Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 387: Blood Fiend Gan Yuntian

Seeing the brutal and violent red-armored man swung his axe to kill, Li Yaodao's face changed slightly, and his eyes flashed sharply.

"Hey, it's worth seeing, this blood evil person Gan Yuntian actually killed out, that kid might be difficult."

"That guy is at the pinnacle of the Profound Sky Realm. This Li Yaodao provokes someone bad, so he dared to kill his son. It's really looking for death!"

Many local cultivators in the wilderness were surprised when they saw the situation. They didn't expect that the master of the Gan Family Martial Arts Pavilion in the Great Desert City would suddenly make a move. Many people sneered in their hearts, all of them were not too big to watch the excitement.

"What's the situation?" Zhou Jin frowned when he saw the momentum, and couldn't help but coldly look at the teenager beside him, and said in a deep voice, "How many people did you provoke?"

Li Yaodao did not answer when he heard the sound. It was true that he killed Gan Lengyun, and he had already thought that this would happen, so he directly held Tian Congyun and swung his sword straight up.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing Gan Yuntian's sudden and strong joining, Lin Tianji and Wang Ling were also unexpected. The two looked at each other and rushed out together very tacitly.

This is a golden opportunity!

Li Yaodao swung his sword and swept up, moving swiftly and strongly, the blue sword lightly and fiercely, it smashed into the hand axe waved by Gan Yuntian fiercely.

The aftermath of the extremely violent battle spread, Li Yaodao held the knife hard against the fierce hand axe, his face was cold, but his heart was a little surprised.

He didn't expect the opponent's attack to be comparable to the peak of the Nine-Star Sky Profound Realm!

"The first time to destroy my martial arts grand plan, and the second time to kill my son, I am about to crush you!" Gan Yuntian's broad axe burst out with a majestic light, and the sharp axe bounced the demon knife abruptly.

Not to mention that the wide axe in his hand is only a medium-sized earthenware device, which is theoretically slightly worse than Tian Congyun, but it is too strong to hold people's spiritual power, enough to make up for the gap between the two.

Li Yaodao knew that he couldn't shake the opponent head-on, so he chose to avoid the edge for the time being, and retreated to other areas with the opponent's tyrannical offensive.

"Little boy, don't you want to run away!" Gan Yuntian roared, swung his axe to catch up, and chased him in a terrifying manner.

At this moment, he has already got red eyes. If he doesn't kill Li Yaodao to avenge his son, he swears not to be a man!

"Little friend demon knife, I'll help you!" Zhou Yide saw the momentum, rushing up, the silver sword in his hand surged.

"Haha, stay in place and stand upright!" Wang Ling waved his gun at the same time. The dazzling and brutal gun shadows continued here, making Zhou Yide both frightened and angry. He could only swing his sword against the opponent, and could not quickly support Li. Demon knife.

"Wang Ling, dare you!" Zhou Jin yelled when he saw it. He slid up, and the black shuriken in his hand was suddenly thrown out, a strong and powerful cutting wind broke out, and he locked on Wang Ling who was swinging the gun.

"Zhou Jin, stand upright!" Lin Tianji smashed with a scarlet sword in his hand, and the mighty and mighty sword light swept away. Surprised, Zhou Jin had to control his shuriken back to resist. His eyes were full of anger.

"Brother Dao!" Seeing the momentum, Xiao Hei vibrated lightly, and the howling black flame spread, and he rushed out directly.

"Qin Jue, if you drive, stop the beast for me!" Lin Tianji let out a cold cry, then swung his sword towards Zhou Jin.

Qin Jue, who was watching the excitement from the side, looked slightly startled, and immediately licked his lips, sneered and rushed out: "This is the boss Lin you said, turn around and give me a pill!"

I saw Zhou Tian suddenly appear a large number of purple light chains shrouded, and completely blocked Xiao Hei's support route.

"Asshole, get out of here!" The little black was a little angry, and the unicorn claw broke out with fierce black flames, and broke several purple light chains, but there were so many chains that they were a little stalemate for a while.

"Little beast, just wait here obediently. I can relax. No one can break my mysterious lock. Don't be too presumptuous. It's useless." Qin Jue sneered strangely, standing with his hands behind him, and his whole body was purple. Let it go, like a little sun.

At that time, Li Yaodao, who was swiftly and fleeing, naturally saw the melee behind him, his eyes were cold, and he immediately transmitted the voice to Xiao Hei.

"Protect Yaoyao, I have a way to kill this old Gan family dog!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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