Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 898: Ancestor Wansen

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"Hahaha! I'll just say it, how could the Supreme Elder lose! Sure enough, no matter how powerful this giant snake is, it's futile!" A Dharma protector breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and let out a wild laugh.

The rest of the Wood Spirit Race also breathed a sigh of relief, and started talking again excitedly. Many people are expecting the next three Supreme Elders to launch a thunderous counterattack and kill the giant snake in one fell swoop.

However, both sides of the battlefield stopped strangely at this time.

Void Spirit's figure flashed, and he withdrew ten thousand meters away, his expression uncertain.

The three Supreme Elders also stood under the shadow of the tree, watching the giant snake with a solemn expression, but did not pursue it.

Seeing this, everyone looked puzzled, what happened? In such a situation, why didn't the three Supreme Elders take advantage of the situation to pursue them? Do you want to give the giant snake a chance to breathe, and have to defeat it in a dignified manner and convince it?

At this time, a strange light flashed in Yu Guihai's eyes, and he suddenly stepped forward and said with a loud laugh, "I didn't expect that the Wood Spirit Clan still has such a master as your Excellency, why can't you show your head and show your tail?"


Everyone was at a loss when they saw it, and they didn't know what the young foreign human monk who came with the giant snake meant?

What master? Aren't the masters of my clan the three supreme elders?

Void Spirit's eyes flickered when he heard the words, revealing a hint of surprise.

The three Taishang elders looked at Yu Guihai in surprise, then bowed their hands to the side, and said loudly: "I respectfully invite the ancestors to come, and let the demons and demons be eliminated!"

Suddenly, an old voice came from above the sky.

"The old man never thought that there are such extraordinary people as Daoist friends in this world! The old ancestor Wansen of the old wood spirit clan is not unwilling to come out to meet, it is really inconvenient, and please come to me to talk about it. ."

After speaking, a little green brilliance appeared in the sky, and then the brilliance exploded to form a dark green vortex. Through the center of the vortex, you can see that there is a vast space on the opposite side, and the space is filled with precious elixir and herbs.

In the center of the space, there is a pool of green light flowing, and a large emerald tree grows in the pool.

There was an old face on the trunk of this big tree, and it was this big tree who spoke impressively.

The people were immediately surprised when they saw this.

Void Spirit is nothing, he felt the traces of this powerful existence in the blow just now, and he was not surprised when he saw it.

On the contrary, the people of the Wood Spirit Clan were completely shocked. They never knew that there was such a super expert in their own clan.

Obviously, only the three Supreme Elders knew about the existence of this one, and the rest, including the five Taoist guardians, did not know either.

"Ancestor Wansen! It's the legendary one!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone in the Wood Spirit Clan came back to their senses and remembered this man's name. This person is also very famous in the entire history of the Wood Spirit Clan, and can be regarded as one of the top figures!

This person is the strongest person who has saved the Wood Spirit Clan many times through the crisis of extermination, and is also the founder of the countless years of the Wood Spirit Clan's strength. His reputation even surpassed other ancient sages of the Wood Spirit Tribe, and he was the ancestor most worshipped by the Wood Spirit Tribe.

The people of the Wood Spirit Clan thought he had already fallen. After all, his age was very long, but he did not expect that he was still alive, and it seemed that he had merged with the original ancestor tree.

"The younger generation pays respects to the ancestor!" A Dharma protector knelt down and kowtowed excitedly.

"Meet the ancestors!" All the Wood Spirit tribesmen who witnessed this scene kowtowed and bowed devoutly.

"Get up, Feng Tong, please entertain the guests from afar! I want to discuss with this fellow Taoist in detail!" Ancestor Wan Sen ordered and looked at Yu Guihai.

"Follow your orders!" The elder Taishang, headed by him, respectfully bowed.

"How does this fellow Taoist feel?" Ancestor Wan Sen asked.

"Haha, okay, since fellow Daoist Wansen sincerely invites you, it's better to obey!"

Yu Guihai let out a long laugh, took one step out, came before the whirlpool, and walked into the whirlpool one step further.

Immediately, the vortex green light flashed and disappeared.

"What? Could it be,"

"That person? This,"

The people of the Wood Spirit Race only reacted when they saw this scene, and they were immediately shocked.

Judging from the attitude of the ancestors of the same generation, it is obvious that this inconspicuous young man is the strongest person. As for its cultivation in the virtual transformation period, it must be hidden.


