Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 237 - Raid Preparation and Interception Preparation

I see it. That's the town of Culeon.

We arrived in our destination town in about an hour on Grande's gondola. I can only see that there is a town surrounded by stone walls that are not very high in my eyes, but given the direction and distance, it is definitely the town of Culeon.

"Isn't that so? You want to go down to town?

"No, it's not a town that the Liberation Army has taken full control of yet, and it could be dangerous. Do you know where the batter is?

"I understand. It's like in the woods over there."

Grande changes direction by winging the dragon wings. On the way, I saw the forest and the grasslands adjacent to it, where they used to be. Because the color of soil seemed flickering in the green grasslands as obvious to my eyes as to why the grasslands would meet. Whether it's the trail that the predatory batter dug up, or whether it's the trail that the predatory batter crawled out of the ground… Either way, I'm pretty sure it was the predatory batter.

"Did you vandalize the grasslands and go to the forest?"

"Isn't that so? Maybe it looked like more food than a town surrounded by stone walls."

"Then Culeon's town is dead."

If the predators were on their way to the town of Culeon immediately, they might have been wiped out before they contacted us.

"Drop me off between the city of Culeon and the forest. I'm going to hunt the leaking butterflies."


Grande starts descending. I'm not used to this feeling of falling. I don't know where it is, but it's humming.

Alright, let's build an interdiction base first.

Um, good luck.

"Yeah, I don't know...."

When I'm alone, it's more like an interdiction hub than an interdiction hub? I mean, how big is it?

"Grande, do you know how big a batter is?

"That's right... I think it's as big as my current concubine. Normal size... like a concubine's tail?

That's how Grande shook her bluffy tail, then noticed the tail cover and started removing it. We're going to fight, so we'd better get rid of it. Yeah, I'll keep it.

"Don't fly because you're a bat."

"I'm going to fly pretty good. They'll probably try to bite at Koske as usual, so don't let them get attached."

Really… I don't know what to do. The weapon should be a light machine gun with a stand..... "

And if you don't try and make mistakes while worrying about it, it's about 30 minutes to build an interception base.

"Okay, like this."

What I built was a structure like tortica. Structures made of tough reinforced concrete blocks are durable with origami. Instead of a semi-ground structure to accommodate flying butterflies, the gunshots are placed slightly higher. The gun was equipped with a 7.62 mm light machine gun with a Gunner's specification.

I thought I'd turn it into a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, but in the unlikely event that a stray bullet hits the grande, I decided to do it here. The 12.7 mm is likely to be overkill given the size of the batter.

"So, is stray bullet control okay?

"My concubine is dangerous when it hits the big one just now, but if it's this small one, it's fine. Besides, I hope all my concubines get rid of it."

I see.

There is a huge smell of flags on the smiling grande, but I dare to go through here. Even the city of Culeon won't be defenseless, so it might be okay to leak a little.

"By the way, Koske."

"Hmm? What's wrong?

"Concubine, I'm hungry."

"I see. Which cheeseburger or pancake would you prefer?



Before the battle, I was hungry, so I decided to put out a table and chair outside the interception base for a snack. I'm just a cheeseburger, but I hear Grande eats both. You're pulling it out for our convenience today, so eat it.


"Don't hurry. Don't hurry. I won't take it."

"But it's delicious to keep your mouth full of cheeks."

"That's true. You're going to feel happy."

I agree. I'll wipe Grande's mouth with a napkin. There seems to be a perception that pancakes are dessert in the grande sense, and cheeseburgers are squeezed first. It looks delicious to me.

"What is this...?

"You guys....? What are you thinking about eating at ease in a place like this?

When Grande finished eating the cheeseburgers and began his pancake offensive, were they soldiers or guards who might have come from the town of Culeon? A few armed men have approached my interception base. They seem puzzled to see Torchca made of building materials they've never seen before and us eating with a table set right next to it.

"You sent a rescue request to Griseburg, didn't you? We're like the advance party that sent us there. Just the two of us."

"Just the two of you....? The Liberation Army abandoned the town of Culeon!?

The soldiers who heard me scream disturbingly. You're wearing good armor. Maybe he's the greatest man in Culeon.

"If you're going to do that, you're not going to send us. I told you, it's an advance team. We'll be followed shortly. Until then, we'll have to deal with them."

"Stupid, what can we do alone? Your daughter is still a child."

"Hmm. My concubine certainly looks small."

While nodding honestly to the soldiers' words, Grande uses a fork to cut the pancakes into bite-size pieces and carry them to his mouth. I often use forks cleverly with my clawed hands.

"It looks small, but she's a clean dragon. If you speak rudely, you should be careful of the words, because Dragon Mountain Kingdom and Dragon Faith Lizard Man will be magicians. I hardly ever complain of violence because I'm gentle."


From the Grande's point of view, most people don't have to worry about the tribe, it's not enough. I don't care where they barked a little.

"No, but...."

Soldiers in good armor, no knights? In any case, should I introduce myself?

"I belong to the Liberation Army... I don't have an official position, do I?


"Yeah, I don't think so. Well, it's probably part of a higher organization in the Liberation Army. This is Grande. A humanized grand dragon."

Um, my concubine's name isn't Grande. Because the figure has become quite small, it is not impossible to believe it. I don't care if you don't believe me, so do whatever you want. "

"Uh-huh... I'm the captain of the Culeon Guard, a man named Brennan. The two men in the back are his men, Yug and Telus."

It's Yug.


Captain Brennan is the Knight of Kaiser Beard, Mr. Yug is the gentle spear soldier, and Mr. Terus has a sharp shield.

"I'm going to get rid of the batter now, but what about the three of you?

"Now? Just the two of you!?

"I'm in charge of taking the leak here to the town of Culeon. Basically, Grande will do it alone."

The three of them were very confused by my explanation. Well, yeah, but I don't know. If I were in the opposite position, I would think the same. But I can't help it because it's the most efficient. They told me not to blow it up with a Magic Stone bomb.

"Hmm, what do you think I should do?

"Anyway, that's fine. Concubines don't just do it on their own. They're the ones who asked for help in the first place, aren't they? I don't suppose there's any way they're going to let me beg you to move."

I see. That's what I'm going to do. "

Um, I'll be right there.

As he wiped his mouth with fresh cream, Grande spreads his dragon wings and leaps toward the forest. I'll drop it off and then I'll open the heavy iron door I installed in Torchca.

"I'm getting ready to intercept, so I think you should go back to the city."

"No, wait!

"No, I won't wait. And I'm sorry, but this tortica is for one person."

That's how I close the door and lock it. The truth is, there's plenty of room for about four people, including me, but it's hard if they get attacked from behind when they're focused on intercepting the bats. Let's make the heart a ghost and shut it out.

They may not have a reason to attack me, but they may dazzle at the power of the light machine guns I use, or try to take me hostage and make Grande hear something. It is impossible to trust them at the moment.

Now, do you want to do it?

Install a subhuman light machine gun equipped with a black steel heavy barrel on the gun rack and send the first bullet to the medicine chamber. I hope Grande does well.

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