Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 891: 1 Must let the master recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors

Three days later, in a room in the Void Fortress, Yu Guihai sat on the ground, his eyes glowing with dazzling green brilliance.

The secret technique for sensing the breath of the Wood Spirit Race has been successfully cultivated by him.

The effect was even better than he had expected.

Originally, it was a spell that relied on breath detection. At this time, after he fused some prophetic spells, the improvement and mutation became a kind of prediction spell.

Not only has the ability to detect breath far beyond the previous ones, but also can predict the direction of objects outside the detection range through secret techniques and primers.

At this time, Yu Guihai was casting this spell, and the primer he cast randomly used a treasure obtained from the strong hands of the Wood Spirit Tribe.

After using it, he could perceive an extremely powerful aura in a distant place, and that direction was the Wood Spirit Realm.

"Sure enough!" Yu Guihai proved that this method is useful. As for whether the small target can be predicted, it will be further proved.

He stood up and walked out of the room to the hall where everyone was, and soon everyone heard the news.

"Meet the master!" Everyone bowed respectfully.

"Let's all get up." Yu Guihai raised his hand gently, and everyone got up and took their seats.

Yu Guihai looked at Taogu and asked, "Taogu, do you have the token that your master withered cane used?"

"This, no." Taogu said in a stunned manner. He didn't know why Yu Guihai asked about this.

"That's a pity. I have already practiced and improved your method. If there is a token used by withered vines, I can use this as a guide to find the direction of its remains." Yu Guihai sighed. .

This is something he is more worried about, because if there is no direct primer, the secret technique he cultivates cannot accurately use the prediction method. It can only be luck with ordinary wood spirit clan aura items.

Taogu glanced at Yu Guihai with some doubts after hearing this.


This is done, has it improved? How could it be so fast?

Um? Could it be that this is a rhetoric of the master to save face? In fact, he didn't learn it at all, but he was embarrassed to admit it, so he deliberately said that there was no primer, and there was no way to find it.

The more Taogu thought about it, the more likely it was, so he didn't dare to say some ideas. In fact, there is nothing to say, because he really does not have the relics of the master withered vine.

Suddenly, a person stood up behind Taogu and said respectfully, "Report to Master, if this is the case, there is a way for this subordinate."

When everyone heard the words, they also looked at them, but found that the speaker was a wood spirit powerhouse in the transformation period. This person's name is Gu He!

Taogu's heart sank, didn't this idiot see that the master was looking for the steps to go down, didn't he put the master into an embarrassing situation by doing so?

He had the heart to reprimand him, but he couldn't be rude in front of the master, so he had to endure the breath.

However, they were all of the same race, so he couldn't watch this idiot offend the master and be severely punished, so he began to formulate words in his heart, preparing to explain something when the master was angry.

Yu Guihai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said with interest, "Oh? Let's hear it!"

Gu He immediately said respectfully: "The master is not actually asking for the remains of the master, but the sacred fruit of our clan. So instead of looking for the remains of the master of our clan, it is better to look for the sacred fruit directly. There is an ancestral tree spirit fruit here. It is the fruit of the first ancestral tree of the sect. The holy fruit and the ancestral tree come from the same source, if this ancestral tree spirit fruit is used as a primer, maybe the whereabouts of the holy fruit can be detected."

After finishing speaking, Gu He held a brown wooden box with a seal in both hands. He gently opened the seal. Inside was an oval green fruit, and an astonishing wood aura emanated.

Yu Guihai's eyes lit up, this spiritual fruit is enough to allow an expert in the Void Realm to directly raise a level of cultivation, which is truly extraordinary!

"Very good, Gu He, I already know your loyalty. I will write down the credit for the time being, and when I find the holy fruit, I will reward you together."

Yu Guihai waved his hand to put away the spiritual fruit, and praised it with great joy.

"It is a blessing for the villain to be able to share the master's worries, Gu He dare not take credit!" Gu He said with a flattering smile.

Everyone looked sideways, what a bastard, a shameless and shameless person, never seen such a shameless person...

Why did Laozi take a step too slow and miss the opportunity? . .


Yu Guihai pinched a magic formula with each of his hands, and an incomparably tyrannical aura rose from his body.

A huge and boundless vitality rose from his body, his eyes turned emerald green, and a small green magic circle appeared between his palms.

Taogu and the other Wood Spirit people turned pale in shock, and the feeling of facing this person was similar to the feeling they had facing Ancestral Tree. With such a pure Wood Spirit Daoyuan, could it be that this one is also a member of their Wood Spirit clan?

But they didn't know that Yu Guihai's Primordial Dao Jue was a combination of various exercises, and his Dao Essence could freely transform any attribute.

When Taogu and the others were tumbling in their hearts, Yu Guihai had already taken out that precious spiritual fruit and put it into the small magic circle in front of him.

This spiritual fruit is enough for all the experts in the virtual realm to compete for it, but at this time it was regarded as a consumable by him without hesitation.

Lingguo did not enter the formation, and immediately decomposed into pure wood spiritual energy, which was bound and refined by the formation, and finally condensed into a strange green light, which suddenly disappeared into Yu Guihai's eyebrows.

Yu Guihai's eyes were full of green light, and a strange feeling slowly emerged in his mind, a kind of aura coming from a distant place.

"It's not this, this is the direction of the wood spirit world, it should be the breath of the wood spirit ancestral tree."

That feeling became stronger and His perception became more and more sensitive.

Finally, a looming cordial atmosphere came from the other direction.

"It's the undercurrent of the void, right here."

Yu Guihai turned his head to look, his eyes emitting bright green light seemed to cross the endless void and saw the target.

"Xu Ling, Gu He, come with me. Taogu leads people to guard this place!"

Yu Guihai gave an order, and with a wave of his hand, he disappeared with Voidling and Gu He on the spot.

A pitch-black long shuttle instantly left the Void Fortress and plunged into the gray fog in the distance.


Taogu was shocked to see the direction Chang Shuo was leaving, his face full of disbelief.

Not only has the master practiced the wood spirit secret technique, but it seems likely that he has improved it so that he is not disturbed by the turbulent flow of the void.

And from the performance of the master, 80% of them are descendants of the Wood Spirit Clan, at least with the blood of the Wood Spirit Clan.

In this case, our surrender is not considered a traitor to the clan, and even if we can lead the master to recognize our ancestors and return to the clan, it will be considered a great contribution to the clan. After all, a super-powerful master like the master is hard to find in the world.

The Wood Spirit Race and the others looked at each other tacitly, and immediately reached an agreement.

"Be sure to let the master recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors!"

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