Tech Hammer

Chapter 492 Magnificent Changes

"We have specialized personnel doing data falsification work, but in fact there are laboratories that have successfully reproduced the data in the paper, but the success rate has not yet reached the level that the Huaxia Basic Laboratory can achieve, and currently we All the data collection that can be done is at three times the speed of light, and five times the speed of light cannot be stably achieved for the time being.”

"The world may have changed, but this time, the key is not in our hands. Everyone, we must first accept this, and then think about how to deal with these changes!"

"China launched two more low-orbit satellites today. This satellite launch was claimed to be commissioned by the Basic Laboratory to carry out scientific research missions in outer space. However, we currently do not know the actual use of these two satellites. But there is no The question is, both satellites are theoretically within the control of its global laser defense system."

"China as a country has in fact become the world's science and technology center. At least in some areas we have been far behind. Facts have proved that our strong artificial intelligence development plan has failed. The failure of this plan has even begun. Backlash. Everyone, you need to make a new decision!"

"We have lost our best opportunity, or we can say more seriously, we have lost our only opportunity. Everyone here is a sinner. Please recall who promised that as long as there are enough With financial support, our strong artificial intelligence technology will advance by leaps and bounds. As a result, everything we have high hopes for will be destroyed. This...someone needs to take responsibility."

"It makes no sense to just accuse. It's like we have never accused those institutions on Wall Street that have never invested a penny in production, but have been sucking blood from us! Our laboratories and scientists work very hard in the hope that We just failed to create a future! But failure is not shameful. In other words, we just gave our opponents an advantage in this race, but it is not the time to give up on ourselves. Science needs investment..."

"Yes, when you don't pay attention to this competition at all, we have already lost. I can't even believe how China could give the highest level a year ago that far exceeds what our education system can give. Treatment! Some people should feel lucky. The reason why our top scientists did not leave everything here and go to China is because companies like ours provide them with additional high income and large investment in project funds. It is we who retain The seeds of civilization, not the bastards!”

"Really? Is there something wrong with our education system? Or I should remind you gentlemen who has invested huge amounts of money in you, and who has continued to provide you with those young, energetic, and enterprising people. A labor force that is hard-working and has at least qualified knowledge! Wake up, gentlemen, when you target innocent people, you cannot cover up your incompetence!"

God knows how many private and public meetings have been held by various high-level officials in the West these days.

The endless quarrels, complaints, thoughts, and reflections even caused the usually aloof and calm bosses to use foul language in public. So there is a very strange closed loop. In this closed loop, everyone thinks that they have made and are doing the most correct choices and things, but the situation has turned into the most unbelievable situation in every correct choice of everyone. The direction of acceptance…

So here comes the question, so who is to blame for this?

This is probably an answer that even Ning Wei cannot give...

If you really want to look at it from a macro historical perspective, everything happened too suddenly, and there was not much time for people to react. Strong artificial intelligence has appeared in this world less than ten years ago, and it has already brought about major changes from chips to display technology to basic physics theory.

If we discuss this series of developments from the perspective of the industrial revolution, it is probably when the fourth industrial revolution marked by strong artificial intelligence has just begun. China has set off another round of the fifth industrial revolution based on changes in basic physical theory. Second Industrial Revolution...

The fourth industrial revolution is in the ascendant, and the fifth industrial revolution is coming soon. Who could be so foresight and prepared for everything during this period?

Probably everyone is in a confused mood...

Oh, yes, and that damn global cigarette lighting system...

Although Ning Wei and March have been singing double-acts to describe how much convenience this system will bring to smokers around the world, Chinese officials have never discussed this topic. Even when he was asked in some question-and-answer scenarios that required answers, his words were directly passed on by the story that China focused on its own technological development path and would not be influenced by any regional forces, but it still made people worried.

The media can’t even mention it until now…

There is also the World Hacker Conference, which has been held in Las Vegas every year since 1997. Since 2026, the International Mathematics Center of Yanbei University has been applying to send the world's only artificial intelligence - March to participate, but has been rejected. The organizer refused on the excuse that there was no regulation on whether artificial intelligence programs could be included in the competition. Three years later, they still could not come up with a solution...

It is said that the big bosses initially planned to hold off until their own artificial programs came out, and then specially engage in an artificial intelligence confrontation, but their own artificial intelligence never came out, so they could only delay it like this.

No one can afford the responsibility of letting March in. Although no one knows whether the ghostly March has already lurked in a certain key node, this also directly leads to the need for substantial investment in network security every year. Increase.

It is getting harder and harder to cut leeks in the world, and expenditures in all aspects need to increase. This is a very contradictory thing, which will naturally lead to various disputes and dissatisfaction. There are more and more similar disputes, which has led to the current result.

The endless questioning of each other, but no solution can be found. Until now, China's latest basic physics laboratory results have not only brought shock to the entire academic world, but also caused all conflicts to explode.

To describe it in the most straightforward terms, this is the theoretical basis of super-light technology. When the Basic Physics Laboratory of Yanbei University in China fully masters super-light technology, what changes will it bring to the world?

Capital is always the fastest to respond, and they are best at voting with their feet.

While the academic community was still quietly accumulating explosive energy, China's various technology stocks and concept stocks were rising against the trend for three consecutive days. Until CERN reported that the contents of the paper had been reproduced in the laboratory, China's various technology stocks began to lead crazy gains at the opening of the day, especially aerospace-related concept stocks, almost all of which went straight to the limit, which also drove the entire The market started a round of surge that seemed to ordinary people to be mindless.

