“Do you know what the devils are? I tell you, that is the race of the legendary God World, the saints of their family, what are the sacristys, you know, don’t know? That’s the most powerful magic weapon of the entire God World, I want 1 Million Sengshi, are you too expensive? This is a baby who is even better than Divine Artifact!”

When Yun Bufan and He Lin came over, the trapped middle-aged man was holding a black iron can, where the saliva splash across the loud voice said how brilliant the tin can How much!

The middle-aged man’s face is full of despair and exhaustion. I think it should have been a lot of suffering. Looking at his appearance, everyone and everyone around him whispered, and some people even got rid of it: “It’s a broken Tin can, look at the god you said it, is more powerful than Divine Artifact? Then you tell us, where is it so powerful? How is it amazing?”

“Amount, this, I haven’t researched it yet!” The middle-aged man bowed and then shouted loudly: “If I researched it, would I still sell it? That kid, you have to buy it and buy it.” Don’t buy it, don’t that many nonsense!”

“hmph, I don’t know what to use. I know it is a lie when I look at it. I also want to lie to the Master Stone. You are a young Master. Is it a stupid thing? What is the holy device? I see it is a broken tin can. The burned look is a bit strange!” The young man not only did not give in, but more loudly angry!

This black iron can, it looks a bit odd, on the black can, there is a black wolf, a green snake and a black bear, and a winged bat, especially in these strange monsters. Above, even the volley stood in a black robed man!

This man is very strong and makes people look at it. He saw a powerful domineering and power. Yun Bufan was in a stunned mood. The middle-aged man was impatient and grabbed the young man. He was scolded: “You have to buy Just buy it, don’t buy it, don’t give me nonsense, don’t worry about it?”

Look at the middle-aged man’s fierce look, this young man is a little scared, watching the middle-aged Han tremble: “What are you fierce, here is the treasure, how dare you? You sell things, you have to let people know this What is the use of things? Or what is the difference with waste?”

“Yeah, you are so brazen, but this broken iron can, is it really amazing?” “You use it to let us see, haha, something more powerful than Divine Artifact, we really want to see it.” “Yes, that’s right, as long as you can let me know where it is, 1 million Xianshi, I bought it!”

There was a noise in the crowd, and the middle-aged roman man glanced around in a circle, his eyes were cold, and those who started screaming felt a chill in his heart, and Yun Bufan felt a move: “A good master!”

“Young Master, be careful, this person is at least the master of Level 9 Xiandi, and may even be the tenth-level Emperor. Just that momentum, definitely have this strength!” He Lin is in the crowd, secret transmission to Yun Bufan!

“Well, aren’t you going to see it? I will let you see and see!” The middle-aged man couldn’t help but vent, and then took a black can, and “weng!” the body flashed green, a whole body A bamboo stick with green rays of light appeared in his hands!

The middle-aged man smashed the bamboo stick in his hand: “Is it? This is the Immortal Artifact, you see it!”

“hu!” The middle-aged man waved the bamboo stick and went straight to the broken black iron can. “bang!” A strong explosion rang, and after the smoke, everyone looked at the black can. In the past, I saw that the black iron cans did not have any damage, and everyone could not help but stunned!

“Seeing no, a broken copper, can you resist the attack of the Imperial Immortal Artifact? Open your eyes and look good, hey, this material is definitely stronger than the Immortal Artifact. Is the Immortal Artifact worth 1 million?” middle-aged yelling with the black iron can in his hand, constantly waving!

The people around me couldn’t whisper. After all, the attack was arguably real, but someone whispered: “It can only prove that the material is not normal. You still haven’t proved what it has. The demon family is really as powerful as you said, and their holy devices must be very powerful!”

“Yeah, I still haven’t figured out what is the use of this broken jar. Can it attack people?” Another voice shouted. The middle-aged man was gloomy and looked around, coldly snorted and said :” If you want to buy it, you can buy it, if you don’t buy it, you can get out of it, you can don’t blame me for being impolite !”

The cold eyes of the middle-aged Han Han, together with the Immortal Artifact in his hands, these screaming people stopped involuntarily, but no one left, they looked at the middle-aged man with resentment, and angered: hmph , a broken thing, see how you sell it!”

“This tin can, I want it, 1 million Xianshi!” A faint voice sounded, Yun Bufan in a white gown came in from the crowd, on his side He Lin frowns, sound transmission said: “Young Master, This iron can may be fake. If it is a demon of the demon family, I should be a little special!”

