The fifth hundred 73 chapter is always coming

I am afraid that no one would have thought that the sudden arrival would be the cold light of one of the five emperors, and it seems that it is obviously ready to stand on the line with Liu Chongguang!

“Oh? It’s you, cold light, what are you doing here? Could you look at the girl who is this old boy?” Yun Bufan looked at the cold light, his eyes flashed, but his mouth was unrelenting, careless and slow. Opening with a smile !

“Yun Bufan, you are still the owner of a star, and the words are so unconstrained, it is really ridiculous!” Looking at Yun Bufan with chills, his eyes are cold and cold with a smile!

“I have no conservation, but I can’t take care of you, cold light. If you want to die, I can send you a ride. Don’t think that there is a fortuitous encounter. I care about you, you are faithful or not, I want to kill. You, it’s easy?” Yun Bufan’s cold eyes are also looking at the cold light, the sound is cold!

“Hey!” Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, looking at Yun Bufan, Liu Chongguang was shocked, but the cold light was laughed heartily: “hahaha, Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan, you think Your power, can you just squeeze me? Do you want to kill me? You can try it?”

“Oh? so to speak, it is your own courting death. In this case, the second treasure hall of the spiritual treasure cabinet should not be embarrassing to me!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, the eyes flashed coldly, and Liu Chongguang was on the side of the eye. Suddenly came up: “Yun Bufan, the rules of this spiritual treasure cabinet, if there is any grudge, you can go to the battle platform inside the treasure chest, not allowed to fight!”

“Rules? In front of me to talk about the rules of the spiritual treasure cabinet?” Yun Bufan looked at Liu Chongguang disdain with a sneer: “The rules here are to let you comply with this waste, but let me obey, Liu Chongguang, you urgently What, you will also die with the cold light!”

“Crazy!” Liu Chongguang suddenly angered, looking at Yun Bufan with an angry look, Yun Bufan did not care, looked at the cold light with a smile: “Cold light, you said I am arrogant?”

The cold light looks gloomy, and then deep exhaled: “Yun Bufan, don’t forget the rules of the treasure, buy and sell things in the treasure, you are willing to love, the highest price, you and Liu Chongguang at the same time in black Iron cans, then come to a fair competition, you are like this, but do not give the face of the lord of the ninth treasure hall, pure heart to the ninth treasure hall embarrassing?”

“en?” Yun Bufan brows frowned, the other side took the ninth treasure hall to say things, Yun Bufan has to pay attention, after all, the ninth lord is really good to him, slowly exhaled, watching Liu Chongguang sneered: “Alright, that I will have a fair competition with him!”

“brother, you can get a price for this black iron can!” Yun Bufan looked at the middle-aged man, smiled and didn’t worry that the other party would raise the price!

“You black iron can, I still get 2 million Xianshi!” Liu Chongguang came straight at this time, looking at the middle-aged man, laughed!

The middle-aged man looked at Liu Chongguang with a smile, and then to Yun Bufan said with a smile: “little brother, I have been talking to the sky, I have always been talking, saying that 1 million is the 1 million fairy stone, this black can, is you , 1 million Xianshi, I accepted it!”

The middle-aged man came to heaven and threw the black iron can directly to Yun Bufan, then put away the storage ring finger that Yun Bufan gave him. The laughed and left, and the angry Liu Chongguang suddenly loudly roared: “You give me stop!”

The sky was briefly paused, stopped the silhouette, turned and looked at Liu Chongguang, whispered and asked: “Are you calling me?”

“Bastard, you, you go with me!” Liu Chongguang looked angryly at the sky, the cold light on the side was also cold, and the sky could not help but laughed heartily: “Walk with you? Why?”

“Why?” Liu Chongguang looked angry, Yun Bufan at this time laughed heartily came out: “Liu Chongguang, brother has promised to go drinking with me, if you want to have a drink, then come over, otherwise Don’t sweep me!”

Yun Bufan went to the sky and walked over. He knew that he might not be afraid of Liu Chongguang in the past, but the other side could have a cold light. This cold light position is very suspicious. Why would he help Liu Chongguang, the cold light and the Shuntian League? There is a relationship, which is more worthy of scrutiny!

“Yun Bufan, do you want to intervene in this matter? You got the baby, you don’t go to practice, study the magical use, waste time in this?” Liu Chongguang took a deep breath, pressed his inner anger, and watched Yun Bufan sink. Opened the mouth and said !

“Oh? Treasure!” Yun Bufan looked at the black iron can in his hand and said to Liu Chongguang with a sneer: “It’s really treasure, who just said that buying and selling depends on personal volition? Liu Chongguang, you are angry, is it What are you doing to your brother?”

