Even Danzang, the famous pot king, would treat him with equal respect when he saw him.

After Uchiha Zhishui left, the idle can rubbed his old waist, which was a little sore due to drifting at [-] kilometers per hour last night, and opened the Wanjie chat skirt that had been closed overnight.

As soon as it was opened, a large number of messages suddenly bombed.

Whitebeard: "Tan Can, I have reached the bottom of the Navy Headquarters. Do you want me to surprise the Navy?"

Whitebeard: "Can, your strategy is really good, all the actions of the navy are exactly the same as what is written in your strategy!"

Whitebeard: "Tan Can, why haven't you returned to Lao Tzu?"

[The skirt friend Whitebeard sent you a pop-up window! 】

[The skirt friend Whitebeard sent you a pop-up window! 】


Zhang Chulan: "Dad, don't pop up the window, and don't look at what time it is now!"

Zhang Chulan: "Boss Yi La married the goddess Tsunade just the day before yesterday. From this point of view, I guess that boss Yi La is either bending or controlling the ball. How could he leave his sweet wife at home and flirt with your old man here? What about Sao?"

Whitebeard: "Young people today are really... hey!"

Whitebeard: "Tan Can, this is a typical teenager. I don't know how expensive it is, and I will cry when I look at it!"

Aizen Susuke: "Whitebeard, it sounds like you're sighing in your tone of voice!"

Zhang Chulan: "Dad, please tell your story!"


Looking at the skirt chat, the three of Whitebeard, Lan Ran, Youjie, and Zhang Chulan stayed up all night chatting, and the cans shook their heads.

An old virgin who is still single in his [-]s and took over two boats of sons can have a fart story!

Can: "@Whitebeard, old man, do you have something to do with me?"

Zhang Chulan: "@White Beard, Dad, the boss of Yi La is here!"

Whitebeard: "It's nothing, it's just that I have already started a war with the navy. I want to ask if you are interested in coming over to help?"

Can: "Travel to your world?"

Zhang Chulan: "Fuck! Passing through One Piece? Dad, please bring it!"

Whitebeard: "Send a small video, duration: 30 seconds!"

When the cans, Zhang Chulan, and Lan Ran and Yousuke saw it, they immediately reached out and clicked on the video.

"Ice Age!"

Malin Fando, Aokiji flew up and shot two icicles towards the sea.

In the blink of an eye, not only the sea area for dozens of miles was frozen into ice and snow, but even the many pirate ships that stretched over the sea were frozen on the ice.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu stood proudly under the execution platform, his hands raised high.

With the pungent thick smoke coming out, one after another lava fists the size of hills rose into the sky, and then fell on the many ships and pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates like a meteor group.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

With a flash of golden light, Kizaru has already landed in the air.

When he opened his hands, under the shroud of golden light, he first turned into a huge golden dart, and then the sky filled with light bullets, shooting down like a laser rain.

In an instant, a large number of pirates were mercilessly harvested like wheat!

In just [-] seconds of video, the brutality of the war and the power of the three generals were vividly displayed.

Chapter 32 Sarutobi: I am in one day, Konoha is not allowed to be the king

Witnessing the small video sent by Whitebeard into the skirt, except for the cans who are already familiar with the power of the three major naval generals, other skirt friends were shocked by the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters.

Zhang Chulan: "The power of the general is so terrifying!"

Esdes: "Is he playing with ice? I really want to destroy his mind!"

Aizen Sosuke: "The ability to control ice far exceeds that of Captain Hitsugaya!"

Whitebeard: "Bilian, are you still coming?"

Zhang Chulan: "..."

Zhang Chulan: "Dad, I'm sorry!"

In the world of "One Piece", Whitebeard held a Naginata sword and pierced a magma fist that flew from him like a skewer before opening his skirt chat again.

Whitebeard: "@Can, young man, your future is growing! Don't spend the best time on the ball and driving!"

Whitebeard: "While you are young, go to the outside world more often!"

Can: "Old man, you really know when to come to me."

Can: "I just planned a war, and I guess I won't be able to leave for a while, and I won't be able to come until after the meeting at the earliest!"

Whitebeard: "You want to fight over there too?"

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