Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 890: wood spirit

The Wood Spirit World is a big world that contains forty-eight avenues. Although it is at the bottom of the big world, it is one of the few big worlds that can be promoted to the Dao realm in this star system.

This world is rather peculiar. The whole world is dominated by wood auras. Not to mention other auras, but they are all in an absolutely suppressed position. They only participate in the formation of all things in the world. Ninety percent of the free heaven and earth auras exist. It is wood spirit.

This also created the peculiar biological composition of this place. The creatures here are basically of the wood attribute, and even the wood spirits are basically the aptitude of the wood attribute.

However, the seemingly single world attribute cannot hide its power. Dao realm powerhouses born in the wood spirit world emerge in an endless stream, and they have never been broken down.

Among the wood spirits, Taogu Protector, who is a new Taoist powerhouse, is not the strongest person. There are five Taoist protectors on the same level as him, and there are three Supreme Elders above them, whose strength is far more than Ordinary realm, unfathomable.

According to Taogu's estimation, the strength of the three Supreme Elders is not much worse than that of Void Spirit.

As for the powerhouses in the virtual realm under the Dao realm, there are hundreds of them, and there are countless cultivators down there.

This makes Yu Guihai envious. Although he is extremely powerful in high-end combat, in terms of background, it is far from the wood spirit clan, and it is almost incomparable.

"However, our development time is short. If you give me tens of thousands of years, it will definitely surpass the Wood Spirit Realm." Yu Guihai thought lightly in his heart.

The most distinctive thing of the Wood Spirit Clan should be the ancestral tree. The ancestral tree is a characteristic tree in the wood spirit world, and its old root is a spiritual tree that grows in the original space of the wood spirit world.

The root system of this spiritual tree extends to all parts of the world, growing into towering giant trees.

The Wood Spirit Tribe believed that their ancestors were the fruits from these giant trees, so they considered these giant trees to be the origin of the Wood Spirit Tribe. The practitioners among them live on the ancestral tree, and the unqualified clansmen live on the earth under the ancestral tree.

The fruit from the giant tree is the best spiritual fruit, which can purify the blood and aptitude of the Wood Spirit Race. The bigger the ancestral tree, the higher the rank of the spiritual fruit.

The spiritual fruit from the spiritual tree in the source space can even increase the chance of breaking through the Dao realm.


A few days later, Yu Guihai got a detailed understanding of the situation of the Wood Spirit Clan from Taogu and others. At the same time, he also knew the purpose of Taogu and others coming this time.

Sure enough, it was attracted by the Star Map Monument, in order to find the whereabouts of the seniors of the Wood Spirit Clan.

"The Star Map Monument is here, do you have any way to find out where your seniors are?" Yu Guihai casually released the Star Map Monument that he had refined and integrated into the Ghost Shuttle.

"Okay. Didn't senior find the whereabouts of my withered vine master?" Taogu nodded, and then asked in doubt.

"No. I found this star tablet in the undercurrent of this void. There is only this thing. There is no whereabouts of your predecessors." Yu Guihai replied.

"What? That would be difficult to do. Originally, I also had a method to find the breath of the clansmen at close range. But in the undercurrent of the void, I couldn't use it. Even the gray fog on the edge would interfere with this method and I couldn't explore it. ." Taogu's complexion changed slightly.

Obviously, he knows the situation of Void Turbulence. In addition to the gray fog interfering with the exploration, there are also many Void Turbulence. Who knows where the remains will be taken.

"What's your purpose in finding the dead vine's body?" Yu Guihai asked suddenly.

Taogu's expression froze for a moment, and then he replied: "Reporting to the master, Master Withered Vine is here to find the sacred relic. We are also to see if he has found the sacred relic."

"Holy relic?" Yu Guihai asked in surprise, there really was something else hidden in it.

"My family's sacred object is a dry fruit, it is a sacred fruit that was discovered together with the original ancestral tree, with endless wood spirit source energy. According to legend, the sacred fruit hides the secret of ascension, but unfortunately our family The seniors have never been able to uncover this secret.

It wasn't until 100,000 years ago that the holy fruit was taken out by a senior in the clan and used its power to seal a giant snake, uh," Taogu was explaining, his tone suddenly paused, and he looked at Void Spirit tremblingly.

"What?" Yu Guihai frowned slightly.

"Hehe, you don't need to look at me, is the senior in the clan you're talking about called Wanmu?" Xu Ling said with a smile.


"That's right, he sealed me. However, after he sealed me, he left with serious injuries. I didn't expect him to disappear. Haha, it seems that he died outside." Voidling sneered.

"Okay. Go ahead." Yu Guihai understood the situation and then ordered.

Taogu then continued: "The holy fruit disappeared with the ancestor Wanmu. Ten thousand years ago, the ancestor withered vine claimed to have the clue of the ancestor Wanmu, so he set out to find it by himself, who knows that he will never return. Later, there were many masters in my clan. No clues have been found in every search."

"Until not long ago, we suddenly received a signal from the star map tablet of the withered vine master. So the clan sent me to look for it."

Yu Guihai understood the cause and effect, and was also very interested in the holy fruit. Since this thing hides the secret of ascension, he must find it. He is the best at deciphering.

"By the way, you said that there is a way to find the aura of the same clan, even a dead person can find it?" Yu Guihai asked.

"Yes, even if the strong people of our clan die, the breath on the bones will be indelible. Even if there is an accident with the bones, the sacred fruit can be found as long as the sacred fruit is still there. The sacred fruit also contains the pure wood spirit aura. " Taogu replied.

"Alright then, you pass this method to me. I'll try it." Yu Guihai said immediately.

"Eh?!! Obey!" Taogu was slightly stunned, and then replied. He was rather This method is exclusively for the Wood Spirit Clan, what is the purpose of this master? Is it possible to search for the breath of the holy fruit?

Then he added: "Master, this method is exclusive to this clan, and foreign clans are basically useless."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Guihai said indifferently.

Afterwards, Taogu passed on a Dharma to Yu Guihai.

Yu Guihai took a closer look and saw that this method was indeed guided by the blood of the Wood Spirit Clan, specifically searching for the aura of the same clan.

This thing is said to be exclusively for the Wood Spirit Clan, but in fact, if the breath of the Wood Spirit Ancestral Tree is used as a guide, it can be found by using the great supernatural powers.

This method is not a problem for him to cultivate, and it can be improved by combining it with the detection magnetic field. As long as the breath is strong enough, even the gray fog will be difficult to block.

All he needs is three or four days.

"You input all your Dao Yuan into this token, and after four days, we will set off to find your senior."

Yu Guihai threw out a simple token and commanded.

"Follow your orders!" Taogu took the token and only felt a terrifying hidden wave coming from it. He was horrified and hurriedly said respectfully.

But he was puzzled, could the master be able to do it in four days? Even if it is possible to learn the secret methods of the clan, this short period of time is far from enough.

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