The sky was filled with yellow sand, and the strong wind howled, blowing up waves of dust, shrouded in this desolate and vast land.

The black wing is in full form, the black wings lightly burns the black sky fire, the huge head makes a deep breathing sound, and the sound transmission said: "Brother Dao, we don't seem to have to work hard."

Li Yaodao held Tian Congyun in his hand and glanced at Zhou Jin, who was facing away from him, and then coldly stared at the opposite side. He nodded slightly and said through the voice transmission: "It seems like this is the case."

As an enemy, Lin Tianji's face was as if dripping water, he stared at Zhou Jin, and said every word: "Are you sure, you want to protect him? Are you afraid to offend me?"

"Zhou Jin, you have to think about it clearly, this year you, in front of me, are nothing!"

Hearing such an obvious threat, Zhou Jin's expression was calm and calm, but his brows were slightly furrowed. He turned his head to look at Li Yaodao, and immediately asked Zhou Yide.

"Uncle Clan, this guy, are you sure you want to protect him?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yide raised his head subconsciously, his eyes were complicated, he took a deep breath, and nodded: "Yes, but I don't want to involve the Zhou family. You should withdraw. If you let the old guy know, he will blame you! "

Zhou Jin smiled and shook his head, and said, "Uncle, the old patriarch has passed away!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yide's face was taken aback, his palms suddenly clenched, his eyes filled with surprise and disbelief.

"Uncle Clan, the younger generation will talk to you later, let's solve the current matter first!" Zhou Jin turned around after speaking, holding the black shuriken condensed by the whirlwind in his right hand, his eyes cold.

Lin Tianji held the scarlet golden sword in his hand and squeaked, looking cold and angry, and said with a sneer: "Very well, since you are already standing in line, then wait to be slaughtered!"

At this moment, Wang Ling was also holding a bright spear in his hand, ready to go, with a grinning grin: "Zhou Jin, I thought you were quite clever, but I didn't expect to be as stupid as that bastard!"

Zhou Jin snorted coldly, stepped forward on the soles of his feet, and the strong spiritual power burst out, holding the treasure shuriken high, and sneered: "Then you two can come and try!"

At this moment, Li Yaodao also slowly stepped forward, standing beside the former, holding the clouds in his hand, his face was as calm as still water.

"You don't need to follow, just hide safely behind!" Zhou Jin said lightly.

Li Yaodao grinned at the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "Sorry, I'm not used to standing behind others."

Zhou Jin glanced sideways, looked deeply at the black-clothed boy who was younger than himself, nodded slightly, and said, "Although he is a bit reckless, he is a man."

Li Yaodao didn't say anything about this, he didn't bother to answer.

The atmosphere was very tense for a time. On one side were Lin Tianji and Wang Ling, who had joined forces, and on the other side, there were Li Yaodao, Xiao Hei, Zhou Jin and Zhou Yide.

Two against four, in the eyes of many cultivators, Li Yaodao is a little stronger in the eyes.

"Ah! My son Leng Yun, you died terribly!"

At the same time, on the other side of the yellow sandstone mound, a roar of grief and anger suddenly sounded, and a burly red-armored man swung his axe, shouting with hatred.

"Li Yaodao! You pay back my son's life!"

The visitor was Gan Lengyun's father, Gan Yuntian!

The previous Gan Yuntian was watching the show with great interest. However, when he saw his subordinates suddenly bringing back Gan Lengyun's body, which had turned into a mummy, especially when he heard who was dead, he immediately collapsed and was extremely angry. .

His own son was killed in the Wilderness Remains. As his father, Gan Yuntian naturally wants revenge!

"Ah! Little beast, I want to lose you, to sacrifice the spirit of my son in the sky!"

I saw Gan Yuntian screaming with his axe, aggressive!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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