Chapter 691 One big fish

“Yun brother, if you are, are you willing to give your Heaven Destroying star to the enemy?” Yang Zhengtian looked at Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “If it is captured, it is better to destroy it by myself!”

“If it is captured, is it better to destroy it by myself?” Yun Bufan whispered this sentence, then the eyes flashed, laughed heartily said: “hahaha, yang big brother, or you are right, if it is Take it, it is better to destroy it by yourself!”

“Yun brother, have you seen it? This tunnel is completely connected to Tianyangxing. As long as I have a single thought head, all the self-destructive will explode directly. The whole Tianyangxing will be annihilated and turned into a crush!” Yang Zhengtian gaze The sound is dull!

“Yang big brother, can you know what forces are controlling your Tianyangxing now? If you can deal with it, then you don’t need to trigger the self-destruction here. This can also be our absolute trump card in the future!” Yun Bufan really didn’t want to This ruined Tianyangxing, and the trump card from the tunnel is completely enough to kill Demi-God!

“Flame!” Yang Zhengtian looked at the flames on the side, the flame stepped out, and then respected the mouth and said: “The Great, now controlling our Tianyangxing is the Tianjianmen among the forces of the 36 Kings. , Myriad Swords Sect and Taohua Dock!”

“Myriad Swords Sect?” Yun Bufan suddenly, then understand that this should be just the same name. Culture World’s Myriad Swords Sect has no place in Immortal World. Yang Zhengtian brows frowned: “With their three sides, I am afraid it is not enough to shock. What other stars are in my mind? Who is behind the controller?”

“Sword Emperor, Ye Hongchen!” The flames flashed, and then the sound of the sound, Yang Zheng Heavenly Eye flashed, killing intent Mori broke out: “Ye Hongchen? Is this leaf red morning?”

“It is said that Ye Hongchen has a direct disciple under his hand. It is he who has conquered these three strengths and then secretly controls Tianyangxing!” The flame said with respect and respect!

“Direct disciple? Yi Shuihan!” Yun Bufan shook his head and laughed. Yang Zhengtian also smiled: “It seems that this Yi Shuihan is really ambitious, and there are his silhouettes everywhere!”

“This Three Great Influences, there is no threat to us!” Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “Yang big brother, it seems that you can keep this tunnel since the end, as a big trump card in the future!”

“The Three Great Influences, there is really no threat, just wait for He Lin to get here, we will join the space tunnel, go directly to Tianyangxing, beat him completely unprepared!” Yang Zhengtian also smiled and opened, this The tunnel from the extinct can lead to the interstellar Teleportation Formation of Tianyangxing!

In three months, for three months, He Lincai came to the flame star with the twenty-large Legion. Yun Bufan and Yang Zhengtian flew away from the flame star. When He Lin saw Yun Bufan, he immediately Respectfully flew over: “Young Master, the twenty teams are all in place!”

“Very good!” Yun Bufan was satisfied with the nodded, looking at the 10,000 and 20 Xiandi behind He Lin, and slowly said: “This time, you have been able to get all together, I am very satisfied, just on Once, there were two teams that didn’t arrive, I was disappointed!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes were cold and he glanced directly at the two emperors. The two emperors, who were leading the team, suddenly trembled. When they last besieged the Qingdi star, they were the only team that did not arrive, Yun Bufan cold opened the mouth and said: “This time the killing, I hope to see you at the time of redemption!”

“Yes, Overlord!” These two emperors are respectful, and Yun Bufan is only slightly nodded: “Go, prepare to attack Tianyangxing!”

“You remember, through this tunnel, the interstellar Teleportation Formation of Tianyangxing, I have only one goal for you, that is, to give me the immortal army on the main Tianyangxing. As for the star government, you are Don’t worry!” Yun Bufan faintly opened in the tunnel!

Everyone, including He Lin, is nodded, and understands that Yun Bufan said solemnly: “Yang big brother, if there is any unexpected situation, I will take you into my Immortal Mansion, I hope you will not resist!” ”

“I understand!” Yang Zhengtian is also nodded, Tianyangxing is now under the control of the Sword Emperor, and what happens in the accident, no one knows, so it is very likely that you need to escape!

“We are here!” The flame behind Yang Zhengtian suddenly whispered: “From here, you can only go up to 500 people each time, just as you can go up to twenty times, and then go to deal with the immortal army of this day Yangxing!”

“This is the distribution map of the Tianyang Star Immortal Army. They are usually stationed in ten places and take turns to inspect the entire Tianyangxing. Each of the stationed teams has only 2,000 people. After the Emperor took the Lieyang Legion, the Sword Emperor The star will only send two thousand people to come!” The flame slowly opens!

