Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Days of Distress Beginning 23

"Hehe, now you're perfect. They're both so beautiful."

Mr. Noshi puts his makeup brush to his satisfaction.

And I took the white cloth that was hanging around my neck, and I paid the powder.

It was a cloth that hung so that no powder of makeup could be applied to the kimono.

"It feels weird…"

"If you're not used to it, maybe that's what it is."

Trying to touch my own cheek, I knew I'd stop.

I can't get used to the feeling that the powder sticks to my face.

When I was working, I used a little brush to shadow my neck so that there was a throat buddha around my neck, or dyed my eyes red, but this was the first time I had ever painted something so pervasively.

Except my lips have been painted red by my uncle before, but I'm not half uncomfortable.

It feels like wearing a piece of skin.

The shape of the kimono I'm wearing says a pull shaker, the type that pulls over the hem.

It has cheats and a hem on the floor and feels roomy to wear. Well, it's easiest for me to get dressed.

But this is white innocence, if you can imagine the bridesmaid costume, you'll see, but I just put a front band on it at last. White Innocence is also pulling the hem, like that.

So well, what can I say... heavy.

It is naturally twice heavier than when you are wearing a dressing.

Besides, I was told my abdomen was thin, so I got about three hand wipes wrapped around it, so it's still heavy.

But after all, when I said playgirl, I didn't even think I was dressed like this.

Sometimes I said I knew, but I miss Ning Lo... like?

"Look, Nokichi. I'm wearing your kimono, so take a look."

The shaker is a butterfly pattern made of gold running watermark, purple and blue on the red ground, and a white or yellow daisy flower round print. The band was a large mesh of Seven Treasures overlaid in light yellow and so lavish that I felt sorry for wearing it.

Hair stays grated and flushed to the back without being poorly raised or tied up.

Above the right ear is a yellow daisy with a stick section of gold and red tweezers. The tip of the hair next to the forehead flowing towards the chest is tied with a red paper string with no decorations whatsoever, which feels weird. I'm kind of restless if I'm not tying the whole thing up, not just there.

You've seen hair reaching to your waist, and it's been a long time, I don't know.

"I'll see you later. Because I want to leave the fun at the end."


Though I thought I'd take a look at myself as I could because of my appearance, I am sitting on the spot and solidifying. It's solidified, or I didn't try to move.

Meanwhile, Aili had her makeup on before me, so she was quickly checking on herself. The hair also has a very cute finish and the pull shaker looks good on it. It's the same red as mine, but she looked a few times brighter.

Ari's kimono pattern has long been adored by people for cherry blossom blossoms, cypress fans held by twelve princesses, gold drum patterns and vibrant and beautiful. Do you want to see the pattern behind you, with your back to the mirror, he was switching his neck?

Seeing that, I knew it was a girl, I thought it was me, but I'm afraid to see myself and be reminded that I'm that "wild daisy" after all.

The wild chrysanthemum playgirl figure comes out as an illustration at the end, but do I look just like her like that now?

Unfortunately, however, in the illustration she is also a red kimono, so it is sad to be able to easily imagine a figure at the point where we are together before something like that.


But what about your face?

My face always makes me crisp because it's a playman specification, and it's equal to never looking in a hand mirror other than before work.

I'm trying not to look at myself, so it's natural.

As I live, I wonder if my face has changed or something.

"They're all in the cafeteria, so let me show you."

Noshi, who is more jerky (I don't know about Airi) than the others, is waving his fist up and intent.


In this event in the game, Nodaisy does not appear. They treated me like I wasn't only here at this time.

So I don't know how to handle it either. So I can't move.

If there was wild daisies over there, what would have been the development?

I wonder if he made something of himself with a grudge he couldn't wear a kimono. Or......

"I'll give that guy the long clothes Noju was wearing. Take it to your room so you can get dressed on the spot."

"Is that okay?

"It's okay. Think of it as a thank you for wearing it. It's pretty light for you, though."

Mr. Noshi carefully folded the long clothes I was wearing, holding them in his arms. I thought it was the housewife who was accustomed to the fold, but I'm sorry that I let her do something like use it.

I still take it personally that he's just my uncle's wife, and he's a sweet, caring, nostalgic broad.

When I saw it, Ari's kimono was neatly folded and placed in the corner at some point, and I thought, "That's the housewife," again.

"Then I'll be excused for this. I don't know when I'll see you again, but I'll see you again."

