From the night of the fireworks, for a while.

Despite a lot of noise, there was no change around Huta.

One night at dawn, another night.

After a few days, it has hardly changed before or after the fireworks.

"Me-doo... so what happened?

Hmm, that's all I know.

Sarah murmured as she gazed at the ceiling to the girl who was cleaning the room.

The end of the matter.

There is never much information that Huta knows.

Gracial, who had rushed ahead, and Bisied, who was about to attack from the west.

--I don't think I should tell you about Bisied and Lilac.

I heard later that Izna was rampaging in the east on the other side, but that's it.

His activity, which is the only story I have heard, is very vague for the girl in front of me to tell and hear.

"Well, what do you want to say?"


Try to jump out of the sofa you were lying back on.

Beyond his gaze, he turned around, pretending to be a twin chamber of gold.

"... I'm glad you're feeling better."

"... mmh!

Put your hands on your hips and somehow smile with confidence.

You can tell me you don't have to worry about Corona any more.

That's why I stopped even sneezing.

I am dull because I slept a long time, but I have complained about pain everywhere in my body.

Still, there was Futa's familiar corona.

"Maids don't end up like this...!

"Who is it....."


I didn't know him.

/(adv-to, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) too/(2) (on-mim) too/too/



Gentle jade eyes that don't feel malicious shards when you look at them.

If such an innocent and gentle girl is ever going to be malicious.

I swear to protect myself from all this.

And then...

"The cost of recording."


"We'll find a way."

"... ahh"

That's it, Corona, who smiles badly.

She asks if she feels sorry and worried for the serious look on Futa's face.

A natural outlook is like a child with a rough face.

"What if they don't find us?

The question must be the very reason why you didn't disclose your situation to Futa.

"What, you know there's no way to do it?

"Mmm. I don't know, but..."

I didn't even check it in the first place.

Pay the price according to your own actions. It was too obvious for me to think about it. So maybe somewhere in the world, there's something I can do to help you deal with your situation. Maybe not. I don't know.

However, let me go out with him without knowing - as a result, there was nothing I could do.

Consider what the young man in front of you thinks. I think it would have been better not to know from the beginning.

Too much.

I don't know if it's other people.

Bitter smile.

Futa would never blame Corona for what she is.

I wonder if you don't want to tie people up because of yourself.

If that's all you have to do to make her suffer.

You told me you didn't want to die.


"So I'll do my best."

"... uhhh"

Corona moaning with her eyes like a baton mark, Futa laughs.

Even if you're forced to, you just have to work hard.

"Then I can't just leave it to this maid, Futa...."

"Oh, please do."

If she makes up her mind, it is also her who feels responsible and moves.

"- Well, then. Hula is supposed to be gathering some information for us, by the way."

"Leading magician? But today..."



Today is the day of judgment.

- The King's City Council. Courts.

A young man trapped in a place like a small birdcage surrounded by the towns of the country filling the surroundings.

Due to the danger of being able to handle magic, he was pushed into a place unworthy of the "aristocrats" and stood there with his eyes down as if he had given up.

Defendant Gracial G. Gringott.

Young people - Gracial nods to the voice of the elderly man who presides over the trial.

I screwed up.

If I screwed up, I was ready for this.

Destiny was fixed at the time the princess captured her.

― ― He was facing trial for the crime of treason against the nation, which was incomparable with Conrad and others who abducted and abused his people.

There are many people sitting in the audience seat.

A sad king and a depressed princess next to him.

In addition to the many "aristocrats," Gracial raised his tongue unexpectedly.

What a face.

Disappointment and regret? Gracial sighs at a man of that color. That face should be yours, not yours.

"I instigated a terrorist organization called the Valiant, and helped to conceal the crime. There's no mistake."

"... ahh"

"The explosion of numerous" noble "mansions. It has also caused enormous damage to important points in the country, including the Chamber of Commerce."

Nod to the sin that is read aloud.

Many people are surprised to hear it for the first time.

After all, this country will be finished by being danced by a rapist.

No, I sighed as if it was one of the dancers. It was then.

"- Klimbroom villa. Wolcott Villa"

There are several names associated with the blast site.

The silent Gracial raised his face as if he had been played.

"― ― Corcesca Chamber of Commerce Headquarters. Westbrook Residence, Autodroit Chamber of Commerce Headquarters"


Know (...) et al.

I don't remember telling you where it is.

Corcesca Chamber of Commerce. House of Westbrook. Audrott Chamber of Commerce.

Rather, they are bystanders. Bring it to the stage of whether we can pull it in or not - yes.

Speaking of which, the king (...) woman (...) 's (...) government (...) enemy (...)!

No way, I'll show you the princess in the auditorium.

The princess's corner of mouth hangs.

Gracial didn't miss that moment.

"Since when?"

"Accused Gracial. Something wrong?"

"Since when!!!

I punched him in the cage and yelled.

"Since when have rats been diving!!! Since when... since when!!

When she realized the plan had collapsed, she said it was already over.

Yeah, I see. It was over when I realized it.

― ― But who would have imagined that it was being used to eliminate intruders for themselves?