“Yun Bufan, this is not your business!” Liu Chongguang looked gloomy, Yun Bufan coldly said with a smile: “Why don’t you shut me down? Now I have to drink with my brother, you said that it is not my business. Liu Chongguang, I advise you to be honest, otherwise, don’t think I will not kill!”

I don’t know what happened today, so the left and right guards did not say a word, and it was very strange. Yun Bufan coldly snorted, turned and walked toward the sky, waving to the sky: “To brother, please!”

I looked at Yun Bufan with a strange look, and then smiled nodded and walked towards a restaurant in Baoxing. Yun Bufan smiled and looked at Liu Chongguang, and then followed along, Liu Chongguang suddenly furious, he had to intercept, but It was suddenly blocked by cold light!

“Cold light, do you just look at Yun Bufan and take the treasure? Take the guy away?” Liu Chongtian found that the interception of him turned out to be cold light, and asked by Shen Sheng!

“treasure?” The cold light glimpsed, Liu Chongguang’s eyes flashed, and then exhaled: “Cold light, why are you helping me? Why don’t you stop Yun Bufan? Let them leave?”

“Liu Chongguang, don’t you think that this place is not a place to talk?” Cold light glanced at all around, Liu Chongtian glanced, cold light walked toward him, Liu Chongguang also followed him!

In a restaurant, Yun Bufan, He Lin and the day sitting on a table, drinking from the sky, eating small dishes, not talking, Yun Bufan and He Lin sitting on the side, put the black tin can Over and over, but I can’t see what it is!

“To the brother, I don’t know if I can tell you where did you get this thing?” Yun Bufan didn’t find anything when he turned over and over, and asked him to ask questions!

I have been drinking a bowl of wine for a long time, only to open the mouth and said: “This thing, I found it in a cave under a cliff, and found it together with a black cloth, it seems to have written on the black cloth. The origin of this thing, but unfortunately it has been damaged, it is impossible to know what this thing is, what is the use!”

“Oh? What kind of devil’s things you said are recorded on the black cloth?” Yun Bufan’s heart moved, nodded to the sky: “Yes, it is recorded on the black cloth, so this Piece of treasure, definitely true!”

“haha, I also believe that to the big brother, to the strength of the big brother, it is bound to not engage in these small pits!” Yun Bufan laughed, the black iron can in the handle is included in the storage ring finger, pick up A large bowl of wine said with a smile : “To big brother, please!”

“gu lu !” “gu lu !” Two bowls of wine, the genius has always looked at Yun Bufan and asked slowly: “Yun Bufan, do you know me?”

“I don’t know!” Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head. It has always been shouted: “Lie, how do you know my strength? Only people who know me can know my strength. Whose people are you?” ”

Yun Bufan slightly paused, then smiled at the head: “I misunderstood the big brother, I can only guess the strength of the big brother. I really don’t know the big brother, although the camouflage to the big brother is very powerful, but But still can’t look my eyes!”

“I have heard that Yun Bufan has a pair of strange eyes. Now it seems that it is not fake!” It has always been calm, and laughed, it is to continue to eat and drink, watching the surrounding lively situation, Yun Bufan said with a smile: “To the big brother, I don’t know if you need 1 million Xianshi urgently. What is it?”

“I?” The sky has been lightly smiled, but the smile is bitter and bitter: “For one thing, for one person, for my own injury?”

Yun Bufan slightly paused, then looked at the complexion greatly changed: “Are you still hurt?”

“Otherwise, do you think that I will be dragged by the Liu Chongguang of the waste? If it is not hurt, then the two old bastard behind him, not to mention it is in Baoxing, or in the spiritual treasure cabinet, I also ruined them. It’s a cold flash in the Heavenly Eye, killing intent!

Yun Bufan’s heart is condensed, and He Lin’s eyes are a shock. It seems that this is always the day. It’s definitely a ten-level emperor. Yun Bufan took a deep breath and drank a drink. I always wondered: “To the big brother, with your strength, should you not lack Xianshi?”

“hehe, let’s talk long!” It’s always a bitter smile, then slowly said: “I sold the tin can, but it was for my injury. If it doesn’t really need 1 million, I won’t take it. Come out and sell it!”

Yun Bufan glimpsed a little, and looked incredulously to the sky: “What hurts, even 1 million can be cured?”

“It is not a bad injury. It should be regarded as a poison. To solve this poison, you must have the peach cherry blossom. This peach cherry blossom is in the extreme north of the demon world. It is possible to exist on the edge of the poisonous swamp, so it is extremely precious. It is said that the auction of the spiritual treasure cabinet has this 1 million Xianshi, I am afraid that it will not be possible to shoot at the time!”

It has always been sighed in the sky, and there is a trace of loss and depression in the eyes. He can feel it. Yun Bufan and He Lin are not like bad people. Otherwise, he will be so crap with them!

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