"Thank you for today"

"No, I had fun too. Thanks."

Bye, Mr. Noshi turns his back.

When Mr. Noshi left the room, he inevitably became two with Aili. But I was sitting in the front seat and didn't try to move off the spot.

Even though this is your chance.

Hooray if she gets to everyone soon, but that worries me what to do. Should I go to everyone as well as this or should I throw it out......

Ari moved from the front of the mirror in a chamber where silence fell.

"Hey, Nojuku-san"


Against me in the front seat, she stood in front of me.

I look up at my face because I can only see red kimonos even as I look forward, and I see Aili and I look down at this one. But it was not such an atmosphere that I could be pleased with my eyes.

If you try to reply unnaturally because they called her by her name, you can see her eyebrows clinging up.

"You said before not to disturb me..."

"... yeah? Sure, you said it. Before."

My heart bounced big.

"So why do you do it?


"Why are you wearing a red kimono? Why are you wearing the same thing as me? Why is that your priority? Hey, why?

I can still complain like that with a crying face. Her face was red and her eyes were slightly moist.

... Wait a minute. What happened at this moment now?

"Hey, wait, wait, what's going on!? Did I do something? If you've done anything, I apologize, so don't cry, please!

I hurried up, reaching forward and waving.

Did I do something to make you cry? If I don't do everything in my power to stop this tear, it won't be long before I'm Aili's enemy certified.


"Shut up."

But what the hell was she looking forward to seeing until just now? You were so embarrassed. But how did this happen?

Don't interrupt me... I'm sure it's the one you told me about before. Talk to Aili some time after I remember the game.

But don't disturb me, I've been trying not to disturb you for once since you told me... I should. I stopped eating breakfast with him and tried not to talk much (except because I had no choice at work).

So I don't really understand what Ari is saying to get in the way. I wonder what the hell touched her mind.

"I don't want that."

That's why I tried to ask why, but I didn't want to, and I just blocked my ears with both hands, so I got in trouble.

When I woke up in the morning, I didn't expect this to happen. If I could have dreamed of predicting or anything, I wouldn't have come to this place today.

"- Me, I've already made up my mind."

"............... Eric?

"Take it off."

Sudden impact. I couldn't resist the gravitational pull.

They pulled the kimono hem, so the front opens a little bit. It was originally open, so I just needed a little bit. The belt just slipped a little, but it hasn't broken that big.

Suddenly the leopard changed to her, my heart moved out fast. I pulsed with dokudoku, to the point where the sound of my heart makes it harder for me to hear Erie.

"It's not what daisy wears."


A clenched fist next to his waist was trembling in small pieces.

Is this what you're telling me?

I'm the one with the daisy. I'm the only one here, right?

But I don't know, like this.

Sure, it's supposed to be my name, but it's like they're referring to someone different, someone who's me, but not me.

Nojuku, because they called you out?

"Wait, Eric"

"This world is conveniently made for me! Because it's my world............... not yours!

He puts his hand on his chest and sues desperately. Though it's getting closer to yelling than desperate.

Or the world?

This world?

Not my world?

What do you mean...?

I've never thought of this world as the world of games and my world to me................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I feel like I'm hooked right now.

"Wait a minute. What do you want me to do?


In me, something is about to become one.

"I'm not trying to get in the way, but Eric says I'm getting in the way. But I don't know what's in my way, so I can't do anything.... What do you want me to do now?

"Hey, what are you talking about? Why won't you resist? You're usually pissed off, aren't you? Stand down."

"What would Ari do then?


"If I do this, don't you think I'd tell everyone?

Probably... what about Eric?

"... So here's the deal"


"Get out of this brothel. Whatever you do with the daisy nowadays, they won't turn on me. Even if I say I've been stabbed by you and bleed out of your belly, I'm sure everyone will believe you................ no matter how many times I turn around, that guy won't turn to me. Everything's wrong because you're here."

Do you know what you're talking about?

No, you probably know half of it, but I think your emotions explode and all you want to say is in your mouth. Calm is lacking.

Most importantly, it is insane of itself to be telling me such a story.

"Aren't we supposed to cooperate?

If you were a normal person, it would be sappy to know what Ari is talking about.

But I understand this world somewhat, so I can somehow see what Aili is thinking and trying to do.

Most importantly, I think I'm in the same situation as Eric.

