After all, the commanders of both the Principality of Dihart and the Royal Tigris Army just promised to pull up and retreat the wounded and the dead for now and left the discussion.

"Was it good?

"I'm glad. You're supposed to be tough on this invasion. And it's troublesome to take prisoners."

I see.

In fact, not only is it troublesome to manage the prisoners this time, but it is also difficult to manage thousands of prisoners at the personnel of the northern base. Even if I get someone out of Methocerium, it's hard to manage that number of people. If I could take a knight or a nobleman hostage, I might be able to expect a fair ransom, but this time it's a pass.

"So, are you sure you want to destroy the fort?

"Oh, I'll do it. I'll do it, so there's no magic gun battalion."


"It's literally going to blow up without a trace. Well, I don't mind seeing it from a distance."

I was going to take half of the Elite Magic Gunners, half of the Harpy Bombers, and Schmel's guards with me, but maybe we should take Warg and one of the Squadron Leaders.

Well, those who wish to do so can visit. However, the number of people who can survive an airboard is such that they can escape immediately if they need it. And leave the commander alone so we can maintain the base. "

"Oh, okay. Two weeks from now."

"Two weeks later."

I asked Mr. Harpy to scout the day before yesterday, and if he's still here, he'll drop a warning. I wish you'd retreat. Okay. The Commander of the Principality of Dihart seems to have managed to escape, but I don't know about the Tigris kingdom's grandfather. Thank you. I think we're gonna blow it up over there.

Thirteen days after defeating the invasion by the Principality of Dihart and the Kingdom of Tigris. Tomorrow is the X-Day of the border breakdown. The fort in the Principality of Dihart will be blown up tomorrow at noon, and the fort in the Kingdom of Tigris will be blown up at sunset tomorrow.

The method of destruction was by a rock golem with a Magic Stone bomb built into it. Have three Rock Golems escort them into the fort and charge them with Magic Stone Bomb Rock Golems, break down the gate, enter the fort, and then self-destruct.

Magic Stone Bomb Rock Golem - It's a long, suicide bomb Golem. The Suicide Golem has a number of conditions leading to the detonation, one of which is reaching the target point. The other is the throttle seat due to the destruction of the leg. And the last one is when the Golem core is destroyed.

If the Magic Stone Bomb itself is physically destroyed with a pinpoint, it may be disabled, but it is practically impossible to destroy the Magic Stone Bomb with a single blow to destroy the sturdy Rock Golem's torso, so there is little worry that it will be prevented.

Grande or Merty might have a chance, but if they fail, they'll get caught up in a suicide bombing. Maybe I can't stop it. If it's a state-of-the-art main tank, maybe we can handle it? Or destroy it with a powerful aerial bomb? It's pretty tough.

I think an anti-tank grenade can destroy it, but shooting a Magic Stone bomb with an anti-tank grenade is close to impossible, and if you fail and suicide bomb between the anti-tank grenades, it won't help... yeah, I can't.

By the way, if you destroy it with a magic attack, it will probably burst. Maybe it's because it's too dangerous to actually try. According to Isla, in theory it would be. Grande's bracelet can be destroyed from a long distance, so I think we should do it again. Experiments are important.

I'm home.

As the craft progressed in the working room with various thoughts, a pessar flew to the forts of the Principality of Dihart and the Kingdom of Tigris for reconnaissance and warning. Her fashionable outfit (heavy explosive frame) today should have been equipped with a warning statement in a metal cylinder, but it's all gone. I mean, that's what I'm talking about.

Are you still there?

"Yeah, there it is. But the fort in the Kingdom of Tigris was almost empty. There were many soldiers in the fort in the Principality of Dihart."

"Mmm, I see. I thought that commander would do well, but I didn't think so. Or have you changed your mind...."

I moffed Pessar's head as he came in through the window and approached Totetote. The Tigris kingdom actually suffered a lot of damage, so did they really think they would do it, and in the Principality of Dihart, which had not actually suffered any damage, did they think it was a bluff to the upper echelons? I think the hearts of the soldiers who saw the battle were broken... oh dear.

"Sadly, it's a war."

"My husband is kind. I've been attacking from over there, and I've given you a two-week respite, so I don't think you need to worry about it."

Pessar says radical things while I moff him. Pessar, a small seed harpy, is as small as a child, but she's a grown woman now. He was also an old soldier who fought as a member of the Liberation Army from the very beginning. Usually he looks innocent, but his war-related remarks are quite cynical.

Couldn't we be a little more peaceful and friendly?

"I think it's difficult. To the Holy King and his people."

A petite pessar climbs onto my lap sitting in a chair and fits onto my lap. Hmm, the wings feel so good with a moff-mov. And it's very light. Even though the grande is small, it's quite light, but Harpy and the others are all lighter than they seem. Is the bone structure and density different?

"Are you depressed?

"It's not as depressing as it sounds, but the tension is dropping. If I could, there would be less deaths."

Yeah, that's right.

As I nodded, Pessar stroked my cheeks and head with his winged arms. Hmm, when a small body pessar comforts you like this, the painting looks terrible. No, I'm doing what I have to do now.

"Should I contact the relevant places for now? Pessar, follow me."


Just reserve a craft reservation on the Golem workbench and walk out of the craft room with a pessar down from your lap - first slap the sleeping vera on the exclusive Oni sofa in the corner of the craft room. Does he know what it means to be an escort?

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