The 666th chapter of the sword rushed to

“Gant dragon Legion!” This is the voice of everyone now, whether it is Yun Bufan or Yi Shuihan, when you see giant dragon Legion so powerful, there is only such a single in your heart. Thought head!

“hong long long!” Three hundred huge dragon tails, fiercely took the 30,000-strong army to the other side, “hong long long!” a burst of horrible bombing sounds continued, “Chī!” “Chī “Chī!” Three hundred giant dragon tails are like a chain that binds the entire sky. Everything touched is broken into pieces!

“What? It’s impossible!” It’s not just Yi Shuihan, but the Pegasus general is also stared wide-eyed, the eyes are full of incredible expression, Yun Bufan sneer, coldly opened the mouth and said: “What is it? One enemy hundred, today let you see the real one hundred, the third wave of attacks, the hundred dragon array, give me bang!”

Yun Bufan cold shouted in a low voice, Little Wei, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo flew to the front of the three hundred giant dragons respectively. The rays of light on the three people all rose up, “weng!” “weng “Weng!” The rays of light on the three hundred dragon bodies suddenly slammed into the air, and all the power poured into Little Wei, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo’s with the body!

Little Wei, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo’s ray of light broke out, and a horrible momentum broke out from above. All three were snoring, three incomparable gigantic claws, blood red claws , golden’s claw shadow and blue claw shadow, covering the entire Sword Emperor, directly shot towards them fiercely!

“hong long long !” “bang!” “bang!” Three loud explosions suddenly sounded, and a piece of silhouette under the huge claws turned into a crush, just these three claws, at least killed one More than a million people, Three Great Elders Legion, at this time is also empty, only a few thousand scared guards!

“It’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s not true, it’s not true!” Yi Shuihan looked terrified and snorted, and the Pegasus General looked at the scene with disbelief: “How is this possible?” ”

“Gant dragon Legion, Yun Bufan, it’s no wonder that I dare to wait for this Three Great Elders Guard, stop this Pegasus general and let Yun Bufan kill Yi Shuihan!” Yunling suddenly saw the explosion in Yun Bufan’s eyes. The killing intent of the flash, not laughed, the momentum of the body skyrocketed, the huge sword glow directly smashed down to the Pegasus general!

“Not good!” General Pegasus thought of the purpose of Yunling in a flash, and couldn’t help but yell at Yi Shuihan: “Water is cold, and you can quickly crush the life-saving jade that the Sword Emperor gives you, fast!”

Yi Shuihan heart fiercely tremble, life-saving Yu Fu, he is such a ah, and the Sword Emperor can never give him a second, because refining this jade, the loss of the Sword Emperor is too great!

But seeing Yun Bufan’s eyes full of killing intent, Yi Shuihan still fiercely biting his teeth, directly crushing the life-saving Yufu, Yun Bufan coldly smiled, turned into a shadow, and rushed directly to Yi Shuihan!

“Fast, wide-ranging attack!” Yi Shuihan suddenly screamed, and hundreds of people hurriedly threw their own Immortal Artifact, Yun Bufan cold with a sneer: “Do you think it is useful? The attack range is getting bigger, attacking The strength is weak, and even my defense can’t be broken!”

“weng!” Dragon God’s 穿戴 穿戴 穿戴 , , , , , , , , D Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon A sword smashed down!

A sword bursting out of the colorful rays of light, with the overbearing momentum of terrifying matchless, suddenly made everyone feel a tremor, Yi Shuihan screamed wildly: “Self-blowing Immortal Artifact, blew Immortal Artifact, stop, stop him, Self-explosive Immortal Artifact!”

“bang!” That Level 5 Xiandi bite his teeth and blew his own imperial Immortal Artifact. By the way, he said: “All blew Immortal Artifact, fast!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A burst of bombing continued, hundreds of Immortal Artifacts exploded, “pu!” Yun Bufan flew out directly, spit blood, pale: “OK, Self-explosive Immortal Artifact, I see if you still have Immortal Artifact blew!”

Yun Bufan’s killing intent flashed, and Yi Shuihan suddenly screamed: “General Pegasus, save me, save me!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Like harvesting straw, Yun Bufan’s face is cold, each and everyone silhouette is turned into a smash by him, blood dyed red Divine Sword, also dyed Yun Bufan’s white clothes, but His long hair is still white, at this moment, Yun Bufan will not waste a bit of power to protect his clothes and Divine Sword!

“Not good!” General Pegasus complexion greatly changed, Yunling haha ​​mad with said a smile: “General Pegasus, are you not going to see my one hundred and eight swords? Now, you pick me up 72 , open it to me!”

