In the middle of the arena spectacular.

The lonely cry of a girl never spins out of her throat.

Everybody!! I really enjoyed it today!!

- I'm telling you, I really want to die soon.

The sad accessory voice never gives a glimpse into a swinging smile as much as a dew.

This is the end of Yuyake-onkaku. But! I wish I could see everyone again...!! I think!!

--- 5000 Man Utah Odor Dakede 5000 Man Utah Odor Dakede 5000 Man Utah Odor Dakede 5000 Man

The sparkling and pathetic light blue costume is a feminine dress that was forced to appear in the middle of the day at Richter's Mansion.

Of course, this replica is also in production.

I'm sure you'll be very popular with the noble ladies of King's Landing.

Sensitive and invincible merchants who are producing replicas are currently planning Pasta's theme park.

It's not that far from being stressed into Pasta's stomach. I'm fine because I have a secret medicine.

So see you soon!! Thank you so much for today!!

With that smile, magic flowers dance in the sky.

The voices of her sparing children blew up, her red bright bands coloring the sky, and her anger rushing toward the center of the spectacle like a tsunami.

"Pastaaaaaaahn!! Don't finish!!

"No, no, no, no. Beat, oneechan, like this...!! But it's selling...!!

Some of them are conflicting with regret.

Still, it ends with a large group.

With a great cheer, her performance closed the curtain.

Only two "managers" are said to have ended up with unintentional results. That's a terrible story.

― ― Outside the arena spectacular. North.

"Your Highness, they found us!!

It was Ben, the field commander, who exhaled relieved by the information coming in from the guards who were handling the disturbances.

Gracial G. Gringott's convoy is complete.

Nevertheless, the guards heading west had discovered the remains of many people believed to be the "Valiant Regiment", and they were concerned about the safety of Lilac.

"Where's Huta?

"They're with us!

"Well, then you're okay... no, I guess I should have run."

Ben scratched his head with a shiver, and Ben blurred.

Clean up the body. There may still be dangerous people hiding around here. Information on noise even in the east.

And from now on, there will be work to guide the audience back, including the noble lady.

― ― Are we going to do our job?

"Huh!? Leave His Highness alone!?

"I don't think that's supposed to happen. Maybe if you do this, you'll be fired."

"Well then, Captain Ben too...!!

"Yes, I'm the Squadron Captain. Your Highness remembers me as well. That's what matters."


"Remember that. He's a good subordinate, he's got to learn how his boss feels... even though he can't talk to Bill's asshole or Bob's ass."

Ben shakes his head remembering his own brother, or his cheerful and perverted colleague, who moves faster with his body than with his head.

Should he or should he be pursued in his head?

I was in the middle of a judgment on which duties should be prioritized, in view of the handwriting of a limited number of guards.

I have allocated quite a few men to escort Gracial, the wizard.

There are many other tasks that His Highness has been ordered to do from the outset.

"We're not nobles. I don't know anything about social life. So, well."

Whatever the princess feels, it has nothing to do with the civilians themselves.

That's why I can judge by her emotions.

"--I wonder why His Highness was here."

"Eh. Let's get the fireworks out of here... ah"

"I'll leave you alone. However much it happened, it's finally back to normal."

Ben waves his hand.

I like to see spectacles from this place in the north.

Ben wasn't aware of the proper Lilac lie. Rather, it can be said that it is danced properly.

Sometimes, however, it discerns people's emotions.

The guards were deliberately listening to what was coming to their favorite place tonight. And Huta was there.

You can't even call it evil anymore.

"Shooting fireworks. Under the starry sky.... hey, why am I working against the sky?!!!!!!"

Something about a squadron captain walking around in regret.

― ― Outside the arena spectacular. Orient.

"Ah, I see. Including that I have nothing to do with it."

"Thank you very much."

Izna snorted her nose and took on the hammer axe to the old man Logless, who showed his courtesy to the gentleman.

The man in front of me is a spy who was pretending to be one of the men who was disturbing the king's capital.

It was ordered by the head of the court magician.

When I heard that, I told you what it was like for Izna.

Logless knew that, and he knew everything.

It's not funny, but it makes sense.

It's no more boring for Izna.


While holding the hammer axe, Spectacular turned around.

There were no bustling fireworks and no singing now, and people appeared in the distance outside the sparkling lights.

It is easy to imagine that these people are the spectators returning home after the performance, as the horses can hear slightly.

