--Olba Chamber of Commerce Residence renovated, pasta house.

I lost my title as president of the Olba Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

At that time, the mansion was reworked to its own as it was used up.

It sounds good when it comes to changing the appearance, but basically I just moved all the furniture to the newly prepared villa.

As a result, the house, which became so lonely, was now properly furnished with cheap furniture.

The fact that her fat eyes rot is impossible only for this girl.

She is the only one left in her head who spends every day in this lonely house without feeling particularly lonely.

Now, Beatrice M. Olba, who had destroyed all her titles and claimed to have died, sighed loudly in the private room of the villa.

"... I can't believe I have to do this."

Your exhalation from your cheeks and lips is slightly warm.

The expression stained with vermilion is no match for her red hair.

Lose your position, lose your name.

I thought I'd never stand on the stage again.

I can't believe it.

The desk is stacked with several books, and she herself sits on the desk, rolling pages one by one.

While poking at his cheek cane and looking bored - his eyes moved busily and his expression was slightly red.

And there's a messy knock sound.

She replies, turning to the white eye, saying, "Don't beat me with the kick again."

"Whoa, here we go again. It's a mess...."

"If your hands are blocked, you don't need to knock."

"If you have that kind tenderness, I wonder if you could ask me for a job that doesn't obstruct my hands..."

She came into the room with leafy vegetable-like hair, and she was a leafy leaning ride. The cautionary stick in this house is a mere diner.

"I'm paying you to eat for free, so do your best."

"Gu... that's right... but..."

If you get a good salary, the backlash really sprouts.

I can't help but say that the character of a well-paid girl who understands it is still threaded out, but as a result, Reef turned into a good use of her body.

Reef puts additional books on the desk and replaces them with the ones on the desk.

"Hey, what is this guy?

"You can't even read your letters?

"No, I can read it, but I just have a headache when I open a book or something... I don't really know the title either." The sky must be connected "" I think of you for a little sleep "" The most important flower in the world "... what book?

Well, maybe you don't know.

"What the hell?"

Don't get angry, complaining, she went back to the study with about six books.

It's not like she feels bad about the manners of closing the door with her feet, but more concerned about the continuation, she dropped her eyes on the book again.

"... if you like this guy, you can say you like him, right?"

A book with an abstract title that Reef couldn't understand.

The plays are compiled into books and the script itself. Alternatively, it was written for the purpose of reading as a book.

The shapes varied, but all she was reading was a book about romance.

Sunset plugging in through the window.

I took care of everything for today. Compared to the old days, I had a lot more free time.

The more I wondered if I could afford it, the more I've been busy every day lately.

Nevertheless, it may be more appropriate to say that it is good or bad.

At least for her.

This reading time was quite unintentional.

"Wow, that's what you do. I'm not that strong... but I don't want to... fuhn..."

While dyeing her cheeks, she whispered to herself whether it was a dark spot.

If you don't like reading things like this, you can appeal in this room without anyone, knowing that it won't reach anyone.

Her name is Pasta Pomodoro.

A girl who was robbed of her old name and now lives under that name.

Close your eyes when you finish reading the book.

The immediate scene is a heroin that is forced against the wall and stripped of its lips. Still, it's not as compelling as you'd ever want to throw it away from someone you think about.

While explaining to myself that there is no way to do it, I love the other person so much that I can immerse myself in the intoxication.


Hmm, snorts.

It is a bit difficult to think any more.

Lightly stretched, she glanced at the finished book and gently sideways.

And it's a single scroll.

After some note writing has been completed, the pen is used to increase the writing.

From a pasta point of view, it was a rather embarrassing list of words, as if it were a love sentence or a love poem.

"--I realized that women who are popular with extra people are generally in love. It's a shabby business to be popular just because you say you like someone."

What she's doing with a loud smile.

It was in preparation for the coming "future dragged to the front stage".

Whatever she hides, she is now the most famous girl in King's Landing, "Pasta Chan (9)," as a live-action role that gained popularity in the arena spectacular.

Even though I made my own virtual image, I never thought it would get this much attention, "characters" subtracted from the actual age of 5 years.

Explanation It was only recently that she realized that she was now a business tool that was meant to be an accessory or an accessory to Futa.

Charismatic girl pasta with huge support for young and old alike - especially for young people and girls.

Her next hand is as an idol who sings and dances as a link to an event called fighting the sword.

There is generally no mistake in recognizing the common princess.

A princess who should be loved not by the people as a symbol of the country, but by the guests as a symbol of the arena.

I didn't think it would be a good idea to define myself as a business and do "management," but there was a "manager."

How can it be sold to attract customers most effectively? And can you make more money?

The result of the thought was the conclusion that the girl in love was cute...

The attribute that corresponds to the majority of "popular girls" collected as reference material.

After completing that step, she was fishing for a book on romance for reference on exactly what kind of girls she was in love with.