Yu Guihai felt his body clear and came to the space he saw from the green vortex.

This is the original space of the wood spirit world, and the ancestor of Wansen is in the pool of good fortune.

"My lord, Mingji, sees fellow Daoist Wansen!" Yu Guihai bowed his hands to the ancestor of Wansen.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Mingji. You don't have to be polite. Please take a seat!" Ancestor Wansen stretched out a branch to give in.

There are some strange big mushrooms in the source space, about the size of a stool, the whole body is white, and it exudes a strange vitality. It is a special kind of elixir.

Yu Guihai glanced at it, and then sat down on a mushroom without any hesitation.

This thing is sturdy. Although Yu Guihai took most of his own weight and did not show it to the outside world, even a little exposed weight was heavier than a thousand catties.

This mushroom can stand still, and it has a peculiar aura of lightness, which makes people feel comfortable and refreshing, and it has the powerful effect of purging demons and assisting cultivation.

The key is that this effect has obvious effects on Yu Guihai, and its preciousness can be imagined.

Looking around, this mushroom is located in the upper middle, and there are many kinds of elixir in front of it. It can be seen that the power of this source space is far beyond the Five Spirit Realms. It truly deserves to be a more powerful world.

"What? Daoist friend is interested in my Bailing Mushroom? Giving Daoist friend a plant like this is considered a gift."

Seeing Yu Guihai looking at it for a long time, the ancestor Wansen said with a smile.

"Then many thanks to fellow Daoist Wansen for your generosity!" Yu Guihai immediately smiled when he heard the words, and unceremoniously took the best plant into his pocket.

"Uh... Fellow Daoist is really a cheerful person. If you are so old, you won't make any detours. Dare to ask you why you are here?" Ancestor Wan Sen's expression froze, and then he laughed.

"You may not believe it when you say it. What I have come here for is to promote my cultivation. The world I live in can only be promoted to the first level of the Void Transformation Stage. It is impossible to improve any further." Yu Guihai said with a chuckle. .

"It turns out that there is no problem. Daoist friends can improve as long as they are. However, is the cultivation base of Daoist friends really the first level of the Void Transformation Stage?" Wan Sen's ancestor smiled boldly, and then asked in doubt.

"Don't lie to fellow daoists, my fellow is a bloodline entry. There is no doubt that this immortal cultivation base is at the first level of the virtual transformation period. Fellow daoists should understand that I have no way to ascend, so I have to find another way, hoping to find a ray of life!" Yu Guihai did not hide it, and said meaningfully.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist sees the transparency. The old man is helpless. Seeing that his lifespan will be exhausted, he has to integrate into this original ancestral tree, so as to plan for the future! But, alas! It's hard to say anything!" Wan Sen heard the words With a wry smile, there was an extremely complicated look on his face.

Yu Guihai was silent. He naturally saw Wan Sen's state. Although he merged with the spirit tree and gained a long life, he was also completely tied to the spirit tree. here.

He used to deal with Void Spirit before, but only with the help of the source space, he could use his power in the wood spirit world at will. If you want to leave, half a step is impossible.

What is the difference between this situation and eternal prison!

Sad, really sad!

"Daoist friend saw the suffering of the old man?"

Yu Guihai's face moved slightly, and Wan Sen saw the clue, and asked a strange question on his face.

"Yeah!" Yu Guihai nodded.

"Hey!" Wan Sen's ancestor sighed, "Forget it, at this time, it is a fellow Daoist, but with the holy fruit?"

"Not bad!" Yu Guihai nodded and admitted.

Although this holy fruit used to be a sacred object of the Wood Spirit, since it is lost, it is an ownerless thing, and whoever gets it will own it. So he wasn't embarrassed at all.

"That's right! Fellow Daoist, I have something to ask for, please agree, this matter is related to the life of the old man!" Ancestor Wansen said suddenly.

"Fellow Daoist, please tell me! If it is possible, I will definitely agree!" Yu Guihai's expression was sincere and watertight.

"Please stay and guard this place in place of the old man. If the old man soars in the future, he will definitely not forget the kindness of the daoist, and he will come back to rescue the daoist when he has the opportunity!"

Ancestor Wansen said, a grin suddenly appeared on his face.

The surrounding ground surged, and countless dark-brown root systems suddenly sprang out, wrapping Yu Guihai in groups. And the countless green streamers in the pool of good fortune also circled and swept toward Yu Guihai.

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