Li Yaodao pointed at Qingli, and directed at Xulong Tunyan in shock and said, "You said she is one of the demon royal family in the Southern Continent, the Qinghuangtian person?!"

Qinghuang Tianqi, one of the most prosperous monster races in the Southern Continent, is known as its own emperor. The horror of its ethnic power can be called the Southern Continent's hegemonic existence, and its reputation is even worse than the Eastern Continent's Demon God Mountain Range!

Xulong Tunyan nodded calmly and said with a strange smile: "Hey, boy, you have made a lot of money. This soul contract was formed when you kissed her just now. To put it bluntly, this girl must belong to you in the future, you The lives of the two will be connected together. You are the leader and she is the follower!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao felt that he didn't know what to say. He once again looked at Qing Li, who was so angry and young, and suddenly understood.

No wonder people are so angry that they accidentally signed such a contract with the other party, which is really good luck...

"Um, I'm sorry, I don't know that there is such a misunderstanding in the middle." Li Yaodao scratched his head, showing an awkward but polite smile.

"Huh!" Qingli didn't buy it, and snorted coldly, her teeth clenched, and said: "Forget it, you didn't mean it, but now you know why I'm so angry?"

"Got it!" Li Yaodao nodded seriously and apologized.

"Treasure this girl, her life will be yours in the future, rest assured, she can't resist the soul contract, you can order her to do anything at any time, hahaha..."

Listening to Xulong Tunyan's bohemian laughter, Li Yaodao's face turned black suddenly, and he really wanted to beat him violently.

This guy is obviously the one who doesn't think it is too big to watch the excitement.

Seeing the girl in Tsing Yi silently, Li Yaodao didn't know what to say, so she was stuck here for a while.

For a long time, Qingli calmed down a bit, and turned her eyes to look at the dark passage, feeling the corrosive force slowly coming from it, her eyebrows were curled tightly, the treasure in her hand condensed, and she wanted to step forward.

"What are you going to do?" Li Yaodao asked in amazement: "By the way, why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Qing Li scraped a glance at the other party and hummed.

Li Yaodao touched his nose and said, "I mean, why didn't you go to the wasteland?"

"That kind of garbage place is not as good as my home, what can I go to." Qing Li's words made Li Yaodao speechless.

But that's right, they are the celestial celestial celestial beings, their status respects powerful, and it's normal to look down on these.

"But there is a guy I want, but it's almost something." Qing Li returned to normal, her teeth clenched.

Li Yaodao heard the words and looked at the girl: "What is it?"

"A thing that is very important to me." Qing Li shook her head, and immediately looked at the front person, her eyes suddenly flashed with a little thought.

Li Yaodao stared blankly when he saw this, pointed at himself, and said, "You don't want to... let me get it for you, right?"

"You are so clever, Master!" Qing Li smiled and said, "Since you and I have reached the soul contract, I can't lose it, right? Do me a favor, you have the spirit fire, and you can knock down the annoying guy inside."

"Cut, Little Wawa, you know, I have a cooperative relationship with this guy, I don't need to listen to him." Xulong Tun Yan disdainfully said.

Qing Li frowned when she heard the words, and said in a low voice: "Then what to do...I can't beat the spirit fire with the pill protection."

"Spirit Fire?"

Xulong Tunyan's spirit came in an instant, looking thirsty for talent, and said in surprise: "Where is it?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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