Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 238 - Ground Shattering

The first bullet was sent to the light machine gun, and in less than a minute there was an anomaly in the forest ahead. No, the ground started to shake before that. I thought it was an earthquake or something, but the forest was stupid. As if you were breathing, it would suddenly explode.

No, bombing is not an accurate expression. Countless earth-coloured thorns protruded out of the vast forest, like chestnuts or something. What the hell is going on? I'm pretty sure that's Grande's work... but are those countless thorns pierced with predators?

As I tilt my neck, the earth-coloured thorns begin to collapse, and the forest starts to sound stupid again. If there's a swarm of predators in that forest, I don't think they're keeping it that noisy, but none of them are flying. I don't suppose you killed him in the last blow?

After a brief stupid observation of the forest, the door of the Torchca entrance began to knock.

"Hey, open up! What the hell is going on!?


I put a big tongue in my heart. I don't know what's going on. I don't know anything more than what I've seen.

"Hey! Is that kid safe?! I don't suppose you left her in such a safe place!?

Oh, I see... I think I let Grande in and blew himself up. I told you Grande was a dragon, but I don't think it's that easy to believe.

"I can only see what's going on! But I think Grande is safe!

"I think you...!

"If you're not safe, I'll take care of it. I won't be out of my mind for a second until Grande gets back! So shut up or go back to the city! I'm sorry to interrupt!

He yells back at the man outside the door who is still trying to say something and stares into the woods where he keeps stupid over the aim of the light machine gun. I believe Grande is safe, but in any case, if there is a leak, I will take care of it by agreeing on a division of roles with Grande. No matter how worried I am, I can't break it.

That's enough to be vigilant while thinking about it, and it's past fifteen minutes... the stupidity of the forest has subsided. More than half of the trees are damaged by predators, and small shadows pop out of the bald forest. Naturally, I aimed at the shadow and immediately took it out of sight. Because it soon became clear that the shadow was a small figure with dragon wings.

Store the light machine gun cradle in the inventory and take the light machine gun, which has been increased in weight due to heavy barrelling, out of the tortica.



Beyond the door awaits Captain Brennan, a knight with a Kaiser beard, and his men, Hugh of the Spear Soldier and Terrace of the Shield Soldier. Somehow they stare at each other.

"Is it over?

"Looks like it. I saw the grande pop out of the forest. Immediately..."

Zuhhhhhhh! Something fell nearby, raising the soot and smoke. I know what it is that has fallen.

Looks like he's back.

"It's over. It's been a long time, and I'm overdoing it."

That's how Grande shook herself and sifted away the dirt from her body. Strangely enough, even dirty clothes become beautiful. For Grand Dragons who are good at dealing with the magic of earth attributes, it seems that dirt doesn't get into the dirt.

I checked it out and put the light machine gun I was carrying on my shoulder in the inventory.

"You did it flashy. Destroy them all?"

"Hmm, there's nothing missing. I mean, I've done too much. I rattled the woods. It took more time to clear the woods than to destroy them."

"I see... well done. Thank you, Grande."

"Ufufu, if this is the case, it's a tea shop. You can count on as much as you want. It was nice to use all my magic in a long time."

When I stroked Grande's head, she rubbed my cheeks or head against my chest. I wore leather armor because it might be a fight this time, but that's lucky. If I hadn't worn leather armor, I might have been in agony because of the rubbing horns.

"What happened to the batter's body?

"Then I buried it all on the forest floor when I set up the forest. It will be a good nutrient."

I see. I can't miss it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And Captain Brennan and I are hearing that kind of interaction with Grande with a subtle expression they can't say. I wonder if you don't understand what's going on and don't know how to make a decision.

"Looks like the batter threat is gone, but we need confirmation, right? Grande checked this out, but so did you."

"Uh-huh. That's right... well, really - no, it's nothing. I don't think I'm safe getting caught up in that."

Are you sure you got rid of everything? It seems that I have reconsidered asking. Indeed, countless thorns jumped from all over that vast forest. What if that magic is released all over the city of Culeon? A widespread extermination magic that wipes out countless predators with a single blow. The town of Culeon may follow the same fate as the predators. In other words, it is very dangerous for them to harm our mood.

"I'm going to get some investigators out of here. You guys - no, after this...?

"The troops are coming after us, so I'll set up a quarters around here. Do you mind?

"Ah, I don't mind that, but... do you live in a dorm?

"That's right. You know I made this in no time?

"I see... is there anything you need?

"Nothing in particular. You will be in charge of administrative exchanges with the nascent Merinard Kingdom civilians and Adolese priests as they join the army. Me and Grande are in charge of troubleshooting the nascent kingdom of Merinard. Ah, but if you have any specialty food, seasoning, specialty products in Culeon, personally, I'd like to buy them."

Captain Brennan looked strange at my offer. I made up my mind and tried to offer something, but I was told that if there were any delicious specialties, I might have seen them.

Somehow, you're a strange person. Mr. Koske. "

"Is that so? Even though the world is wide, the only thing that can follow a dragon like a concubine is Koske."

"Grande, you and I are not subordinate. Equal partners."

"Oh, that's right. Ufufu"

Grande hugged me tightly at my waist with a good amount of force. Hahaha, cute guy.

"Ah... so let's go back to the city to report and prepare."

"Oh, be careful. It's right there."

I waved at Hirahira and saw off Captain Brennan and the others. With his back reduced, he put his hands on Grande's cheeks and turned upwards.


"Are you hurt? What's wrong with your health?

"Why, are you worried? There's nothing wrong with it. It's been a while since I was able to cast my magic with all my might, and my body is feeling better."

I see. I see... but don't push it.

"It's okay. I'm not worried, my lord."

Grande said that in a teasing tone, but she seemed kind of happy. Of course you're worried because you let out such a small body with such great magic.

Finally, I stroke the head of the eagle and the grande.

So, shall we make a camp for the rest of Da Nang, or shall we make a dormitory for him?

Hmm. And the beds of my concubines.

I see. Modify or rebuild this tortica.... "

The decor will be enough for you to live in, but if you put on a bath or something, it will be a major renovation... then I think it would be quicker to crush it and make the usual high-floor accommodation.

"Whatever happens, I'll report it to Danang."

That's right.

I pulled the Golem transmitter out of the inventory. This distance should reach Da Nang and the others without any problems. Report the convulsion battle and confirm the number of personnel coming here. Then it would be a good idea to build a dormitory.

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