"But... Yunyin is not only the strongest among the Four Great Ninja Villages, but also the strongest in overall strength!"

Hatake Sayun was a little concerned.

Obviously, he has no idea that there are so many unknown activities with Terumi Mei in the back of the can!

"Strong? Can I be stronger?

Uncle Yun, don't worry!

This cloud is hidden by me, and the immortals of the six paths can't keep it!

I said! "

The can is the final word, and it doesn't give Sagumo Hatake and Shikahisa Nara a chance to refute.

"That's it!

Lu Jiu, go and discuss with the think tank, write me a perfect blitzkrieg plan tonight, and hand it over to my desk tomorrow morning.

After instructing Nara Shikahisa, the cans got up and left the office, and went home to hug his wife!

"Lu Jiu, do you think Yun Yin stepped on the tail of the fourth generation?

This Yunyin will go to Konoha tomorrow to sign an offensive and defensive alliance with us!

Could it be that we're really going to write a war plan tonight to kill them? "

As soon as the cans were gone, Hatake Saun immediately spit out bitterness towards Nara Shikakuda.

"It doesn't matter if our fourth generation is out of breath, anyway, he is determined to do it.

Those of us who work part-time can only follow him. "

Hatake Saun sighed softly.

"Really set off the fourth ninja war?"

Hatake Saun said with a solemn expression.

"Our fourth generation seems to be a bit rambunctious, but to be honest, I actually agree with his decision to go to war!

Although the third battle has just ended, the strength and record that he has shown in the third battle for the fourth generation is too amazing!

With Konoha with many enemies, not only did he completely defeat Yunyin, Yanyin, Sandyin and Wuyin, but the casualty rate was extremely low.

If Naruto wasn't the third generation at that time, and Konoha didn't have Danzo, Uchiha and other families holding back, then in the ninja world today, only the Konoha family is the dominant one, and there is no such thing as the five major ninja villages. "

Nara Shikahisa suddenly changed his attitude of strongly opposing the war in front of the can.

Chapter 31 Dad, please tell your story

"Then you were against the fourth generation just now?"

Sagumo Hatake glanced at Shikahisa Nara in confusion.

"I'm just jamming him!

Who told that guy to just move his mouth and then go home to hug his wife and sleep, and I have to stay up all night and work overtime all night tonight! "

Nara Shikahisa smiled, then patted Sayun Hatake on the shoulder:

"Don't think too much, Master Zuoyun.

Four generations is a man who can create myths, we just need to follow his footsteps behind us! "

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the dilapidated Hokage office.

"Do you believe in the fourth generation?

Indeed, as early as the Third World War, he had already created countless myths! "

Hatake Sagumo looked at Hokage Rock behind Hokage's office, and his eyes fell directly on the rock statue of the fourth Hokage can.


next day

Just like to pick up a new car, after staying up all night and driving the car all night as usual, he changed his style of sleeping until the afternoon before going to the Hokage Building to check in.

At just twelve o'clock in the afternoon, with the help of the sage mode, he got off from Tsunade and clocked in to work.

However, today he did not go to the construction team led by Yamato to start work overnight, and went to work in the newly repaired Hokage Building, but came to Hokage Rock.

"Notify Shang Ninban, as well as the three generations of Hokage and the two major advisors, and ask them to come to Hokage Rock to gather immediately!"

The cans stepped on the rock statue of the third Hokage and said to Uchiha Shisui beside him.


Uchiha Shishui heard the words and immediately ran away.

It is worth mentioning that since the last time with the help of the can, Uchiha Fuyue was broken all the bones, and he successfully retired. After the Hui family retired, the position of the Uchiha patriarch has naturally fallen on the shoulders of Uchiha Shisui. superior.

Now he has several jobs.

He is not only the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, but also the captain of the escort team of the fourth-generation Hokage of the can, and the captain of a unit of Anbu.

With these three positions, the young Uchiha Shisui has successfully become an upstart in the high-level Konoha.

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