“weng!” “weng!” “weng!” Divine Artifact in Yunling’s hands suddenly turned to 72 to turn long sword, watching the Pegasus general, Yunling’s eyes flashed: “This Divine Artifact is the best for me.” One hundred and eight swords of Divine Artifact, General Pegasus, you will try my one move!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” sword qi flying, 72 horrible sword qi directly spurred around the Pegasus General, Pegasus General suddenly looked ugly, his heart anger low said: “Bastard, this Yunling, I am going to die and drag me. In this case, Yi Shuihan will definitely die in Yun Bufan, so how can I explain to the Sword Emperor!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” a path of sword qi successively collided with General Pegasus, and in just a short while, Yun Bufan has killed nearly 400 people, away from Yi. Shuihan is also far from 100 meters!

“Self-explosive, right, self-explosive, fast, let them blew themselves, must smash Yun Bufan, fast!” Yi Shuihan eyes red, screaming hard, crazy roar!

“Self-explosive?” The Pegasus general in the distance was also a glimpse. The eyes flashed a bit into the eye, and then the anger whispered: “Fast, self-destructive, self-destructive kill him, must kill him, give me speed to blew!”

The remaining three hundred Profound Immortal and Xianjun are a glimpse, then the eyes are full of madness, watching Yun Bufan madly come over: “Dead, let us die together!”

Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed greatly, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The first wave, fifty Profound Immortal blew up directly around Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan was directly blown out, blood screaming more than: ” Self-explosive? Bastard, I have to look at it, even if you blew yourself, can you kill me again!”

Yun Bufan is also full of crazy colors, the nine magic weapons are the same, plus the ancestors Dragon Jade Pendant, Divine Artifact is as many as six, Yun Bufan crazy roar, the body of colorful rays of light flashing, “hong Long long!” A sword smashed down, “Chī!” “Chī!” The fifty Profound Immortal that were about to prepare for the blast were directly crushed into pieces!

“I let you blew!” Yun Bufan screamed wildly: “second sword, Unequalled Tyrant, give me death, die, die!”

“bang!” A strong hegemonic momentum broke out directly from Yun Bufan. The colorful rays of light, the arrogant arrogance, the horrible sword glow of 100 meters, the last two Hundreds of people fiercely smashed!

“Why? Why is it so horrible? When did he reach such a terrible level? Why is his growth rate so amazing?” Yi Shuihan felt the horror of this sword, except for fear, only dare to leave Confidence!

“bang!” “Chī!” “Chī!” “Chī!” The remaining two hundred people, under the incomparable gigantic’s sword glow, were directly smashed into pieces, turned into nothingness, more than two hundred Profound Immortal And Xianjun, under a sword, all turned into crush!

“pu!” Yun Bufan mouth spurt blood came out, his face was pale as paper, the sweat of the big bucket continued to drip down, his lips were chapped, but his mouth was filled with cold smiles, suddenly looked up like a beast to Yi Shuihan Stare at the past!

“How, how could this be? How could this be?” Yi Shuihan whispered without consciousness. At this moment, he and the Level 5 were left, and under the sword, more than two hundred were destroyed. Profound Immortal and Xianjun, that is Profound Immortal and Xianjun, how can it be all killed by a sword?

Yi Shuihan looked at Yu Bufan in horror, and the crazy killing intent in the eyes of Yun Bufan made him crazy and yelled: “No, no, you can’t kill me, you can’t kill me, General Pegasus, save me, save. me!”

“Save you? Now, no one can save you!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, went straight to Yi Shuihan step by step, Yi Shuihan looked at the side level 5 Xiandi, roared at him: “Come, you go to blew, Go blew!”

“What are you still doing?” Yi Shuihan crazy fanned the Level 5 Emperor Slap, “pa!” The level 5 that was originally standing suddenly turned into a broken piece, slowly dissipating between the heavens and the earth. Under this sword, I actually killed a Level 5 Emperor!

At this time, Yi Shuihan stunned, and there was only a horror in his eyes: “Don’t, don’t, don’t kill me!”

“Yi Shuihan, you damn it!” Yun Bufan’s voice was cold and cold, and Divine Sword slammed directly into Yi Shuihan’s sword, and at this moment, a long scream suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt. Come!

“weng!” a word glow, fire red’s sword glow skyrocketing, directly rushing toward the back of Yun Bufan, this sword, with a crazy killing intent and horrible momentum, powerful strength, majestic The momentum made Yun Bufan’s eyes flash, and gave up killing Yi Shuihan, but directly sideways!

The horror of this sword is beyond the expectation of Yun Bufan. He has a hunch that even if it is a dragon god with 12 times defense, it will definitely not be able to withstand this sword. Yun Bufan chooses to avoid, directly to the side. Flying over the past!

A silhouette, with the fire red’s rays of light, flashed to the side of Yi Shuihan, and looked at Yun Bufan coldly, and the killing intent flashed!

“Ye Hongchen?” At this last moment, the sword emperor Ye Hongchen, after all, arrived!

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