Li Anchor's sudden dash caused Fan Chang, who was sitting in the car, to burrow directly into the seat. When he came to his senses, he chased Li Anchor.

"Anchor, please slow down. Why can't a man in his thirties be more steady?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Li Anchor smiled back, and raised the accelerator pedal under his foot. Fan Chang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was doing well. In the back compartment of the command car, the one in the last row without a seat was the worst.

He could only squat in the carriage, but due to the sudden increase in speed, he sat directly on the floor of the carriage, but this also allowed him to find the most suitable position for riding.

After the speed of the car was slowed down, the following cars quickly followed up and formed a convoy.

The command vehicle is at the beginning, the carrier vehicle is at the back, the ammunition support vehicle is in the middle, and finally there are three Warrior personnel carriers.

This convoy is running on the main road, and the turnaround rate is definitely high. Especially in a county like Gaoxian County where there is no local garrison, it is even more eye-catching.

When the convoy is on its way to the militia base, many curious social vehicles will always cruise by the convoy, wanting to take pictures of the military convoy.

Fortunately, it was not too far from the militia base, so the convoy quickly drove in. The social vehicles following the convoy dispersed when they saw that there was nothing to take pictures of.

After the convoy entered the base, Li Ao didn't care about the next thing. After all, there were so many professional people.

Li Anchor took Fan Chang to the side, found a chair and sat down, and watched the soldiers carry out their work.

The soldiers had previous recycling operations and the lack of physical objects during this period of training. Although the follow-up work they carried out was somewhat stumbling, it was successfully completed.

In the command vehicle, Nie Xin and his temporary partner started discussing. They were using this bee drone control system for the first time.

At this time, the carrier vehicle also began to move. Several soldiers got up in the carriage to help unlock the fixed locks that locked the drone and complete some auxiliary tasks for the drone on the lifting platform.

Just like that, the first drone was successfully sent to the lifting platform, and the moment the platform rose to the roof of the car, the drone was successfully launched.

Nie Xin, who was in the command car, controlled the drone to brake the car, turned the power to the maximum, and then rushed towards the runway that had become a ski-jump take-off.

The extremely fast drone, just like taking off on the Liaoyu 16, successfully jumped into the air.

After one drone rose into the sky, the following four were quickly sent to the take-off runway, and then took off successfully one after another. According to the intelligent program set by the aircraft, an initial formation was formed over the militia base. formation.

After Li Ao saw the first drone take off successfully from the roof of the car, he knew that he had succeeded and that his previous idea was indeed feasible.

Since the drone can take off successfully in a static state, it shouldn't be difficult to take off while traveling as he envisioned. However, given the current proficiency and tacit understanding of the soldiers, it is really not possible.

However, as long as the soldiers become proficient in the entire business, I believe that flying drones while marching will be successful.

Looking at the five drones forming a formation in the sky, they were forming a triangular arrow-shaped attack formation.

Li Ao looked for the queen bee from inside, but as the drone flew higher, he could not find it. There are still only five of them, so it is so difficult to find the queen. When there are fifty of them in the later period, it will be even harder to find the queen.

When the time comes to attack, the queen can greatly improve her survivability by hiding among the worker bees.

The next thing is not of much interest to Li Ao. After all, he only needs to know that he can really take off. After all, the subsequent training flights are very boring.

At this point, he already had the idea of ​​going back. Watching flight training here, he might as well go back and study something fun with Harrow!

For example, the remote-controlled heavy machine gun that is still missing from the command vehicle. Isn’t studying this more interesting than watching the boring flight here?

But he didn't leave. He couldn't just run away while others were busy.

After staying at the militia base until almost night, the five drones in the sky lowered their altitude and landed under the control of Nie Xin.

This time, the landing was not on the asphalt road that had been used before, but on a field runway that had just been cleaned by the logistics troops.

It is said that it is a runway, but it is actually a path that has just been pulled out of weeds, without any paving, and exposed on the loess ground.

The conditions are not bad, but for the UAV designed by Li Ao, such a field runway can meet the landing conditions.

After all, at the beginning of the design, the use scenarios of these drones were not limited to airports. Coupled with the subsequent research on honeycombs, it is even more necessary for drones to be able to take off and land on field runways. ability.

The landing gear of the drone was released. When the rear and rear landing gear were in complete contact with the ground, the friction between the tires and the loess, coupled with the wind force from the propeller, caused the drone to disappear directly into the floating soil.

The scene was like a sandstorm. The originally clean militia training base turned into Peiping after the sandstorm.

In this environment filled with yellow sand, all five drones successfully landed on the ground without any accidents.

Whenever a drone lands, a team of security soldiers will come forward to push the drone aside and then simply clean it.

Then push it to the carrier vehicle and hand it over to the next process for drone recovery.

When the last drone landed successfully, the first drone that landed was already recovered into the carriage.

During this period, the logistics support soldiers also used drones to conduct physical refueling training and non-physical reloading training.

Anyway, when the drone was recovered into the carriage, the drone's status had been adjusted to a state where it could take off for combat again.

The forty-odd soldiers were busy in full swing. Although their bodies were covered with dust, no one could conceal their excitement.

The mentality of these soldiers has also changed from being anxious when they first arrived to being happy now.

Originally, he was in the original army and was doing a good job as a logistics support soldier, but suddenly he was transferred out and came to a small company. Anyone who saw it would feel unsure.

However, when the drone actually flew into the sky, the mentality of all the soldiers stabilized. It turned out that this was a pie-in-the-sky transfer, and the future was bright.

Just when the last drone landed successfully, Fan Chang finally picked up his phone.

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