Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 897: hurt

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The terrifying power erupted, and the huge tree shadow that protected the periphery shook violently, and then shattered like a bubble, and a gray sharp cone stabbed towards the three Supreme Elders.

Before they could reach their bodies, the three of them were already covered in sweat and cold. If he was stabbed, he would definitely die!

However, they are all old monsters, and they have seen many such scenes. They didn't panic either, the three of them had the same understanding, and at the same time they suddenly pushed with both hands.

A phantom of dry branches shot out from their bodies, and the three instantly merged into one, turning into a sturdy wooden spear. The spear tip flashed green light and suddenly stabbed the tip of the gray sharp cone.


The void trembled, and the terrifying power erupted from this point, directly tearing out a huge hole, all kinds of void winds and void turbulence poured in, bombarded with two kinds of forces, and even showed chaos!

This seemingly inconspicuous dry wood spear actually gained the upper hand, and soon broke the stalemate. The terrifying green fluorescence penetrated all the chaos in one fell swoop, and the gray sharp cone was also directly repelled by it, and even left a wisp of it. blood.

"The mere snake monster is just like that!"

Seeing that the snake demon was injured, a Taishang elder couldn't help showing his face!

At this moment, a terrifying breath suddenly rushed from the sky.

The three Taishang elders raised their heads suddenly, and saw a **** mouth swooping in with boundless momentum.

At this time, the repulsed gray sharp cone revealed a clue. It was a sturdy snake tail, with two scales on it that were broken and smashed, and a wisp of blood was shed.

The snake has a head and tail, and its body is long. The giant snake uses its tail to attract the attention of the three, and then the snake head sneaks up, and the three are in danger!

At this point, even if the three of them took back the wooden spear, it was too late.

However, even in such a dangerous situation, the three of them never showed the slightest panic.


The leading Supreme Elder suddenly clasped his hands together, and the other two Supreme Elders suddenly pressed their palms on both sides of his back. The terrifying Dogen was instantly injected into his body.

A strong green fluorescence suddenly erupted from the outside of the three of them, rushing towards the surroundings.


Void Spirit suddenly let out a miserable roar, and the huge body bounced out like an electric shock, flying far away before stopping.

His body was broken by many scales, and blood flowed out, especially the head part, which was the most miserable. There was almost no good skin on his entire face, and even the scales were melted and festered, like an ordinary human face that had been poured over by boiling water!

chi chi chi~~~

The gray mist flashed past, destroying all the invading green fluorescent light, and then the terrifying injury recovered instantly.

Void Spirit hovered high in the sky, his eyes shot cold and ruthless brilliance, staring fiercely at the three people below. He didn't expect that these three people could emit such a terrifying green fluorescence, directly hurting him.

However, it also aroused his ferocity.

One hundred thousand years ago, the **** of the Wood Spirit Clan sealed him, and now he was injured by these Wood Spirit Clan juniors not long after he came out.

The three Supreme Elders did not stop, seeing that the giant snake was injured, so they flashed, and the three rushed towards Void Spirit at the same time.

At this time, the three of them retrieved the wooden spear, and the green fluorescent light was attached to the outside of the wooden spear, evolving into a thousand-meter giant spear, stabbing straight towards the Void Spirit.

Void Spirit's eyes showed cold light, and with a flash of gray light outside, he avoided the assassination.

The three Taishang elders immediately drove the giant spear to chase and kill, and the imaginary figure flashed and evaded again and again.


Seeing this, everyone in the Wood Spirit Clan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he said he had confidence in his own Supreme Elder, the power of this giant snake was too strong, and he was always a little nervous before the situation was known.

But now that they saw that the elders of their own family injured the giant snake and even chased and killed it, they were completely relieved, and even started laughing.

"Haha, even though this giant snake is powerful, but it dares to come to my wood spirit world to be arrogant, it is also seeking its own death. When the patriarch sealed it, it seems to let it live, but unfortunately this evil animal does not know how to cherish it." A Dharma protector laughed wildly. road.

"Yes, yes. Today, the elder Taishang is going to kill this staff."

"At that time, it can be made into a puppet and add another peak combat power to our clan."

"Hehe, I just don't know what those traitors are feeling at this time!"

Someone suddenly changed the conversation and sneered, but his eyes were on Taogu and the others.

"How else can I feel! I regret it. This master is about to die, so how can the servant be afraid? Especially this person who has forgotten his ancestors, deserves to die." Someone echoed and scolded.

Taogu and the others looked ugly, and they just happened to be regarded as timid by these people. So all kinds of sarcastic remarks are endless.

If they hadn't been far from the battlefield, the impatient Dharma protectors would have rushed to kill.

Yu Guihai turned a deaf ear to this, he just watched the battle of Void Spirit quietly, his face was indifferent, and he could not see the slightest fluctuation.


"Go away! Have the courage to stop and fight to the death!"

The leading elder Taishang suddenly shouted angrily.

This giant snake is not slippery, it is even more slippery than a loach, and they can't cut it down by chasing and chopping wildly. If this continues, when they consume too much, I am afraid the situation will be reversed.

This made the three Supreme Elders anxious. So much so that the man couldn't help but let out a roar.

Unexpectedly, the giant snake flickered, and it actually stopped not far from the front as if it was obedient. The snake body twisted to face the three of them, the huge vertical pupil flickered with cold light, and the corner of the terrifying giant mouth cracked open, revealing a ferocious expression. smile.

The three Taishang elders were overjoyed when they saw this, and this evil beast was really confused.

The three of them did not neglect, and suddenly pushed their own strength to the extreme, the green light giant spear skyrocketed again, and stabbed towards the giant snake.

And the giant snake was not to be outdone, with a bang, a gray flame soaring to the sky rose from its body, and gray halos emerged from the snake's tail, slammed towards the snake's head, and finally gathered in the mouth of the snake.

In an instant, a terrifying gray beam of light shot out from the mouth of the snake, and instantly bombarded the green light giant spear.


Green light splashed, and the green light giant spear was defeated in a blink of an eye, turning into countless fragments and flying in all directions.

But the gray beam of light has only shrunk by half, and the remaining half pierced through the space and shot towards the three Supreme Elders!

The expressions of the three Supreme Elders changed They never imagined that this giant snake would have such a powerful move.

Those wood spirit tribesmen who were clamoring more and more also silenced their voices, their expressions changed horribly, and their hearts were like the sky falling. How could a situation that they never wanted to gain the upper hand suddenly reversed?

"Your Excellency Voidling, be merciful!"

Taogu and others also changed their expressions greatly. They did not want to see Void Spirits defeated, and they also did not want the elders of the three clans to suffer annihilation.

Seeing that the three supreme elders could not react in time, they were about to suffer bad luck.

Suddenly, a green tree shadow emerged, directly blocking the gray beam of light.


The gray beam of light disappeared silently!

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