--The pasta house.

In the morning of that day, there were unusual visitors.

Not many people visit her.

There were enough people who knew she was based in the house with both fingers, and above all, there were very few people who knew she was still moving the Olba Chamber of Commerce from behind.

Besides, there are few plans to go out with her.

Her heart that she didn't want to know much about her whereabouts appeared in her actions.

I use a carriage that I am familiar with directly from home.

The only person visiting her mansion was limited to a limited number of candidates.

And then...

When you invite people to your room to talk, it's so rare that even one finger can't be broken.

I mean, almost one person.


She gently lowered the mug to the low table and said one word.

The young man sitting on the sofa with one seat in the front unexpectedly rounded his eyes and lowered his eyebrows with a little thought.

"Oh, yeah. I thought it was a pretty good idea."

"That was before the problem of good and bad. Anyone can come up with an idea. For the first time, things are meaningful until they happen. And this story is not feasible so far."

"... feasibility?"

Hmm, a young man with muscular arms.

The season is approaching, and it is time for everyone to wear thin clothes.

Though it is a long sleeve, the thin fabric beautifully floats his silhouette.


Pasta buried his mouth in the muddy toy he was holding and whispered with his eyes around his arms or chest.

"For some reason, it's the same for me, but music isn't something that amateurs can do anyway."


"I have to call for my real job. Then you will inevitably become a court musician. Do you understand?"

"- Oh, because it's state-owned."

"That's the way it is."

Nod, and she turns her gaze towards the desk.

Chic desk soothing enough to float away from the atmosphere in her room, all lined with light cherry blossoms.

The scroll on top of that also had a detailed description of the required expenses.

"I can't talk to civilians like that. Because we can't afford to call on the people who are run by the state to work for the royal castle. But now I need royal permission to speak to you... well, it's the fastest way to talk to her..."


"I'll make sure you lend it to me. Something that involves power is a hassle. You don't know how to shake a stick."

"I'm sorry. Hold the stuffed toy and look great."

Er, Pasta is nine years old, so I don't know.

"He reopened it."

"I have to reopen it....."

The youngster-Futa also made this a draw.

I wondered if I could get paid for something that wasn't the usual if I changed a little from talking about stuffed animals. It is difficult to touch it as a liquor liquor liquor like a middle-aged depression.

Not necessarily, it is.

Today, for some reason, I felt that it was not as sharp as usual.

The reason is simple, and she won't be able to look at me today.

Futa's prospects, which he lightly teased in an attempt to get back to business as usual, ended in failure.

"Is there anything I can do as a creator?

"First of all, please stop feeling responsible for the idea. But... hmm... that's right. Isn't it bad to get Lilac to move himself?"

"Inspire me, Lilac?

"That literal is so funny. They say," There's no way I can do it. "

"I think so too! Ugh!!

Pasta with a giggle and a smile and a cupcake at hand.

Fouta uses her skillful speech to persuade Lilac.

It is an act that I would definitely like to see once if it comes true, but I can see that it is so difficult for the feathers to jump the carnivores.

"You can do it. He wants to put music on the entrance and make it cool. It's not like I'm using you, it's your own idea, and it's not a bad idea."

"It doesn't change when I say it or when you say it... no, I'm better than a boulder."

I see.

One small yawn.

I don't particularly want to touch it, even though I'm thinking about what's going on inside of you.

"Because it's about business, I don't think it's going to be completely affirmative... but you're not going to get any worse than me."


Whatever Futa says, it's pasta reading that says, "Yes, let's do it."

Nevertheless, it was definitely faster for Pasta to say it from his mouth than from anyone else in the world.

Most certainly.

Pasta is still not enough to analyze Lilac.

That's not so much about Futa.

All I can say is that I don't know how much the characteristic of cool entrance to the music will sting that princess.

I tend to forget, but she embraced the court magician only to perform spectacular performances.

"In the first place, including entering with music, the point is to" perform "... you know?

"What happened?

"If you do that, you'll be the cheerful one again."

"............ ahh"


Laughing with her nose at her distant eyes, she tilts the mug of hot lemonade.

Concealing the small face with a cup lowers the eyes slightly at the same time.

Thinking about Spectacular all the time, I know that the tournament was big enough for him to forget about himself.

It arrived in my dream. My dream came true. The sorrow was fulfilled.

You shouldn't lose what you got.

Still, I didn't get enough of myself at the earliest.

--What are you so emotional about?

Smile loosely.

She pulled it back from her unsuitable expression to her original cheeky face and put the cup down.

"I'm not kidding, but... As long as you just walk magnificently, there's plenty you can do. Don't worry about it that much. I'm just kidding."

"No... I wish I could practice this too."

"I'm already one of the people around here. Unless you can be a gladiator who usually attracts people."

"I can't."

"I see. Stay put."

Izna Sicienzan, for example, is an eye-catching sight of his popularity every time he takes a leg to a restaurant (Taberna) lute.

