Chapter 692 Demi-God Du Ting

“Adult, don’t know what the master has to order?” Tianyangxing, the leader of Three Great Influences, respectfully looked at a white haired old man, this white haired old man did not have a slight momentum, it looks like Like an ordinary old man!

The leaders of the three kings’ forces are all the Emperor powerhouse. The strongest ones are the eight-level Emperor, and they can be treated so respectfully, not only the status of each other, but also in Immortal World. Important, but the most important thing is strength!

This white haired old man faintly said the mouth and said: “There is no special command from the Emperor, just let me tell you, Yun Bufan has already conquered the Qingdi star, the following is to deal with It’s not your Yangxing star, it’s definitely a landlord!”

“The meaning of the less emperor is to let you strengthen your alert. Don’t be attacked by Yun Bufan for sneak. The landlord is behind our Tianyangxing. If Yun Bufan wants to attack other stars, he should choose my Tianyangxing. Jin Yanxing, Jinyan the Great can still be there, Yun Bufan is not so stupid, to attack Jinyanxing!”

This white haired old man faintly looked at the leaders of the three kings, the majesty of the powerhouse was unveiled, and the leaders of the three kings were respectful and convinced: “Adults rest assured, we will definitely hold Tianyangxing!” ”

“Adults, the gates of our star government have never slacked off, and the defense has always been very strict. If the other party commits crimes, it is impossible to be a master above Xianjun, and there is a magical array arranged by adults. I think that Yun Bufan wants to attack us, we also have enough time to guard against it!”

Among the powers of the three kings, the seven-level fairy emperor on the left said with a smile on the white haired old man, his face full of confident expression, this white haired old man shook the head , indifferently said : “not small觑Yun Bufan, since he started to work on the Qingdi Star and can also accept the Qingdi Star, it means that the other party is absolutely impossible to stop!”

“Well, let’s go back, pay attention to the government gate. The side door does not need much attention. If Yun Bufan wants to attack us, the people who bring it can not all be Level 5, and my fantasy array, Level 5 entered below the Emperor, and must die!” This white haired old man faintly opened, waved his hand, and had a strong confidence!

“Cloud brother, what should we do now?” Yang Zhengtian looked at the magic array in front of him, and asked!

“Only broke this great array!” Yun Bufan slowly said with a smile : “This illusion is good, but I still have the confidence to break this illusion, but in the moment of breaking the great array, I am afraid Disturbed the master of the array, I hope he will not run away!”

“haha, Yunxiong, what do you want Brother Lin to use his knowledge to find out where he is, the great array is broken, I will go to intercept him, this is the 10th Emperor, maybe even Demi-God, also Count a big fish, if it is killed, it will be a blow to the sword king!” Yang Zhengtian laughed!

“Okay, let me break this magical array!” Yun Bufan laughed, flew directly into this magical array, his voice rang in He Lin’s mind: “He Lin, look up and see That powerhouse is the tenth Emperor and Demi-God, and where is it!”

“Yes, Young Master!” He Lin’s huge gods suddenly spread out and spread to the entire Tianyangxing. After a while, He Lin said with a smile: “Found, is a Demi-God powerhouse, in the sky In the secret room of Yangxing’s star government, it turned out to be a Demi-God!”

“The secret room of the Star House?” Yang Zheng’s Heavenly Eye is full of excitement: “Just wait for the cloud brother to break this magical array, prevent him from running away, He Linxiong, when you are from the left, I am surrounded by the right side. !”

“haha, well, maybe this Demi-God will rush to the Young Master directly, then we don’t need me to surround him, to control the leaders of the three kings, you can’t let other stars The army came to help!” He Lin is also laughed, very happy!

Yun Bufan’s strength is so fast that according to this trend, Yun Bufan may be able to fly to God World when he is flying. Once you fly to God World, Yun Bufan is really like an eagle spreading its wings and soaring!

“en? This illusion, it is a bit strange, it is so real, no wonder, to the level 5 below the Emperor, once entered this magic array, then the soul consciousness is absolutely unable to withstand the impact of this illusion!” Yun Bufan In the hustle of white space, tsk tsk admired!

“Little illusion, you can hurt me, phantom mirror, you can break all illusions, illusion, give me out!” Yun Bufan whispered, his dark green rays of light flashed, a stock The huge momentum sprang up and the rays of light flashed!

“bang!” “bang!” All illusions are blasted and turned into smash, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “The illusion is strong, but now I can completely destroy it by strength alone, not to mention the phantom mirror. Supreme Treasure, which specializes in illusion!”

“The eyes of the wind and thunder!” Yun Bufan whispered, the eyes of the wind and thunder appeared, Yun Bufan swept his eyes: “array eye, there, Break for me! Let’s go!”