So, maybe,

"I can't believe that daisy is a playboy, for that matter"

"Hey, Ellie."

She is.

"You know what a game is?

Aili opened her eyes wide, which were in tears, causing her lips to tremble.

"............... why, no... You, maybe."


"Oh, yeah,"

After a beat, she gave a tight smile.

But that's not sweet enough to say smile. He looked like that, like he could have seen something dirty.

An expression that doesn't look good on your pretty face. It was disproportionate.

"- Oh, I see, that's the thing. Is that why you were getting in so well with everyone? Don't make yourself look bad? Were you desperate to fix it? You're a bad girl."

"So you know the game?

"On the contrary, you know what I mean? About myself. What happens at the end of the day? So stay out of my way, take your part."

"Aili, aren't you, Aili isn't Aili, she's from a different world who knows the game?

"No! I am a loving man, loving him from the beginning! Nobody else!

I don't try to talk about myself. That's not what I want to hear.

I know more or less in my current story that the Hanaki people have liked themselves for what they have done and done so far. That everyone's not for me... I mean, that's what you mean, right?

But that's not the point.

If she knows the game and is trying to make me a scenario villain for trying to make it right, then that becomes a problem for me.

That's exactly what I was hoping to say when I raised my hand, as I do now.

"Get out."

But, Eric? dialogue remained villainless, and I was surprised there.

If you did or said that to me, wouldn't you have thought about being told?

"A World Convenient to Me"

A world of convenience means a world of convenience for the protagonist, Aili?

It was certainly a convenient game though.

Is it okay to do something half violent to Noju (me) because there is no chance that Aili will be bad at all?

"I will not interrupt. Take off this kimono."

Sure, to Aili, it's probably a convenient world in that sense.

At the moment, I don't have the courage to say to everyone, "This is what Eric did to me" and "Eric did to me."

I don't think she's going to be a convenient person in the world.

"So what do you say?

"Besides, I don't know if there's any daisies, but I guess I'm a horse. It can only be an exuberant ingredient until Aili sticks with someone else in everyone. And I don't like anyone else. Besides, the only thing I'm gonna have trouble shouting up here is Eric, right?!

Don't be ridiculous.

"! Huh."

When Ari said that, she snagged my belt in her hand and collapsed. My abdomen is compressed for a moment and my breath is stuck.

But still not resisting. Seeing me, she jumped out of the room with that momentum.

"……… yes,"

Having been left alone with a potpourri and a lack of them, I decide, after a little thought, to put my belt back together. But it doesn't work that well, so I tied it properly in front.

Only Mr. Noshi can return to his original form beyond the collapse of his kimono. I don't know in the first place (I should have looked at the process well), and I don't think my uncle has ever worn anything like this, so I just spoke up and wasted my legs.

I don't have any particular anger toward Erie, and I want to say that Ning Ro did a great job.

I didn't have to let everyone see me like that.

It's nothing, it's not about being strong or anything.

I feel uncomfortable wearing a kimono without a salad and put my hand on my chest.

Uncrushed chests were loosely making mountains.

I'm a little depressed that I was living with all that crushing of my chest, but I knew something wouldn't go away.

When I was thinking about going back to my room and changing into a landing strip, I heard a lot of noise.

"Aili" and I heard the word slightly, so apparently everyone was surprised at how she looked when she came to the dining room.

I always only wore my overalls, Ellie, so I don't think it's a bad idea to have a day like this.

Well, at any rate, you know that what I need to do is really have no hostility towards Erie, or that I should just be gone from this whorehouse.

For reasons that aren't, of course, sold to a playgirl or something.

But if you choose the latter, it kind of leaks a bitter laugh.

Whatever you don't do, you're gonna end up leaving here just like the game daisy.

And what would I do if I told everyone this?

Making Aili a bad person this time?

Make sure everyone hates you?

No, I don't want to.

I want to get along. As before.

"... well. Ahhh..."

Aili knew this world was the world of games, too.

But then I know how to attack, so I wish I didn't have to do this.

"Attack... Attack,"

I laugh.

I've been with most of them already, but I've been dealing with them as the same person, so I feel a lot more resistant now when I use those words.

It's a game, not a game.

They're all alive.


I scratched the hair I had set up with gushing. As a result, hair decorations hooked to my fingers fall into the tatami with Karan.

- Yellow daisy flowers.

"I wonder who I am"

Take the fallen hammer and grip it.

I still can't remember who I am.

