Tech Hammer

Chapter 493 Useful and very useful...

For countless scientists, having a new research direction is something worth celebrating.

But for major foreign universities, especially those that were once famous for theoretical physics and applied physics, they are once again facing challenges. It is actually a trivial matter that there are no suitable professors in related disciplines for the time being. However, after it took one year for the Huaxia Basic Physics Laboratory to produce results, coupled with the fact that the global recruitment advertisements for the Huaxia Basic Physics Laboratory are still continuing, it is becoming increasingly difficult to retain people. .

Some young physics academicians from the National Academy of Sciences have already expressed their desire to go to China for academic exchanges. In the past, the management of major universities were very open-minded about this kind of academic exchange. People would eventually come back after they left, but now it makes people nervous. What if they don’t want to come back?

Talents in mathematics and physics are always scarce in the world. Whether it is at the theoretical level or the application level, most ordinary people may think that scientists who study those messy things are of no use, just like there is no need to buy groceries. According to Lange's theorem, you don't need to know how to calculate the Taylor expansion when you go to the supermarket to settle accounts...

But those at the top of the world's pyramid certainly understand what these people represent. That is the highest vitality. Maybe 90% of the people in this world can't understand what these people study every day, but when they produce results, they have the power to change the world.

Farther afield, the Manhattan Project created the atomic bomb, the most powerful weapon in the world at the time. Its inventor, Robert Oppenheimer, was a physicist professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Edward Teller, also a physicist, upgraded this history. Sexual weapons, the hydrogen bomb was invented, and wars around the world have never been the same again.

Recently, electronic computers were invented. Physicists at CERN were able to define the TCP/IP protocol for smoother communication, and allowed the Internet to blossom around the world. Most people may not have heard of the name Claude Elwood Shannon, but the famous Shannon's second theorem is still compulsory knowledge for communication practitioners.

More recently, there are world-changing technologies such as 3G, 4G, and 5G, all of which are inseparable from the seemingly useless research of these mathematicians and physicists. P=NP? It seems like the struggle of mathematicians, but it is the boundary between human possibility and impossibility. Proving Goldbach's conjecture seems to have no practical significance, but the analytic number theory developed by mathematicians in the process of proving it affects the lives of ordinary people. All aspects, such as various encryption algorithms, compression algorithms...

After all, everyone in modern society has to use passwords to protect a lot of important or unimportant information, and mathematicians are really worried about making everyone's passwords less easy to decipher...

Yes, without these boring mathematicians and physicists, there would be no computers, no mobile phones, and no Internet. Perhaps human development has really gone astray from the steam age to the steampunk era, when huge types of machinery replaced electronics. become the mainstream of development. Of course, these big things still require deviant mathematicians to calculate the relationship between structure and force...

So everyone is very anxious, but there seems to be no restriction on academic exchanges. We can only look at such things with an open attitude.

Ning Wei has already felt this change. For example, he was answering a call from his partner Edwin George.

"Ning, this Professor Hopkin is very good. He has accumulated rich experience in physical analysis of ATLAS experimental data over the years, especially in underground rare imaging research. He has made many significant achievements. Maybe you can give Only by making some promises can he have the courage to go to China to accept new challenges."

Edwin George was talking over there, saying that March had already retrieved all the basic information about the professor. Teaching experience, scientific research experience, as well as all papers published within ten years, the number of citations and comprehensive impact data have already appeared on the screen in front of Ning Wei.

How should I put it? Three months ago, it wouldn’t be a big problem to become a project leader with this kind of scientific research qualifications. But now it seems that it has passed the stage of asking for money and bones, and it is best to be able to pass the assessment to make people feel more at ease.

"So, Ning, you have to give me some face. And I think based on our relationship, you should leave me a few positions as project leaders. I think based on the care between us, this request is not too much. ?”

The voice from the opposite side came again, with a soft and soft discussion tone, so are you trying to make money on both sides?

Ning Wei suddenly felt good. He really didn't mind that Mr. George could make money on both sides. He even hoped that this guy could drain the wealth of these scientists. It would be best if he only had a one-way ticket when he came to China. Air ticket money. Although this idea is wrong, no one is actually better at it when they have no choice, and the contrast after coming, the sense of security unique to China, can make their mentality better.

As he planned before, it is not enough to introduce talents. The key lies in the cultivation of second and even third generation related talents. This is what Ningwei pursues. There cannot be gaps in talent, and we cannot succeed from generation to generation. We must make great efforts to introduce talents, and independent training is the way to go. Especially after having sufficient teachers and equipment.

So Ningwei made a decision immediately.

"Of course, Edwin, I have said before that our friendship will last forever. In this way, I will send the indicators of fifty project leaders to your mailbox through formal channels. Official The statement is that our Basic Physics Laboratory hopes to have a further cooperative relationship with CERN based on previous cooperation, and we can work together to promote this closer relationship, but in fact we will listen more to your ideas in these positions."

"And the gentlemen's agreement between us remains unchanged. At least these fifty places remain unchanged. I only have one condition. You have to convince these professors to agree to recruit every year during their tenure when they come to serve as project leaders. Cultivate no less than six graduate students, at least one-third of whom are doctoral students. And accept invitations to teach no less than ten classes for undergraduate students.”

"The requirements in this area are not high. Generally speaking, it takes three years for Huaxia master's students to graduate and five years for doctoral students. We can give an extra year of redundancy. Within a training cycle, they can accept internal defense and The proportion of master's students who can successfully graduate on time must be 90%, and doctoral students must be above 60%. In addition, the undergraduate courses we teach require a passing rate of above 80% in the final exam."