"Was it good if today's fun memories were ruined?

…… Oh, hahahaha. I see. No, that's not true. Anyway - no matter how I fell, I couldn't blow up Spectacular Club. "

"You think you could have done that with Temee and the others?

"Yes, it will be difficult for me. If you're the leader."

"... I didn't lie to you."

"Well, it's terrifying to see the truth without magic."

Izna frowned uncomfortably at the smell of lies she didn't think so at all.

"Don't get me wrong... we're on the same side. Please don't tingle."

I see. Then don't get me wrong. "


The earth screams at the hammer axe that is shaken down.

A running crack approached Logless, feeling a sense of danger, and he flew away.

"... what are you doing?

"I don't care about that woman."

She must mean the runaway swine.

The logless guess is correct.

However, he leans his neck to wonder if there is something in front of him in such a small object.

I thought it might be the sex of a man who wants to protect it from a woman, but it doesn't seem that way at all.

"What he was talking about was futile. I couldn't empathize much, and I fought because I had something to protect.... that's why he's the same. The only thing Temee wanted to believe was Chachi. I was desperate."


"Next to that, I hate guys who look down on me like they know everything."

"This is also something I hate a lot."

"At least"

Looking lightly at the logless, he turned his back.

In Spectacular, there must be people waiting.

Some of you want to go home and manage this mood.

So this is the last time.

"--I trusted the court magician to decide what happened next."

/(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) as if/as if/as if/

― ― Outside the arena spectacular. South.

"It's me. Looking back now, I think it was quite embarrassing."

She scratched her cheeks and told her to tell her how small she felt.

Turn your back on Spectacular and go into the alley a little bit.

It's good to finally get out on the street, but there's nothing I can do to call a carriage.

I think it would be a pleasure to ride a coach, but unfortunately time is running out.

In addition, every carriage is full, even immediately after a fun and fun performance at Spectacular Club.

There is no space to get in from a very short distance.

That's why you can't help walking.

It was part of the road.

"Richter and Mion-san are really dying. I have nothing left to do. I don't know, I felt betrayed by all of them. You're wasting everything you've ever thought about."


"The Iroon guy won't say anything. That's why I was surprised when Richter came... I wonder. You think I was cheating on you? Well, I was embarrassed. I think about it now."

On the other hand, I thought that Eilon had attacked Richter.

But it was a mistake, and it seems that Richter was engaged in some sort of tongue battle.

And because of that, Iroon could not afford much more.

With the situation in front of me, there were a few things I thought about.

"It was nice and refreshing to win. That's what it is. Sorry for the inconvenience.

"... hey"

"What do you mean?

Ahahah, let's laugh at the smell.

There really was a lot going on here from the tournament.

I was troubled, but I was able to recognise myself as a "gladiator."

I am grateful.

I'm sorry, too.

That's why we'll see you in the future. You just have to pay me back for the inconvenience and gratitude. With that in mind, Prim proudly turned forward.

"If you think you've caused trouble, yes."


Gently whispering in your ear.

I have no idea what they're going to say, but it's never a bad thing.

"Isn't this something?


"This is it. This is it. This is the situation."

"'Cause Richter's going to be exhausted and fall down."

"I'm sure you don't have enough blood. My feet were fluffy and collapsed. That is true. But..."

It seems that the bleeding from the abdomen was bad.

I must have put a considerable strain on my body because I couldn't help but get up and say I was looking for a prime.

It was futile to buy a referee to fight the Iron. The temper and guts alone kept me standing.

It seems that the end of the game was a battle with a fluffy foot.

The tension thread that had been stretched until the battle settled down seemed to have relaxed when the curtain was pulled.

What's wrong with taking Richter home worried about falling apart? Prim leaned his neck.

"I'm not pulling anything else."

"When the idea of dragging the sick emerges, the barbarians pass."

So what's the problem?

"That's why you're following me!!

The Primes of Stone can't resist being roughed up by their ears.

Wow, I distorted my expression and saw Richter say what this is.

Richter, who's in charge like laundry.

"How long have you been dry?"

"Ah, it looks like laundry after all."

"You can see it, right?"

Oh, my God. Just hanging it on both shoulders as usual and drying the richter in a bowl like a balance stick.

"Convenient to carry"

"I ran into a street light earlier."

"Because my beard is not another cat's beard...."

"Isn't that strange anymore?