I could remember about the game, but I can't even recall a part of it.

"I gotta get out."

I decided to go to a place that wasn't the dining room.

If I stay here all the time, my uncle will come, and I can't be honest with him even if he tells me what's wrong with that outfit.

In this moment, I have made up my mind.

I decided not to think of anything in particular about what she was going to do to me.

I'm sure indifference is the best.

You must not react more than you need.

Don't like it too much or dislike it too much.

Because feeling angry about her actions may also be a ruthless development.

Emotions can be disastrous.

No matter how much she tells me she's a reincarnator who knew the game, I'm not alarmed if she's at all willing to make me a villain.

But it's true, I can't believe Ari was someone who knew the same game as me.

But then I wonder what Aili was before. I lost my memory, until I said, who was she who was normally close to me?

"Yes, if it's in the courtyard"

Oh, already, everything's starting to stink.

Let's go where no one is now. Go to your room, someone will come for sure. I'm sorry if I made a mistake on the stairs. No, the backyard is for my ten brothers and sisters, and the futon room is different.

But there, in the courtyard, no one will come until evening. Brother Shimizu and Brother Ribbon had eaten the dough before, but usually people don't come that far except at work. If you're under a big tree in the sun, you might be warm and guzzled to sleep.

I want to make a real escape for a while.

If you do that, I'm sure your mind will be at ease just for a little while.


"That's not true."

"Yeah, because, Mr. Ten-yi."

"You're sweet there in the first place."

In the cafeteria, where there was no daisy and no love, he crushed his spare time and relaxed every day while waiting.

After that, the playmen and newbies who knew nothing about coming for breakfast also waited on the spot, even though they had finished eating, when they heard that Noisy was going to wear shakers to those who were there earlier. I had extra time for tea and flower bills.

It's a good decision to spend as much time as you want until it's time for work, but again, the sight of everyone gathering in one place without trying to do an audition is hard to see in Yoshihara's brothel.

"Hey Akimizu, tell him something from you too. How to Make Your Guests Love."

"By the time we met, I was already in love, so I don't know."

"Hey, hey, hey, seriously."

One of the playmen, Akura, is listening to Ten-yi, who cooked the maneuvers.

For reference and ten righteousness spoke to Akimizu, the flower queen, but it was vain and unhelpful.

"If you want to hear it, why don't you give it to Brother Shimizu or Brother Ujino?

"Wait a minute. Why didn't my name come up there?"

The wind that was stretching its legs and relaxing next to the autumn water says so boringly. The trick is the free man himself, who alternately bends his toes while holding hands.

On the other hand, the ribbon that was listening, although it did not mix with the conversation, stuffed me with what it was not to raise my name to my disciple.

"It's lame, really. How about an apprenticeship in orchid chrysanthemum, ribbing?"

"No, Brother Ujino, you're so fine besides me..."

Unexpectedly praised by Ujino, Orchid laughed bitterly when he saw his two vultures sleeping up behind him.

"What are you talking about? Even today, don't leave me alone about the baldness that came with me properly. You're having dinner with me.... and this man..."

"Well, well, Ujino, calm down"

Shimizu slaps Ujino on the back trying to start the sermon.

What is it? Shimizu laughed blankly at him.

And as he turned toward Autumn Water and the others, he raised his fingers and opened his mouth.

"What do you mean..., yet when this guy does. Don't tell the first vultures the order or anything. I think I know everything, so I've left half of it behind. You're an idiot."

"Hinagana! Don't leave me alone."

"It's terrible, isn't it?

That's terrible.

"That's terrible (autumn)"

"It's terrible."


Then the dining room door opens.

The playmen, who were now or now waiting for the advent of Noju, pointed their gaze at you at the same time as the door opened. Momentum is good enough to sound like a bun.

The previous chatter seems to be a lie.

"Hmm? Hmm? Is that, Aili...?

Look at the person whose ribbon narrowed his eyes and came out to the door.

In a red kimono...... cherry blossom hair.

I heard my uncle say it was a red kimono, so the moment I saw it, I thought it was wild chrysanthemum, but the color of my hair is obviously different.

It was Aili who showed up wearing something completely different from the kimono she was wearing earlier.

"" "Whoa, whoa!

"Awesome love!

"Don't be silly."

"That's cute, Oi!

"Come here quickly, Aili!

To that voice, Aili raised the left corner of her mouth.

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