Chapter 656 of Yun Bufan’s giant dragon Legion

“hu!” “hu!” The three silhouettes directly broke into the Jianhuang Building. Three white haired old man appeared in front of Yun Bufan and the others. Yun Bufan suddenly smiled. This should be the Three Great Elders guard Legion. The three Legion long, three ten-level fairy!

“hu!” Seeing the three, Yi Shuihan was secretly exhaled, and then looked at Yun Bufan with a smile: “Yun Bufan, you have more than a dozen people on the other side, and here, you have been 30,000 troops. Surrounded, you can’t escape!”

“Escape?” Yun Bufan shook the head ,said with a smile : “We didn’t think about going to escape, there is no need to escape, Yi Shuihan, do you really think that you are a winner? Three levels of Xiandi, 30,000 Yes, the strength is not bad, but we have to leave us, that is not possible!”

“What?” Yi Shuihan suddenly changed his face. It’s like this. In Yun Bufan of Culture World, once it looks like this, it means that the other person has absolute certainty. Yi Shuihan looks at Yun Bufan and his face is gloomy: “He Where does the grasp come from, and where does it come from?”

“Yi Shuihan, not much nonsense, since you want to leave me, then today I will not be able to kill the swordsman. Ye Hongchen has not appeared yet, presumably because of any important things? “Yun Bufan has a cold smile on his face, and his eyes are shining!”

“Bang!” A powerful momentum broke out and stood up on the Yun Bufan side. Yi Shuihan pupils shrank: “War?”

“hahaha, three ten-level Emperor, Yunxiong, these three ten-level Xiandi, you don’t rob me, just give me practice!” War mad haha ​​laughed, and the golden light broke out. The huge fighting intent sprang up: “War God field!”

“Weng!” burst of golden rays of light, a transparent mask suddenly shrouded the three big Legion, “bang!” directly broke through the Jianhuang Building, flying into the air!

Outside the Jianhuang Building, in the middle of the air, the 30,000-strong army looked at it with caution. When they saw the huge golden egg that was suspended, everyone was stunned. At this time, Yun Bufan suddenly laughed heartily, soaring. From then on, Yunling and the others also floated up. They didn’t know where Yun Bufan came from!

“Yi Shuihan, is your squatting 30,000? Today, I will let you see what is called an enemy!” Yun Bufan laughed heartily, the blue light flashed, “weng!” a burst of blue rays Of light flashing, Little Wei, Jin Lie, Shui Yuanbo, Lei Bo, Black Law Enforcement and 300 people appear behind Yun Bufan at the same time!

Little Wei and Jin Lie and the others, although not fully recovered, have also restored the almost, and the strength at this time is not to be underestimated, and the 300 people behind them, each of them exudes a dangerous atmosphere. Yi Shuihan suddenly complexion changed!

“Appear, giant dragon Legion!” Yun Bufan whispered, including Little Wei, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo and the others, and shouted at the same time, a loud voice rang, more than 300 giants The dragon suddenly hovered in the air, headed by Little Wei, looking coldly at the 30,000 people around!

“What? Giant dragon Legion?” Yi Shuihan’s face suddenly changed, and Yunling and the others were even more shocked. Yun Bufan looked at Yi Shuihan’s eyes and said: “Yi Shuihan, today, I will show you What is the real one, and the number of people is too much, it is useless in front of me!”

Yun Bufan cold shouted: “Kill, this is the first battle of Dragon Race, I hope that you can kill the glory of Dragon Race, to one enemy, to tell everyone, the power of Dragon Race, Dragon Race Once brilliant, kill!”

“Kill!” Little Wei, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo roared at the same time. Under the leadership of two ten-level Emperor and a Level 9, the three hundred are all giant dragons above Xianjun. Qi roared, his eyes filled with suffocation and excitement!

“roar!” Ten giant dragons are a group that directly tears the past three big Legion. Yi Shuihan suddenly complex changed greatly: “Not good, the strength of these giant dragons is at least Xianjun, and even among them. 10% is Xiandi, how is it possible, how could Yun Bufan have such a powerful giant dragon Legion!”

“Now, apart from hands-on, there is no other way, the water is cold, now Three Great Elders are entangled, and the other side has a Yunling, that Yun Bufan, you have to be careful, after all, why are you not? His opponent!” General Pegasus found that they were at a disadvantage, at least on the side of Yun Bufan, Spirit Cloud Peak’s dozens of Imperial Capital did not shoot!

“General Pegasus, I have heard your name for a long time. Today, let me Yunling come to teach you the ability of General Pegasus!” Yunling haha ​​laughed, his sword qi skyrocketing, countless sword qi hovering around the body, Yun Bufan eyes Not a bright one: “Swordsman? This Yunling is really a genius character, even practicing swords, swords in the heart, people are swords!”