Hey, there.

"So, do you want to take a piss?

"No. Though barbarians are involved in selling tickets, such as being carried by women."

This situation is already involved in the sale of vouchers.

"Well, then, let's hold him. Like a princess."

"Don't joke. I'll bite your tongue if I have to."

"That's enough to hurt yourself!? Not bad!?

I don't know a shocked prime or a snorting richter.

Already in front of the public called the Martial Arts, he was held like a princess and left.

Sometimes it's better not to know.

"Yeah, put it down. I can walk on my own."

"You shouldn't be so rude."

"I'm surprised you came to this business with 100% goodwill."

Absolutely, Richter sighs.

We're gone.

I see. Well, I'll take care of it. "

Under the starry sky.

It doesn't have to be the same.

"This is a great opportunity. Let's ask them what they think about rebuilding it."

Ah, well, let's build a arena in the middle of my house.

It's a broken house from the middle. Ha ha. That's funny. "

"Ah, you're being silly!!

― ― Outside the arena spectacular. The West.

"Looks like it's over. It was beautiful."

"... is that so?"

Cucumber and pinched collar.

I was walking in a nature park.

You can see the spectacles from this hill, which is a little taller and has a nice view.

Bringing a large Lilac rider beside him, he was in love with the fireworks for a while in this place.

--Apparently, I wasn't the only one who fell in love.

Looking at the reply from her chest, a girl who seemed to have finally stopped crying was gazing blurrily at the spectacle.


Son, snort a little.

Murmuring softly.

But now that the sound of the fireworks has stopped, her cool voice softly echoes in the quiet hills.

"Did you miss me?"

"What? Uh, what do you think?"

"... to the habit of saying it's settled. Take responsibility for your words."


The face of a girl with a pointed lip is in front of her when Huta lowers her neck.

Wet, pale eyes. Slightly dyed cheeks.

Even though she knew it was because she was crying, she opened her eyes unexpectedly at this close range.

"I just thought if I knew Lilac, I'd miss him. People who don't feel lonely shouldn't say that they don't have an ally."

"... that's what happened."

"Yes, it's been a year since then"

"One year..."

My side is nowhere to be found!!

That's what he cried out and refused Huta under the starry sky.

Then a year. Lilac thinks it's early.

"But, Futa."


Chu, chu. The white hand stretches out.

In this situation, there is no resistance to Huta holding her with both hands.

Gently touching Futa's cheek, she smiles.

"I'm not lonely anymore."


"Yes, because you're here."

Loosely, Futa lowered her throat.

My eyes are crossing, just for a moment.

Close range held up.

"... Futa"


Take a breath without thinking of the look of a dark girl you see up close.

Unexpectedly, Futa shook her head and put her on the horse.

It felt like the horse was already teasing me.

"What, Futa?

"Excuse me, shall we go?"

Tong, Lilac sitting on the saddle looked at him in surprise.

A rather unusual situation had emerged.



--It's not unusual, is it?

In these gentle circumstances.

It is only in spite of his voice that he does not look at us.

I miss it a little.

But I'm a little happy.

Lilac tells him the first time he closes.

Let's go home.

"Yes, sorry."

"It's fine. Yeah, but..."

One year after that.

I think I missed you a little.

"But that's it!

It's as if you're seeing each other. As long as I kept going, Futa's words were even worse when I thought about what was happening to me.

The opponent is Her Royal Highness the Princess.

He is also a valued opponent, and above all, the one he most adores.

"Your face is red."

"You're really poking me!? What? Suddenly!

"Well, what is it?"

If you can't talk about it.

I still don't know if I can call it "yes."

I don't want my first emotion to be named after someone else.

It's just...

Breathe gently and deeply.

The words I'm about to say are too harsh.

I'm not sure I can say it without biting.

No, but Lilac inspired himself a little and told him he was still looking that way.

"--Without calling me a princess, neither I nor the master cut myself."


"You were happy as a girl, right?

"- I am. I love Lilac M. Fangini."

That's it.

Lilac gently kicks the horse's abdomen with a powerful voice that wipes out the joy and yet shame.

Having just learned that, he abandoned Huta and the horse ran away.

"Eh, ah!! Hey."

I don't care if you wait.

Don't leave me.

Various words came out of my mouth.

The words echoed on the hill were different from both.

"Oh, where did you really hear that?!"

Fireworks night draws the curtain of the starry sky.

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