddenly hitting someone who's not an enemy is barbarity. Didn't I?

Slowly teaching in calm physical hips did not create wonder and rebellion.

"Right. We're a civilized country. It would be embarrassing to do something like Holy Nation or Kingdom."

Bal's acquaintance agrees with me all the time, and the girls at the service pull back as convinced.

"That's right."

"I can't wait if they think I'm like them."

Nature and gathering dissolve, and Bal is interested in the old man.

Because I decided I was the owner of the talk and the air that I didn't think I was just a traveler.

"Old man, if you don't mind, could I offer you a drink as a sign of your closeness?"

When Bal speaks casually, the old man moves the table.

"I appreciate that. Anyway, it costs money because you're a traveler."

I said, but Bal honestly didn't believe it.

It won't be a lie to be a traveler, but the Empire will avoid it as much as possible if you care how much money it costs.

Not to mention the second-class area. It can't be close to the tavern.

There are many lodging units in Teito that offer cheaper accommodation plans when meals are included.

"Do you want some barley? Or is it wine?

"Hmm. Both are fine, but I'd like some rice wine here"

"I don't know about rice wine."

Bal admires the old man's taste.

Rice wine is wine made in a large island country to the east of the continent.

Because it is delicious but relies on imports from afar, the price is high and the common people are not very familiar with it.

"I thought there might be a store in Teito where you could drink rice wine, what do you think?

Bal thinks the old man is really a traveler because of the way he asked.

Because if you're an inhabitant of Teito, you know that rice liquor is everywhere in Teito.

If you are a resident of Imperial Capital, you are not as economically powerful as you can drink occasionally.

"Master, bring the rice wine to this old man"

"Every time"

The master of the tavern replies with a little surprise, so much so that the glass containing rice liquor is carried.

"It's so rare for Mr. Bal to treat someone."

The girl at the service I've been carrying says something I don't hesitate to do.

'Cause I don't make much money.'

Bal answers with a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry about that."

The old man lay his green eyes down as he feared.

"No, I want you to tell me what you know for that matter. It's an information fee."

"Okay. I don't know if I'll live up to your expectations, but let's try."

The old man stops hesitating against Bal, who says with a laugh.

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