“haha, Yunling, I have heard that you have developed 81 swords, and formed thirty-six days, 72 cellars, one hundred and eight kinds of swords, and I have long wanted to teach you this sword. The greatness of the cockroach!” The voice of General Pegasus is like a thunderbolt, rolling in!

“Zheng Yunfeng, you thirteen brothers, the emperor, to kill the generals of the Pegasus, this time, Ye Ye Hongchen must have something to do, we will kill him a sky and the earth turning upside down today, people turn over, Let the sword emperor completely smash the bottom!” Yun Bufan laughed, and opened to Zheng Yunfeng!

“haha, okay!” Zheng Yunfeng and the others laughed heartily, and the direct flying horses of the Pegasus generals flew away. In this sword, they have endured for a long time. Now, it can be said that there is no need to say Forbearance!

There are fifteen emperors in the generals of Pegasus. It is worthy of the imperial power. A star government has so many people and so many masters. Yun Bufan’s eyes are flashing, and the expression of bloodthirsty appears in the corner of his mouth. Yi Shuihan keeps sneer!

Yi Shuihan is Sword Spirit Physique, the horror genius of swordsmanship, at this time it is the strength of Xianjun Peak, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Genius? Sword Spirit Physique? Peak Xianjun? Fallen, Then nothing is wrong!”

“Not good!” Yi Shuihan complexion greatly changed. Seeing the cold eyes of Yun Bufan, he knew that Yun Bufan must have killed the killing intent for him. He couldn’t help but sneak into the army, Yun Bufan sneered. Pour: “I am hiding in the army, can I take you no way?”

“hong long long!” Feng Lei’s wings vibrate, Yun Bufan directly turned into a residual image, rushed over to Yi Shuihan, and Yi Shuihan turned wildly: “He, he even dared to chase it directly!”

“Death, die! I don’t believe, you can resist thousands of people’s attacks!” Yi Shuihan looked stunned and shouted to the side guard: “Kill, kill me, kill him!”

The surrounding Pegasus Generals guards are all staring at Yun Bufan. They are all Profound Immortal strengths. Ten of them are the generals of Pegasus who are specially reserved to protect Yi Shuihan. When they see Yun Bufan rushing over, , let him not say, they are ready to start!

The first level of 5 is in the eyes of Xiandi, shouted in a deep voice: “Give me an attack, collective attack, kill him!”

“weng!” “weng!” “weng!” bursts of light ray, and Yi Shuihan’s mouth sneered, and Yun Bufan smiled coldly, “Chī!” “Chī!” a path Of the afterimages flashed, countless silhouettes fell down, or turned into pieces, Yi Shuihan suddenly opened his eyes in horror!

“This, impossible, his speed, how could it be so fast, can actually shuttle the interval of attack, what is the speed!” Yi Shuihan was frightened, Yun Bufan’s speed, even directly from the attack between the cracks to deal with him, this Has exceeded his knowledge!

“Block him, stop him!” Yi Shuihan keeps retreating, he is frightened, and Yun Bufan kills it at this speed, and it will be his turn sooner or later!

“Hurry, stop him!” Yi Shuihan yelled at the side level 5, and the Level 5 was also angry: “Block him? Courting death?”

“Everyone, gather me, all Immortal Artifact attacks, throw out, and attack a wide range!” This level 5 is also smart, and immediately screamed loudly, and the remaining 700 people under the hand lost the Immortal Artifact at the same time. Going out, and then there was a burst of bombing!

Yun Bufan was bombarded by the aftermath of the bombing for dozens of steps. Yi Shuihan saw it and suddenly laughed happily: “haha, effective, effective, continue to attack a wide range!”

Needless to say, at first glance, this method is effective, everyone else continues to attack a wide range, Yun Bufan was suddenly stopped outside, Yi Shuihan smirked, Yun Bufan was shocked, but his face was not moving expression, eyes Exquisite!

“Is it safe to protect you? It’s time!” Yun Bufan thought secretly, then loudly roared in the air: “giant dragon Legion, give me a dragon attack, the first wave, give me bang!”

“roar!” “roar!” “roar!” Three hundred giant dragons, while screaming at the sky, three hundred groups of dragons spit directly from their mouths, “bang!” “bang!” countless bombing voices Constantly rang, the first wave of dragons, at least 6,000 people were bombed and killed, killing 20 people with each group!

“Take the dragon water, restore consumption!” Yun Bufan looked sharp and continued to command. Three hundred giant dragons also drank the dragon water, and the consumption recovered a lot. Yun Bufan looked at Yi Shuihan coldly smiled: “You don’t Count on you thousands of people? Then I will destroy your 30,000 army and then destroy you thousands!”

“giant dragon Legion belongs, the second wave of attacks, the dragon swings! strikes!” Yun Bufan looked sharp and screamed, and Yi Shuihan suddenly felt a chill, a cold chill!

“This, horrible giant dragon Legion!”

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