Synthesis of everything starting from models

Chapter 113 Recycling Operations

The few people who followed Li Anchor in felt the same as Fan Chang. No matter what it was, as long as the number increased, it would give people a sense of oppression.

Fan Chang and others were dumbfounded when they saw the seven drones arranged irregularly.

They seemed to be frozen in place, but Li Ao, the owner, did not. He only had one thing on his mind right now, and that was to get five of the seven drones to carry them as soon as possible. In the car, do some experiments first.

This is the most important thing for Li Ao, and nothing else is important.

Li Ao stood next to the seven drones and was about to get them all out of the workshop. But when he was about to take action, he noticed something was wrong. Where were the people who followed him in?

Li Anchor quickly looked back and found that several people were standing at the door, standing there blankly watching the drone.

"Brother Fan, Brother Nie, don't just watch at the door. Come here quickly and help me. Let's get the drone out quickly so we can try to see if it can take off from the carrier!" "

The few people who heard his greeting suddenly came to their senses, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and followed Li Ao's command to work together to push all the drones out of the workshop.

The space outside the workshop is much larger than the space inside the workshop. The drones that were rolled out were all lined up neatly next to the carrier vehicle.

After all the drones were taken out, Li Ao came to the transport car and opened the side sliding door that had been reserved in advance near the front of the car.

Their actions also attracted the logistics support soldiers who had been training without physical objects in the same city.

Li Anchor looked at the cargo box door that he had opened, and then at the neatly arranged drones beside him. He suddenly felt a little confused.

Although he had already thought about how to recover the drone into the carriage, he had never touched a crane before.

It would definitely be difficult for him to control the truck-mounted crane and complete the recovery of the drone.

Fan Chang and others had been standing by the side waiting for Li Ao's instructions. At this moment, they saw him suddenly open the door and then stood there motionless.

Fan Chang, who thought of something, turned his head and said to the man next to him: "Maybe some of your soldiers are good at playing with cranes. Call them over quickly and complete the recovery of the drone!"

Yi Mao Er, who was standing next to Fan Chang, immediately came to his senses after hearing his reminder. He nodded and made a gesture to run back.

But before he could start it, he heard another instruction from Fan Chang.

"Call all the people over. There is strength in numbers, and since there has been no physical training for so long these days, let them try physical training!"

Yi Mao Er immediately nodded heavily and returned to the team as fast as he could. Then he organized the team and led the people to run towards this side in an orderly manner.

Li Ao was stunned for a while. After hearing Fan Chang's words, he realized that there are specialties in the art industry. It is better to leave these things to professional logistics support soldiers. He will be responsible for commanding and watching. .

More than 40 people lined up in a neat team, and they lined up nearby. Then 12 cents began to give orders, and the team immediately took action.

The small crane on board the truck immediately started moving as soon as it was controlled by someone. Several people climbed up in the carriage to assist, and people stood beside each drone on the ground.

The boom was extended first, the sling was lowered, and several soldiers worked together to hang the sling on the drone.

Then Yi Mao Er shouted commands from the side, and the drone was hoisted under his extremely professional orders and gestures.

When the hoisted drone reached a height, the people on the car also began to respond. With the joint efforts of two groups of people on and off the car, the drone was successfully loaded into the carriage.

The drone was placed on the conveyor belt, and the soldiers fixed the landing gear on the metal conveyor belt.

The man under the car then issued the next order, and the soldiers standing next to the conveyor belt began to make movements with their hands.

Following his control, the conveyor belt rotated, and the drone, which was still in the hoisting position, was sent deep into the carriage by the conveyor belt.

With the joint efforts of the soldiers, all five drones were quickly loaded into the carriage.

These soldiers were not very skilled in the entire action of recovering the drone, but it did not take long. Li Ao, who had been watching from the sidelines, knew that this speed could be achieved once the soldiers became proficient in the business.

After all the drones were loaded in and the crane returned to its position, the platoon leader Yi Mao Er then reorganized the team and stood aside waiting for the next task.

Seeing that the drone was in place, Li Anchor stepped forward, closed the cargo door again, and said anxiously to Fan Chang and the others.

"Brother Fan, Brother Nie, and Platoon Leader Xia, hurry up and call the team to drive. Let's go outside and try to see if the honeycomb drone strike system I made works!

The sooner I find the problem, the sooner I can make adjustments! "

After Li Ao finished speaking, he didn't care whether they reacted or not, and went straight to the command vehicle.

This was one of the few opportunities he had, and the opportunity to drive a military vehicle, coupled with his eagerness to experiment, made him seem a little anxious.

After Li Ao ran to the command vehicle, pulled out the driver's seat and sat down, Fan Chang and others started to move.

Fan Chang, as the person with the highest rank on the scene, quickly organized the group. Then, under the command of Platoon Leader Xia, the soldiers each ran to their respective posts.

As the soldiers took their positions, military vehicles in desert camouflage colors were all activated, and the carrier vehicles that had been equipped with drones were also activated.

Fan Chang came to the command vehicle and got directly into the passenger seat. He was a little worried about Li Ao driving. Regardless of how long he had been driving a civilian vehicle, it was still his first time driving a military vehicle.

As for Nie Xin, the drone pilot, and his temporarily selected wingman operator, they opened the rear door of the Warrior military vehicle and bent down to get in.

Entering at the same time as the two of them, there were three other people from the test flight team. With five people getting into the carriage with only four seats, one of them was destined to be uncomfortable.

The command vehicle was activated by Li Anchor and drove to the gate of the factory, followed by the long-distance transport vehicle. The military vehicles behind it were lined up one after another.

At this time, Fan Chang picked up the mobile phone that came with the car, called each car and asked about the situation.

When every car was ready, Fan Chang turned around and patted Li Anchor on the shoulder and said something casually.

"Anchor, let's go, drive hard, drive slowly and don't be in a hurry!"

Li Ao, who was now extremely excited by this battle, could not stop the car with Fan Chang's two words. He put the gear into gear and stepped on the accelerator. The powerful command car sped out violently. .

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