/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) flutteringly/

"I can't believe... the civilians don't know anything!!!

Who was controlling the information?

Desperately trying to deal with the situation, he turned his back and did not wholesale information to the civilians for spectacular entertainment.

That's the way it looked on the back.

I've just grabbed my tail, or I've been using this noise to do something good for myself.


"Shut up!! Hah, shit... shit!! How dare you," Rape Man "!! From the beginning, I am... we are!! On Temee's palm!!!


Unfortunately, the floor was groaned.

"Rape Male." The desperate appearance of such a noisy accused does not seem to be lying.


But it is.


It's okay, Lilac.

The king nods to his daughter, who looks sad.

"Always unfortunate. Why do criminals blame their daughters when they can't help themselves?"

"Hah... kidding. It's not my daughter's fault. Haha"

Dry smile.

That's true. I have seen it many times in court.

Conrad Eastwood, for example, was a good example, but there were many others who called the "rapist" in this trial.

He who cries, "Framed."

A man who sighs because of a rapist.

I see. Gracial thinks he wants to yell too.

If you've used it so brilliantly, you can't help but get burned.

After all, I am a dead man.

Then Gracial reopened.

"It's my daughter's fault, hey"

"Defendant, what a waste of mouth..."

"Indeed. Sure is. I thought it was Temeye's daughter's fault, so I took action."


It was, of course, the first time I had spoken to a king, such as Temeye.

Unexpectedly, Gilbert put his nose down and headed to the throne that had been taken away, and he continued.

Gracial thought it was ironic.

Gilbert will allow Gracial to speak, trying to be silent.

Anyway - the princess next door is quietly waiting for Gracial's words.

"But you're right. I don't remember doing everything I could for a princess. He's a rapist who loses his country, that's right."

No matter how hard I've worked for the royal family.

I didn't do everything for the princess.

Then, when the princess said she would destroy the country, there was no way to stop the "aristocrats".

After all.

"Even if they say three big houses, that's about it, hey. For the country, for the territory... for the family. I tried to scratch my feet desperately, but it was this mess. Why do you think that is? Forget I didn't make it."

"- What are you talking about? Mr. Speaker, this man."


Lilac took control of the King who tried to stop him.

Oh, it's really making me laugh.

After all - isn't this country already a "rapist"?

There is nowhere else to be found, such as in a country that our ancestors have exhausted.

"That's right, King Gilbert. Because we didn't have the power."



Isn't it? If you glimpse at the princess and the person.

She is looking calmly at her measuring eyes.

Gracial is finished.

Whatever you say.

All you have to do is pray that the rear chamber that governs your territory is a better class of "nobles".

That's why the burn and the truth.

"It's over, it's over. - Mr. Speaker, whatever the verdict is."

What's over?

I don't know how much of a human being understands his words is here.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Sighing as if he had given up, Gracial waited for the vote.

The Gringots have massive reparations orders and territorial returns.

And Gracial himself - as a matter of course - was found guilty of death.

- Dungeons.

Gracial, who had to wait for his death, lay in the middle of the prison and stared at the ceiling.

Life as a nobleman was not a crowd.

Rather, I think it was worthy of the "noble" self.

That's why I felt terrible about being locked up in this cell, and I sighed at you to go to death or anything.


When the sound of clinging down the stone stairs sounded, I woke up my body thinking it was time, and the moment I saw the face of the conductor illuminated by the pine light, I frowned with jokes.

"... are you here to laugh?

Well, what do you think?

Gracial snorts at the angry girl who tilts her head.

But the next moment.

Chu, a squealing mouse ran through his feet, and Gracial flew by surprise.

"Hyi...!! Hey!! The hygiene sucks!! Kill me already!!

"Bad hygiene, huh? I'll tell you something interesting."


"You reminded me of cleaning."

"... shit. Fucking asshole."

"You don't even respect your form anymore."

Now, I guess.

Gracial looks around busily, saying it's worse if a little dirty mouse sticks to his clothes.

"So, what do you want? Have you decided on the death penalty?"

"You've settled down quite a bit for that."

"Of course. I already gave up when Temee caught me. Until victory or defeat is decided, I will scratch my feet, but when it is decided, it is the nobility that is clean."

"Is that so?"

Now, Gracial stares at Lilac who is wondering what to talk about.

Because I'm not close enough to talk about tea.

"Do you know who framed you?

"... well. Even for Bisiedo. It must have been a trap from the moment it was collected. Someday, something. I don't know Temee, she's flirting."

"Isn't that why you're saying that?" Not me. "

"... what's going on? Arbitrary?

"Come on, I'm going to listen to you carefully... well, I'm not on your side."


"My proposal is not that difficult."


She tells Gracial with her face up, playing with her silver hair in a boring way.

At the same time - the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Oh, of course this is my decision. Don't worry, nobody has seen it."

"... no way"

"Yeah, well. I don't have any brothers or sisters to love, so I don't know how you feel."


"Is it important enough to intrude on such ridiculous risks in the last place?

Lastly, why don't you meet him?

Yes, in front of Lilac, who took a step.

"... oniisama?

A girl appeared.

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