The next day, we, the Royal Merinard Army, set out from the border post on an airboard. It was moving up quickly and counterinvasing to the vicinity of the Principality of Dihart's border fort.

I don't see any enemies.

"No, the red smoke is starting to rise diagonally backwards. They kept an eye on the surveillance."

"What are you going to do?

"Let's throw it away. According to Harpy and the others, there are no ambushes, so I think it's probably meant to convey our attack."

It would be nice if I was ambushed while I was on the move with an ambush, but there's no problem because I'm flying ahead of Herpy and the others. Well, if you know you're coming to a defensive fortress, it makes sense to intercept it. Think normally.

Since we have Ranged Attacks that cannot be prevented by shields or armor, it is certainly a smarter choice to hide behind structures that are more defensive than shields or armor. If we set up an ambush, we'll discard that defense.

So we ignore the Duchy of Dihart's smoke for now. I saw an artificial structure in the front.

"Found the enemy submarine!

"Sensei Kan...?

"Never mind. All right, all stop."

Instruct all airboards to use the Golem communicator and stop at this location. I can see the critical building... hmm, do you have about 5km? On Earth, it seems that the horizon is roughly five kilometers from the height of human gaze, but this planet is not necessarily the same diameter as the Earth.

"How long does it take to walk from here to the fort?

"Hmm? I don't think my leg would take an hour. If it's a normal person, it's about an hour.

"I see, Schmel and the others have a lot of strides. Well, is it okay if it's this far?"

We need a bunker to protect ourselves from Golems and fortress debris that could fly in. Let's get in touch with Mr Harpy, who's flying over the sky.

"Pessar, this is Koske. Report back to the Principality of Dihart. Here you go."

Yes, this is Pessar. Looks like the Duke of Dihart army at the fort is ready to intercept. Get out of the way. "

"Roger. Call me as soon as you see any signs of an attack. Here you go."

I'm so cute! End of communication!

"Koske, are you going to form a team here?

"Isn't it far from the boulder?

After I finished communicating with Pessar, Warg and Captain Noir appeared. Regarding the fort bombing today, it seems that Peter or Noir will arrive, so they rubbed a little, but in the end, they won the right to accompany Noir. I don't know what kind of game Peter played, but it was impressive that Peter was so disappointed.

"If we get too close, we'll get caught in an explosion."

"What's so amazing about the back hand?"

"We can destroy the Holy King if we put a lot of money into it. I can do mass production."

"If that's the case, why don't you just put it in and destroy the Holy King?

"If you put in a bunch of weapons to blow up every fort, every city, and kill every soldier and civilian indiscriminately... then there's gonna be serious magic pollution at the explosion site."

"That's not good...."

Having heard about the power and drawbacks of the Magic Stone Bomb, Noir draws. Well, even if you say "magic pollution", it doesn't seem to cause serious problems for the human body immediately... but it doesn't seem to have no benefit at all, so does the magic pollution. In magically contaminated areas, some special plants - such as medicinal herbs used as materials for magic recovery potions - grow well, and magicians recover quickly.

However, the disadvantages are too great for people to live in, such as magic tools that cause abnormal movement, magic drunkenness if they stay for a long time, or normal plants that don't grow. We still don't know how long it will decay. I think it was caused by a Magic Stone that turned into fine particles by the explosion.

"Let's get ready anyway. First, we need to create a protective facility to protect ourselves from explosive debris. Schmel and the others will be my escorts, and Warg will lead the elite samurai to prepare for the assault."


Copy that.

"What is that doing?

"Is it magic or something? Looks like they're building a defense facility."

"Hmm. I don't know what Antonius the coward said about blowing up our fort."

The general of the Principality of Dihalt, Lesnius-Olaf-Winter 'talia, distorted his face uncomfortably while looking at the telescopic tube.

After the meeting with Koske, Antonius went straight to the capital and reported the situation as it was, claiming to abandon the border fort. Antonius touched the king's anger and was left as it was. He was the new general of the Principality of Dihart's army, who was to assume command of the border fort at the end of the battle.

"What do you want me to do?