A woman named Beatrix has no regrets with each of these things, and in order to bloom the flowers called pasta, I did not break the attitude of wearing fine clothes this time.

"I'm neither a princess nor a saint. Then you should capture customers with" cuteness "rather than gathering faith-minded emotions."

And that's it.

Your face is bleeding and you can feel it burning.

"... what's so cute, idiot. Say it yourself and I want to die."

Look - it's not bad to think you're nine years old.

The fact that the actual age is 14 is fatal in view of future growth.

At the very least, being a visual that can withstand smiling at the venue leads to conclusions as a result of an objective analysis of yourself.

There is no problem.

Besides, dressing up is more or less deceptive.

You said you were ashamed to wear a cute costume, but that man usually likes you.


That's why I can't just walk out like this.

I don't think that's what he said in the first place.

Whether you wear clothes or everyday clothes, it doesn't change.

--Well, I'm not showing him anything, but it's important to get a rating from the customer, so it's completely irrelevant.


Apart from acting, I'm not good at it.

At least I was originally going to ask her to play the role of a heel talker to support Futa.

I'm used to talking.

That said, this is...

It's like a lyric-- it's like a lyric-- right after you drop your eyes.

At the very least, the attractive expression of a woman who is thinking of "becoming the face of the arena" is not good, as if she saw a mouse crawling up from the Dobu River.

But he shakes his head like he gave up, and stands up, and tells him to sing with his hand against his chest.

"Because I'm in love. I can't stop thinking about you. Whether you're cooking as usual or staying with your mom, your smiling face always comes to mind when you close your eyes trying to sleep. I can't help but think about how you'll be happy, how you'll laugh, and then think about the next time I see you."

It was already an imminent act.

A nine-year-old girl spins a song like a concerned boy.

Don't stick your tongue, but take it seriously.

A cute poem that fascinates a child when he or she is fully committed to life.

The fact that each word is direct also creates a different charm than an emotional adult atmosphere.

After calculating and making all of them...


I fell off my knees as if I was something horrible.

Is it necessary to taste such humiliation?

Is there anything I want to get out of this disgusting language?

A magical spell that sings from your mouth with lost eyes like a dead fish.

"50 million singing and dancing, 50 million singing and dancing, 50 million singing and dancing, 50 million singing and dancing, 50 million singing and dancing, 50 million singing and dancing."

An adult situation that is too vivid and dirty to jump out of a 9-year-old who was singing a sparkling love earlier.

But ironically.

This one looks more like her - I'm sure everybody knows her.

"What a lovely girl./(adv-to, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) thump/thump/thump/(2) (on-mim) thump/thump/thump/thump/(P)/"

Squeeze the cupcake with your bare hands while you're standing with your scroll on the floor.

Bad manners, bad seeping personalities.

That is her nature.

Moisturize your mouth with sweet hot lemonade, which has become rough with cupcakes.


A mug in your hand - and a love story that stays on your desk.

After not moving for a while, she noticed that the contents of the mug were empty and returned to me, replacing it with a scroll that fell on the floor.

"... this is the first time you've ever felt so important to me."

Unexpectedly put that phrase in your mouth.

"It's creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The next moment, the scroll was torn apart.

The disgust of saying such a word to yourself is as if a caterpillar were spinning around your spine.

"No way. I knew it would be good just now."

A small sigh reminds me of the lyrics I was singing with a feminine voice earlier.

"Because I'm in love. I can't stop thinking about you. Whether you're cooking as usual or staying with your mom, your smiling face always comes to mind when you close your eyes trying to sleep. I can't help but think about how you'll be happy, how you'll laugh, and then think about the next time I see you."

An empty harpoon that forces your mind into a 9-year-old girl and spins it.

But that's what the audience would love to do as a "manager."

- Well then.

What was the phrase that ripped the scroll apart earlier?

It's not a list of words that seem to pull from love stories.

You don't need to dress up, you don't need flashy costumes, and you just write what you normally do when you notice it.

--That's why I feel very sick.

"I am Pasta Pomodoro, 9 years old! I have a brother I love!

With a naïve smile, she puts herself into practice with the sole idea of making money.

"My brother was a champion the other day! It's also strong."

Make sure you don't forget the face of the arena.

"My beloved oniichan won't give it to anyone!

The girl who likes someone is cute, so hold the stone firmly down.

"So do your best, oniichan."

And then he turned to me and crouched down on his knees.

"... I'm just talking about oniichan."

I have a head on what I'm doing.

"No, that's fine. Oniichan loves her cute little sister. Yes, Pasta Pomodoro was nine years old."

Stand up and hold your fist.

Tell me that I am 9 years old now.

That's why you have to create an image in your head.

"I love Futa at home and I'm hugging her!


Yes, I...


Like a rusted joint doll, the door looks sharply back.

There is a girl holding a book.

"Knock!!! I'll cut my salary!!!

"Hmm!? Didn't I just say you don't want it!?

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