“hong long long!” The illusion of direct dark green rays of light flashed directly toward the array of eye strikes. The sound of bombing continued to sound, and the entire illusion broke, and at this time, The white haired old man who was staying in the main house of Tianyang Star suddenly opened his eyes and the light in his eyes flashed!

“Fantasy, it was broken, and this person entered the battle, I did not notice anything, this person’s strength is very powerful, is it, Yun Bufan?” This white haired old man is in the direction of the main house Looked over, the eyes flashed a complex expression!

“It is rumored that Yun Bufan can force the Sword Emperor. If I go here, I am definitely not his opponent, and he is rumored to have an Immortal Mansion, which houses a lot of powerhouses, bastards, and so powerhouses, why would he like to stay in his Immortal? In the Mansion, it seems that I can only withdraw for the time being!”

This white haired old man whispered: “This day, Yangxing, after all is the place of Lieyang the Great, when the Emperor of Liyang left, the whole Liyang was taken away, there is no extra manpower on the Sword Emperor. Come to hold here, and the young emperor, too seeing instant benefit, the two thousand people, I am afraid not to die, is being conquered!”

White haired old man whispered a whisper, then a direct flash, flew past the interstellar Teleportation Formation of the Sun Star, in the midair, his gaze on the interstellar Teleportation Formation, only the interstellar Teleportation Formation On the ray, the ray of light flashes, and a group of silhouettes are flashing!

“Sure enough, this Yun Bufan is ready!” white haired old man stunned in the eyes: “It seems impossible to leave through the Teleportation Formation. If so, then only fly away!”

The white haired old man flew directly to the left side of Tianyangxing, and it was extremely fast. However, a huge black rays of light flashed directly from him. White haired old man was stopped and watched with vigilance. Black rays of light, he felt a strong momentum from it!

“Who stopped this Majesty’s way?” white haired old man looked at the black ray of light in front of him, suddenly felt a bad time, could not help but shouted in a low voice!

“Who? The person who took your life!” The sound of laughed heartily rang, the black rays of light flashed, and the silhouette of He Lin suddenly appeared from the black rays of light, looking at the white haired Old man, eyes full of excitement!

“Bastard, that old fellow, actually fled in the direction of He Lin. It seems that I can only deal with the forces of the three kings. It is really a challenge to deal with them!” Yang Zhengtian saw this far away. A scene, not by gnashing teeth, a Demi-God powerhouse, but the best opponent!

“Who are you?” white haired old man His face was gloomy and staring at He Lin: “This seat is one of the eight guards under the swordsman’s hand. This seat is called Du Ting. You should have heard this Majesty’s name. No.?”

“Du Ting?” He Lin was briefly paused, and later laughed: “Not good means, I really don’t know who you are, but I know, you will become a dead person soon!”

“weng!” Painted black rays of light, Death God’s Scythe appeared directly in He Lin’s hands, this Du Ting suddenly stunned, then complexion slightly changed: “Divine Artifact ?”

“Yes, it’s Divine Artifact!” Yun Bufan whispered, his eyes glimpsed, and Du Ting coldly snorted and said: “You a little ten-level Emperor, want to stop me with Divine Artifact? Today I will Let me see how bad I am with the golden knife Du Ting!”

“weng!” golden light 璀璨, a golden long knife appeared in the hands of Du Ting, Du Ting suddenly burst out of the golden rays of light, the huge gold force constantly spewed out, staring at He Lin, The body suddenly surged!

Half-God Level The powerhouse’s horror momentum has caused He Lin to step back a few steps. Du Ting’s eyes are cold and the killing intent flashes: “Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you and die for me!”

“weng!” golden rays of light flashed, an incomparable gigantic’s golden blade glow, with a momentum that broke through everything, and directly came to He Lin. In the face of He Lin’s block, Du Ting also began to desperately. He also knows that if it is late, Yun Bufan will catch up, he must die!

“Come on, the power of alchemy!” He Lin’s eyes flashed: “The power of cultivation, no matter the attack or defense, is not weak, the only weakness is the soul!”

“Attracting spirit seizing soul!” He Lin whispered softly, the black rays of light swelled, and the power of a huge soul poured into Death God’s Scythe, and a black blade glow greeted the Du Ting. “clang!” “bang!” burst into a sound, Du Ting groaned, and back again and again!

The pale-faced Du Ting looked at He Lin with a shocked face: “This is, Soul Attack?”

“Du Ting, the power of gold you cultivated, it is extremely difficult to attack or defend, but your nemesis is the Soul Attack cultivator. This kind of person is very rare, but unfortunately, I am one of them. Let’s die!”

He Lin shouted coldly, and suddenly the black light skyrocketed!

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