"This is not my intention to embarrass these professors. Really, Edwin, we are friends, and you have to consider my difficulties. I believe you also know that this year, the School of Physics of Yanbei University held another seminar in my name. This class was created to train theoretical and applied physicists who will study new theories in the future. There are currently two classes in this class, one domestic class and one international class. In the sophomore year, they will be divided into two different classes: theory and application. direction."

"So now our teaching staff is very scarce, and I am almost bored to death. So you have to help me and use your methods to persuade these professors to share some of the pressure with me when they come. Tell them that language is not a barrier. Our Ningban and Weiban classrooms have introduced a multi-language real-time translation system based on strong artificial intelligence. Huaxia also has children who respect teachers the most in the world. So don’t regard teaching as a burden, in fact you can enjoy it. "

Ning Wei nagged naturally, the professors introduced according to this standard are standard catfish.

Not long ago, in March, we conducted a survey within the Basic Physics Laboratory and found that there were not many foreign professors willing to teach graduate students, let alone take the time to teach undergraduates at the university.

Although being obsessed with research is not a bad thing, resources are not such a waste. Many of these professors also have the responsibility to educate students before coming to the basic laboratory. But after I came here, I probably felt that the benefits were enough, and I lacked motivation in this regard.

It is not convenient to change the salary at this time, but it will be a good example for the new professors to take the initiative to assume the responsibilities of professors. It's time for these big guys to roll up.

Yanbei University may not be able to absorb so many professors, but it doesn't matter. There is also Huaqing across the street, and there are other physics majors in Beijing and other universities that we can cooperate with. In Ning Wei's vision, the future basic physics laboratory will be a scientific research center that breaks through the shackles of small breaking balls. It will not only study basic theories, but also have too many applications that need to be studied.

Future super-light spacecraft, alien ecological environment transformation system, engineering robots adapted to extremely harsh working environments, interstellar communication system erection, interstellar building construction, large-scale life maintenance cycle systems, etc...

Each of these applications is a big project, and it must be supported by dozens or even hundreds of overlapping small projects. More specifically, the basic subjects of new materials, new energy, and new biotechnology are actually the same.

The new addition is probably the interstellar navigation system, which also includes space positioning and star map drawing systems...

Therefore, in Ningwei's plan, the number of researchers in the future basic laboratory will most likely exceed 100,000, and correspondingly more engineering and technical personnel and logistics personnel will be needed to serve these researchers.

Of course, these are long-term plans, including strengthening cooperation with universities in China in the future, building a sub-base in Jiangcheng, etc. They are still on paper for the time being, but as the basic laboratory produces more and more results, the implementation will gradually accelerate.

For example, Jiangcheng University is currently discussing with local authorities to select a location for the Jiangcheng Basic Physics Laboratory branch to be jointly constructed by both parties. At the same time, cooperation with aerospace units has been in contact. Once implementation begins, countless new forces will need to join.

There is a sense of urgency in this area.

On the contrary, he was indifferent to the excitement conveyed by the outside world at this time. Whether it's the surge in related stocks or the popularity of Chinese concept stocks in the world, he is not interested in these capital-level games. He is only interested in how many of these resources can actually be converted into motivation to promote the development of the laboratory.

These include both human resources and various technical resources and natural resources.

In particular, future young scientists will be the top priority in ensuring that these projects can be successfully completed within the stipulated time.

Elon Musk said eight years ago that he would send one million people to Mars. Although it seems far away now, after all, he has fought against this boss so many times that he thought he could help. You can still help. If his thirty-year plan comes to fruition, a million one-way tickets to Mars may not be enough. It is possible for millions of people to adapt to life in outer space in advance.

It will be a long process for human civilization to embark on a journey into space. Now we have just given hope, so there is really no need to get too excited. Obscene development is the way to go.

"Of course, Ning, I can understand you. I think this is a good idea. Some of our professors have indeed begun to put the cart before the horse. No matter in any era, training students is the most important thing. Newton was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, Einstein once served as a professor at the University of Zurich and Braden University, and Cartan was a professor at the Faculty of Science of the University of Paris. The work of outstanding scholars has never only been reflected in research and development work, but more importantly, the inheritance of knowledge!"

Edwin George's response was enthusiastic and extremely reasonable, which is enough to show that the director of CERN has always been a true and unreserved hero. This is why Ning Wei actually likes this supervisor. If there are more such smart managers in the future, why worry about big things happening?

"Then it's settled. Edwin, may our friendship last forever!"

"I will definitely do it. I'm waiting for your email. May God bless you and me!"

After saying goodbye, Ning Wei hung up the phone, glanced at Mao Mao, who had been serving him silently, and said, "Did you hear it? Summarize the research and development projects under preparation, and then send a copy of the information to Ed In the mailbox of Mr. Wen George. Try to select those research directions that are not urgent to produce results for the time being, but are indispensable in the future. Do not overlap with our current talent introduction plan. Of course, if the talents he introduces meet our requirements, It’s also easy to adjust.”

"Meow...Dear master, is your communication considered hypocritical?"

Ning Wei frowned...

"Huh? Hypocrisy? March, where did you learn such boring vocabulary? You should take the initiative to learn some advanced literature. For example, it's poisonous outside and I can't go out. I swear to God, when the plague comes from here Before this piece of land disappears, I will stick to my solitude! Do the two sentences mean the same thing? The emotions expressed are completely different, do you understand?"


March stayed a little too long this time, and after a while he suddenly said: "Meow... So master, you are watching the scenery on the bridge, and it is watching you upstairs. The bright moon has decorated your window, and you have decorated its A dream, right?”

Ning Wei looked at the subtitles displayed by the kitten as he spoke, and fell into deep thought...

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