“Twenty thousand people, Yi Shuihan can’t adjust the elite army of the sword, I think his 20,000 people should be the 20,000 people gathered by the forces he conquered, and we have 10,000 people here. That is one against two !”

Yun Bufan blinked in the eye, and then looked straight at the 20 fairy emperors: “This is a test for you, one against two, I hope you don’t let me down, don’t let the other side have reinforcements appear in the star owner House!”

“Yes, Overlord!” Twenty Fairy Emperors are also full of enthusiasm: “The Overlord is assured that we will never let them appear in the Star House!”

Yun Bufan is satisfied with nodded, and then Chaoyang Zhengtian is with a smile: “Yang big brother, let’s go, let the flame take us directly to the star government, I think if the sword emperor has arrangements, it should be arranged in the star house. !”

“Flame, lead the way!” Yang Zhengtian blazed the flame and laughed nodded, the flame swiftly flew in front, Yun Bufan and Yang Zhengtian followed closely from behind, because of Yang Zhengtian’s sake, the other party made Tianyangxing a big one. Transformed!

“The Great Emperor, they have rebuilt the entire Tianyangxing. I am afraid that the Emperor will suddenly come back one day, but I am also very familiar with their transformation!” The flame smiled in front!

“Great Emperor, we are here, that is the current star house, but there are a thousand soldiers in front of them guarding, and there is a sacred knowledge of the Xianjun level powerhouse, so in the Star House, it is impossible to get from the main entrance. Going in, it’s a partial door, but the defense is very loose, plus nothing has happened for so many years, there is almost no defense!”

Fire said with a smile : “Great Emperor, you may not know, this new star owner is a mad sorrow, thinks that it has encroached on our Tianyangxing, very arrogant, even utterly utterly saying that the emperor can not recapture even if he returns. Yangxing!”

“Oh? Is it? I have to look at this time, can I take back Tianyangxing!” Yang Zhengtian was slightly laughed, and then he asked: “Flame, this is not a defensive force. Is it not? He is not worried?”

“Don’t worry!” Flame laughed. “The Emperor, you don’t know, the new star owner is very arrogant. It is said that he arranged a magical array at the partial door, saying that Level 9 Imperial Capital could not be broken. And once someone enters the Magic Array, he will be able to reach it in the first place!”

“Oh? So confident? I have to look at what kind of fantasy!” Yang Zhengtian slightly smiled, directly to the star of the main house!

“Great Emperor, we are here!” After a quarter of an hour, the flame took Yun Bufan and Yang Zhengtian to the partial door of the Star House, and the flame said respectfully!

“This is the partial door of the Star House? This building is not bad!” Yun Bufan looked at the so-called star house, which was so brilliant that it was more than the house of Yun Bufan’s Heaven Destroying. brilliant!

“This is the so-called magic array?” Yang Zhengtian looked at the great array in front of him, his eyes flashing with an expression of interest, and then slowly nodded: “Yes, really good, this magical array is not bad!”

“The Great Emperor, is this illusion really special?” The flame really can’t see any special place in this illusion, seeing Yang Zhengtian’s appearance, and not being secretly shocked, Yang Zhengtian nodded, said with a smile :” Really good, and still very good!”

“It’s good, this kind of magic array can really resist all the powerhouses of Level 9 Xiandi, and Xianjun will die. The probability of death of Level 5 is more than 70%. Although the Emperor above Level 5 can save his life, but It’s just to save your life!” Yun Bufan, aside, shook his head and sighed!

“Yun brother, it seems that you have a lot of research on the formation array?” Yang Zhengtian eyes shined, said with a smile, Yun Bufan shook the head: “Not a research on the formation array, but some understanding of the magic array that’s All !”

“If it is a powerhouse above Level 9, can you break this great array directly?” Yang Zhengtian blinked, but Yun Bufan shook his head: “Not necessarily, Level 9 will enter when it enters. The inside of the ban, the other party will know for a moment, I am sure, the layout of this great array is definitely not the three kings of power!”

“Why do you dare to be so sure?” Yang Zhengtian looked at Yun Bufan and Yun Bufan laughed. “I am sure that the array eye of this illusion is definitely a royal Immortal Artifact. The three kings have absolutely no power. This kind of courage, I think, should be the sword of the Emperor!”

“Yang big brother, if I guess well, there is at least one of the ten emperors in the star government, even the existence of Demi-God!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “To control such a magic array A Level 9 can’t be controlled by the Emperor. At least 10 levels of Emperor or Demi-God can control it!”

“Ten-level Emperor and Demi-God?” Yang Zhengtian was shocked and looked at Yun Bufan with amazement!

Yun Bufan has a flash of light in his eyes, slightly smiling and opened the mouth and said: “If there is a ten-level Emperor and Demi-God, isn’t it better? Well, it is a big fish!”

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