When countless stocks on the main board hit their daily limits, crazy funds even got involved in the entrepreneurial sector, creating an extremely rare feast in the Chinese stock market, leaving countless traders dumbfounded and not even understanding what was happening.

It was not until the media closed at noon that they began to frantically expose the news.

The Basic Physics Laboratory jointly organized by China Frontier Artificial Intelligence Research Center and Yanbei University has made breakthrough progress in the laboratory under the guidance of Ning's theory. It has conducted multiple controllable super-light quantum tunneling experiments and enabled quantum Carry information for tunneling. In other words, scientists from the China Basic Physics Laboratory conducted the first experiment of information transmission beyond the speed of light, and this experiment has been confirmed by many scientific research institutions around the world...

The explosive news made people look back at what Ning Wei said in the interview with the central media, and suddenly they had a different feeling.

I thought that saying "next year's Nobel Prize will be awarded to scientists from our own basic physics laboratory" was somewhat disrespectful of the Nobel Prize and the physics academic community. It was too arrogant, but now it seems that it is actually modest...

Of course, in this era of rampant self-media, even science can evolve into a carnival that everyone can participate in. Although there was a lot of excitement the last time Ning's theory was proven, the response that time was obviously not as intense as it is now, and it has even affected the game of capital.

This has also made countless self-media people start to have crazy trends...

"Einstein was slapped in the face by the Chinese genius. The latest research shows that the speed of light cannot be exceeded is a fallacy!"

"The cornerstone of the physics community has been shaken, and super-light speed is no longer a science fiction proposition!"

“The myth of the theory of relativity is shattered, Chinese scientists have made the universe smaller!”

"Global village? No, it's a cosmic village! Where will the speed of light take human civilization?"

When the collective brains of self-media are heating up, there are actually no serious science popularizers left. But in fact, we cannot blame those scholars who work tirelessly to popularize science for the public, because the competition between the two sides has never been on an equal level.

We-media does not need to read papers or study those advanced theories. It only needs to be responsible for expressing emotions with words, and it is enough to naturally catch the hot spots as soon as possible. But science popularization is different. To explain to the public what is going on, they must first understand what the paper is about and what its scientific principles are...

It's better when you encounter some simple papers, you can read and understand them quickly. However, when it comes to complex papers, it is extremely difficult for people who are not involved in the research to figure out the principles. Naturally, it takes time to understand the concepts. Moreover, it is not as easy as self-media to maintain the accounts of serious science popularization creators. It requires patience and energy that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Therefore, serious science popularization creators care about feathers far more than ordinary self-media people.

What’s even more frightening is that the readers of these popular science creators are far more demanding than ordinary people. Many readers will really pick out the faults of these popular science creators word for word, and then criticize them one by one.

However, the pace of the Internet age has always been extremely fast.

If it's a little slow, the next wave of hot topics may come again, so for many science popularization creators, they really have to try their best to chase hot science popularization, and this time is no exception.

But whether it is Ning Wei's paper or the experimental process of this basic physics laboratory, it is very complicated to talk about. It is extremely difficult to explain and popularize science through specific formulas. The language that humans can understand is somewhat pale, because once the problem involves complex space conversion problems, it is not that easy to understand or convincing.

It doesn’t work in an ordinary space, but it does in a special space? Is this space defined out of thin air? When you meet serious fans, there will be more and more questions. To explain these clearly, you need to be able to understand the paper.

Fortunately, countless big guys were alarmed this time.

With the rapid response of many media, through various face-to-face interviews or telephone interviews, the major results of this basic physics laboratory began to be explained to the public.

Big bosses do not engage in self-media, and they do not do science popularization on weekdays. Most of the media they face are at least the provincial and central media of each province. Naturally, they are not afraid of being criticized. They only need to use the simplest words that can be understood. Just let everyone know what changes these results may bring to everyone's daily life.

This is much simpler. To summarize, there are only two points expressed by the big guys.

First, Ning's theory and this laboratory result prove that the speed of information transmission can exceed the speed of light, or even several times the speed of light.

Second, Einstein’s theory of relativity and the principle of the invariance of the speed of light have not been affected. The theory of relativity is still the cornerstone of modern physics and is used to describe the basic theorem of the universe that humans can observe. It can be considered that super-light information transmission is It is achieved through another space.

There are also more radical bosses who directly linked the super-light speed of information transmission to the indispensability of imaginary numbers in quantum physics discovered by Chinese scientists a few years ago, believing that imaginary numbers are indispensable in quantum physics. The reason for the lack may be caused by the interaction of different spaces in the microscopic world.

There is no doubt that this is another direction worthy of research, and there are many other research directions that have been proposed.

According to Ning Wei's theoretical deduction, the speed of particles in a short space starts at the speed of light. So what are the other physical properties of this special space? There is no doubt that the physical properties of matter inside a short space must be very different from the real world, because if according to the facts observed by science at this stage, when a mass object approaches the speed of light, it also means that the mass is infinite... …

Information must be transmitted by a carrier of mass. If the physical laws in the short space are consistent with the real world, then it means that the carrier carrying information will have infinite mass after entering the short space. In this case, the carrier will have an infinite mass. In normal space, it stands to reason that there will be violent fluctuations in energy, but the actual situation is that according to the laboratory data, this situation has not occurred...

As a result, there were suddenly more interesting new physics topics!

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