"Be vigilant and keep an eye on it. Your enemy's new weapon will not reach from that distance."

"Hah... hmm?

"What's wrong?"

Concerned about the lieutenant's strange reaction, Resnius once again peered into the telescope and saw a figure in front of the enemy's defense facility. Wearing armor and a mace and a huge shield... no, no. That's not a person.

"Nah, what is that!?

"Golem... is it?

"Golem? Is that it...?

The Golem must have been a moving doll made by an alchemist. But it takes a huge budget to make something that can be used in combat, and it's not something that can be used in battle, even though it's very modest... it's rarely used as a protector in ancient ruins.

I don't think you've ever reported anything like that.

That's what it's supposed to--!?


In front of enemy defenses - no, Golem's appearance is increasing. Given the size of the enemy's defenses, the Golem is probably more than three metres tall... and if it's pushed against it, it won't keep the fort walls or gates on the boulders.

"Well, well, what are you going to do!? If something like that... if something like that attacked me, there wouldn't be a chance!?

"Well, no matter what they say,"

The Lieutenant was swarmed by Lesnius. He couldn't think of any way to deal with such a rock giant. The Principality of Dihart's army is quite robust, but the supposed enemy is basically a small to medium monster that threatens people and streets. I haven't been trained to fight giants of large rocks.

"Kh... yes, it's a broken castle hammer! Prepare the mallet as soon as possible! Place it near the south gate so that the Golem can attack if they break in!

"Ha, ha!

He was a Lesnius with a slightly smelly smell, but his thinking was quite flexible as he was left to the general of the army. Unfortunately, his pride prevented him from choosing to withdraw immediately at this point. When the Golem soldiers of Koske started marching, they could have escaped from the north gate with all their forces and retreated at full speed to escape the devastation that awaited them.

This is Pessar. Move inside the fort. Come in.

"What's in it? Here you go."

I'm probably assembling a broken castle hammer. Please.

"Roger that. Keep your eyes open. Here you go."

Copy that! Communication is over!

A broken castle hammer. Probably trying to use it as a weapon against the Golem. The focus is not bad, but the golem doesn't smell dull enough to hit such a thing. If they were to attack, they would end up with a mace with a broken castle hammer.

"Wouldn't that Golem soldier do anything if he just pecked the fort?

"Maybe, but this is a demonstration. It's going to be a lot of trouble to imitate the kingdom of Merinard."

I see.

Warg and Noir looked difficult next to Bella, who nodded honestly.

"Golem Soldiers?

"Nh... well. I wonder what's going on."

"After all, it's a rock, so I think we can destroy it with a magic gun around the core. Isn't it nice to shoot at your knees and destroy your feet? And I think we can destroy it by hitting the Harpy bombers with a large, early aerial bomb instead of an interpersonal bomb."

"Ah, if we concentrate on that, we'll destroy the fort gates. I'm sure I can handle it."

The three Golems and the suicide bomber Golems were advancing slowly while talking to Warg. Three Golem soldiers are knocking on the gates with stupid maces. I think I can hear it this far.

"This is Koske. Remove the Harpy bombers and return to the defensive facility."

Affirmative! I am returning the Harpy bombers!

Soon the suicide golem will break into the fort and explode, so I'll call Harpy and the others back. It would be tough if we crashed because of the blast. Fragments may fly.

"I'm home!

I'm back.

Headed by Pessar and Capri, Harpy and the others will return. Just in case, not only Harpy and the others, but everyone should make a call to make sure there are no people left outside the protective facility. Safe check, Joshi!

"Well, is it about time?

"I see... ah, the castle gate fell inside."

Looking at the fort with naked eyes, the lion murmured. It's amazing to see bare eyes from this distance. I usually use a hammer, but it is surprisingly suitable for snipers. I'd like you to carry a large caliber sniper rifle commensurate with your size.

Everybody, prepare for impact!

Approximately ten seconds after I shouted so, there was intense light from the Principality of Dihart's border fort, which was delayed by shocks and roars.

The Principality of Dihart's army border fort literally disappeared from the world with all its personnel.

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