For example, Ocean Big Wave. His natural charisma captivated many people in Colosseum.

She laughs at Futa, who so gives up and waves her head.

"Nevertheless, you should be able to think about yourself separately from the gladiator's self, little by little."

"I see. After all, I'm trying to be a gladiator out there, or as you told me, a tough guy."

"... I just hope I won't be miserable."

"I don't trust you...."

Drop your shoulders, and Futa thinks.

"Do you have any reference materials like this?

"References? You mean like a nasty human being? Why don't you watch your favorite princess?

"Unfortunately, if the biology is okay, I'm right in front of you, so I'm on time."

"My talents are commensurate."

"That's what it is, isn't it?"

"... shit, sometimes you say something decent."

"Sometimes it's a little extra, you fucking kid."

Well, if it's a reference book...

And when she pointed to the desk, her movements stopped.

Without looking at her with a twitch and her expression stained with dust, Huta stood up.

"What, did you have it for me?"

I don't think so, but I thought I'd get all my sisters ready.

For Futa, everyday tasks such as being recognized for her actions.

If so, reach out to the desk as convinced.

Sure enough, some of the scripts and stories of the plays should be cool and modeled.

"Uhh, ahh"

Beyond that, I took a book of readings open to my desk without noticing that the boiled pasta was raising a voiceless voice.

"What is this?" Forbidden First Love "?

The teddy bear blew up.


"Wow!? What the hell!?

"Don't look! Don't look! Don't look! No! No!

"What's the difference? Put so much on. It's the same as when you used to give me reference materials."

"I don't remember!!!!!!!! Throw away all that stuff- No, throw away that book now!!!

"Why are you turning bright red? I definitely don't like it because it looks so interesting."

"I'm so fucking unemployed!!!

Standing up from the sofa, the head of the pasta rushes upside down with one hand.


"... whichever one. Shut up and obey me ...... Oh, what a terrible protagonist!

"It's my fiancée's sister!! I'm not aiming for you!!

"Did you read this out?

"Are you listening!?

Solid book binding.

Apparently, it's a script of plays played in the past.

"Was he cool?

"When!? If you were so cool, I wouldn't be able to play you!! Aaaaaah!!!

"Why, you, you can't take books from me with your head held down. You're more of a junkie."


It's like a sibling fight.

On the page that happened to open, Huta looked through.

My fiancée's sister was so strong, she used to be a runaway grandmother who followed a man.

The protagonist, who was invited to her fiancée's house and met her for the first time, is intrigued by a carefree girl she has never seen before.

No matter how nervous you are, your strength is that of a girl.

The protagonist's feelings were the first love he didn't know yet, named his interest, unconsciously.

Hmm, I dropped my gaze from the book to the girl in trouble.

If I let go of my hand, it would be better to hold a woman's head against a boulder, and she would fall forward like a gentle one.

Bend a little and hold it.

I was forced to do it in my work.

Hold me tight.


I whispered softly in my ear.

Shut up and follow me.


Futa doesn't know why she pinched the knife.

To her in the first place, it is nothing but euphoria to go out of her way to read back the book.

Nevertheless, it was she who sandwiched it.

--I didn't look at you today in the first place.


Oops, Futa questions herself.

I've grown up.

After being thrown out of my work, I'm supposed to be a "funny woman."

It was Futa's plan to tell me that it was so refreshing that I was pretty good at it. There it is.

However, the calculations are wrong.

I see, but the thought of Futa, who blurred his head for a moment, was blocked by strange things.

The fact that she hugged and whispered in her ear naturally meant that she also had her lips in her ear.

A slight sigh of her breath. The glossy breath hits Futa's ear.

The warmth of the girl who feels tingling returns to me.

What am I doing now?

The hugged limbs are soft and luxurious, completely different from Futa's body.

Slightly fragrant sweetness comes from the neck.

I suspected my body might be made of cupcake or lemonade, but that's not the case. The sweet smell is flowers. But there's sugar mixed in there, kind of that.

Flower beds, sugar. And then the luxurious softness of the girl.

"... hey"

A whispering voice tickles your ears.

The atmosphere, unlike her, is confident, wet, and cute.

The answer to him who said, "Follow me."

"What do you want?


I had no intention of doing anything.

I was asked what I wanted to do and couldn't answer.

It's easy to say you don't want to do anything, it should be easy.

Then why are you stuck in words? Is there anything else you want to do?

The clearer your mind becomes, the less you know what you're thinking - the more sensitive your body is, the more it always conveys the "girl" across your skin.

I cursed my outfit for the season.

Hey, let's have lunch ~

Both sides move apart with momentum.

Huta, who had her desk on her back, hit her in the back.

Pasta rolled onto the sofa with a knee hook on the pasta.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh, lunch, lunch!! - But you're a noodle."

"Yes, I'm about to get hungry!! - But you suck on the fork."


After returning to me, I apologized to both of them.

Reef was sniffing at the fork.

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