“Don’t forget, he may be a Level 9 Emperor, or even a Tenth Emperor!” Yun Bufan didn’t change his face, and walked toward the middle-aged man, secretly speaking to He Lin’s sound transmission!

He Lin’s heart was stopped, and then he was stunned. Buying a tin can is fake. It’s the real purpose of Young Master to make this big man. This middle-aged man saw someone coming in, not by eyes shined, Yun Bufan went to the front of the big man, holding hands with a smile : “In the next Yun Bufan, dare to ask brother high name!”

“en?” middle-aged man brows frowned, looking at Yun Bufan indifferently said: “You want to buy, buy, ask my name, who does what?”

“haha, brother is really refreshing, well, this is 1 million Xianshi, please listen to the eyes!” Yun Bufan laughed, the body of the light of the flash, a storage ring pointed out that he is now in the hands of 1 million Xianshi, It is the fairy stone that Yun Bufan took out!

The middle-aged man saw Yun Bufan really want to buy this tin can, and his eyes flashed a bit, but suddenly he sighed, he had to reach out, and at this moment, a shout suddenly sounded: “Slow!”

Everyone is a glimpse, Yun Bufan also turned and looked at the past, then pupils shrank, the eyes flashed in the cold, the unexpected is Liu Chongguang, followed by Liu Chongguang followed by two people, Liu Chongguang first to Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “Cloud Star Lord, I didn’t expect we to meet again!”

Yun Bufan is also full of smiles: “Liu Chongguang, it turned out to be you, yes, did you come to the Patriarch? Didn’t he miss this occasion? Introduce me to know?”

“That man is Yun Bufan? The star of Heaven Destroying?” “Yeah, so young, I don’t know how his strength is now!” “It is said that hundreds of years ago, he was chased by the Jinxian of Millenium Peak.” There is no way to kill, and today it seems that it is already a master!”

There was a burst of argument in the crowd. Yun Bufan’s name was pronounced as Immortal World. Some of his deeds naturally spread. Yun Bufan’s face remained unchanged. Liu Chongguang’s face was not very beautiful, and he looked coldly. Yun Bufan said with a sneer : “The main star of Yunxing, the last time you escaped fast, is it right now that the wound is forgotten?”

“What?” Everyone was startled and looked at Yun Bufan with horror. Yun Bufan suddenly laughed: “hahaha, Liu Chongguang, do you have the ability to let Yun Bufan retreat? You use 3,000 Profound Immortal Siege me, really when I am Yun Bufan is a god? Unfortunately, three thousand Profound Immortal still can’t keep me, how? Do you want to enlighten me personally?”

“In the past, three thousand people can’t stop each other!” “tsk tsk, this Yun Bufan, it is really amazing!” “Don’t listen to people let Liu Chongguang personally enlighten me? This is an invitation!” “This Liu Chongguang Should not dare to accept!”

The dialogue between Yun Bufan and Liu Chongguang was not concealed. Everyone heard it. Liu Chongguang complexion ashen, looking at Yun Bufan coldly: “Yun Bufan, I am not here to make a profit with you, I am coming, but I want to buy it. This black iron can!”

“Oh?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, then followed with a smile: “Buy this black tin can? Unfortunately, you are late, this black tin can I have!”

“Is it?” Liu Chongguang didn’t care, watching Yun Bufan faint with a smile: “Is it? But I don’t think so, this black iron can, I am out 2 million Xianshi, the so-called sale is the highest price, Yun Bufan, you out 1 million, I am out 2 million, this black iron can you say you bought it or I bought it?”

“en?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed coldly, then he followed with a smile: “I don’t know if there is a first come and come? If I want this black iron can, then it belongs to me, you are 20 million That also depends on me selling and not selling!”

“But things are not in your hands!” Liu Chongguang smiled lightly, and then looked at the middle-aged man, calmed the mouth and said: “You black iron can, I want, 2 million Xianshi, than he More than double, what do you say?”

Yun Bufan suddenly attacked intent and looked at Liu Chongguang coldly: “Liu Chongguang, are you courting death? Do you think that this is a treasure, I will not kill you?”

Looking at Yun Bufan’s cold eyes, Liu Chongguang just prepared to blurt out as if he was stuck there. He can feel that Yun Bufan is definitely not kidding. He may have killed him. Liu Chongguang’s face could not help but become extremely ugly!

“hahaha, great prestige, Yun Bufan, as a VIP of the spiritual treasure cabinet, on the site of the spiritual treasure pavilion, you should abide by the rules of the spiritual treasure cabinet?” A big laugh rang, everyone They turned and looked over!

“Cold light?”

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