In the dim passage, illuminated by the golden dragon flame of the virtual dragon swallowing Yan, it also appeared bright and transparent.

Qing Li followed Li Yaodao and looked at the golden dragon flying in front of him. She immediately pulled the corner of the other party's clothes and asked quietly, "Master, why does this guy suddenly hear the word spirit fire? So excited?"

Li Yaodao smiled and shook his head, and said, "This guy lives by devouring spirit fire, and devouring spirit fire can make it stronger."

"So amazing?" Little stars flashed in Qingli's eyes.

"Also, you don't need to call me the master in the future, you will make me very ashamed." Li Yaodao said, touching his nose, and said: "I am older than you, just call me Brother Dao."

"Good Brother Dao!" Qing Li nodded, suddenly stretched out her hand to take the other's arm, and said with a smile: "I suddenly found out, Brother Dao, I don't hate you, what family do you belong to?"

Li Yaodao shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm just a nameless pawn, let's be considered a member of the monster family."

"Demon snake?" Qing Li heard the words, her eyes were a little more shining, and smiled and said: "The Eastern Continent's Monster Snake Clan, well-known, is nothing but the Tianmang Clan of the Monster God Mountain Range, but you don't have their aura. An ethnic group I don't know?"

Li Yaodao yanked his arm out of the opponent's arms, and immediately reached out and bounced the opponent's smooth forehead, and said: "Don't guess."

"Cut, pretending to be mysterious..." Qing Li curled her lips.

"Hey, that bird!" The Xulong Tunyan who flew in front shouted casually.

"I'm Tianzong! Not a bird!" Qingli said with a puffed face, "Heavenly!"

"Cut, Tianyan is plain, it's not a bird..." Xulong Tunyan was disdainful, and then shouted: "I didn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual fire ahead, don't lie to me!"

"I never lie, there is really a spiritual fire ahead!" The girl closed with anger.

Li Yaodao looked at the girl next to him and asked, "Qing Li, do you know what kind of spiritual fire is there?"

Hearing this, Qing Li shook his head slightly, and said, "Brother Dao, I don't know, but that guy has a special corrosive power to the soul. Whenever it is contaminated, the soul will be continuously extracted by that guy and eventually burst into death."

Li Yaodao nodded slightly, only then did he understand what it meant to change the soul pill before, and feelings must be used to resist fire.

"Long Yan, do you know what spiritual fires are eroding the soul?"

Hearing this, Xulong Tunyan still hugged the dragon claws and flew forward, humming: "That's a lot. Although spiritual fire is extremely rare, there are many spiritual fires that erode the soul, such as soul eater and yin bones. Sui Yan, Huang Yan, and so on..."


At the same time, wave marks full of eerie erosion suddenly whizzed from the depths of darkness, and everything it passed was corroded and corrupted, extremely rugged.

Li Yaodao subconsciously stopped, blocking Qingli behind him, his eyes solemn.

Faced with such a violent and erosive force, Xulong Tunyan's eyes calmly flashed a bit of surprise, and the dragon's tail swept across, and the golden dragon flame swept the mountains with the momentum of the tsunami, and shrouded the huge erosive wave. All traces were burned clean.

Qing Li couldn't help being surprised when she saw this, and cried out, "It's amazing..."

After being so boasted, Xulong Tunyan suddenly felt that he had face, the golden dragon's tail was swinging, the surrounding space was trembling, and he sneered: "What I thought it was, it turned out to be my old friend. It seems that it is even worse than me. awful."

"Is it? Gu Youminghuo?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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