Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Days of Distress Beginning 22

I was just starting to regret being taken to my room.

"Sa. Looking forward to today."

It's supposed to be a girl's day, but for some reason my uncle, who is a man, is straining himself.

I can't help but poke around on the floor with a number of cloths with different color patterns for decoration and who wears them so much?

He did say red kimono, but what do you say we do with so many cloths? I don't know what my uncle is thinking, but I've known since I was a little girl that he wasn't a normal person, so I haven't forgotten my suspicions that he might be trying to do something that isn't normal again.

Unless you are always vigilant. Be ready to fuck before they do.

Meanwhile, Aili was looking out at the sea of kimonos beside me.

It also seemed a little stiff, but I may have been surprised by the number of kimonos. "Not a lot?" I wanted to talk to you, but I asked my uncle a question because I thought it was not the right time to speak up yet.

"So much... What do you use it for?

"It's been a pleasure since Wild World arrived."

"I'm not looking forward to it at all........................? Now what?"

He said it was indoors in the mansion, but in the end it was the main room that came.

I want you to stop lying lightly.

My stomach contracts year after year.

"Who told you they were coming?

But wait a minute. I think there's some words out there that I kind of shouldn't let you get away with right now. I mean, I feel like it was probably a phrase I heard once in the dining room.

If you look at your uncle with a surprised face, he still seems to enjoy taking his kimono in his hand.

If you're so excited, I wish my uncle wore it as soon as possible.

"The wild world is coming. Didn't you hear that?

"I hear you! But I thought that was a lie!

Why is your wife coming!?

Is that not a joke!?

This guy's not stupid, he said it like, so I hold my fist and argue. Rude uncle. As much as I'd say this is more or less an asshole.

At all, my jaw comes off at the development of the werewolf boy whisper.

What a change of heart you've been trying to keep me from seeing your wife, who was at a distance you could see if you ever tried to.

Then a ton, and a drawer is slammed from the outside.

"Oh, are you here?"

"How did you get here? Is it from the front? Is it grand?"

"No, it's a secret door."

Oh, no. Even if they say so as a matter of course. Secret door.

My uncle ran away from me to the door and rang his throat. I'm slightly in the mood for V, V, but I can only see it with cold eyes.

But I only found out that your wife is really coming.

But I've thought I'd like to see you, and I'm in a lot of a hurry when I suddenly get to see you without getting ready.

What should I do? "What kind of habit do you play, man? What? It's not our job lick!" "Oh, it's a girl. I hear he's a playboy, but I wonder if he qualifies as a playman for a scarecrow ride to an event like this". But I'm serving as the wife of such an insane uncle, so there may be some flexibility, and it may be too early to get carried away. It's okay, it's okay.


Yeah, but...

This is what your uncle said, and you don't think I'm guilty at all. Yeah.

"This way, here"


Looking at the drawer as he did so, my uncle opened the door.

I accidentally turned away for a moment, but I still got the urge to see it, so I put my gaze back, and there was a plump woman with golden hair there.

Is this your uncle's wife?

Here he comes.

The woman has bracketed her hair with a pair of elegant thin yellow kimonos, and her forehead is long, or she has bracketed it with the hair behind her, so she has a full odeco opening, but it feels like she is dripping beside one fuzz and not too tight. I even have wrinkles on my slightly dripping eyeballs, but here's the thing... I feel weird. Her cheeks are also hot and she seems to feel good when she touches them. Funky beauty?

But I don't know what this, aura, is not for a customer woman. It's like a decoy, a moisture, but it's like Rin. It's as if the old inn's feminine atmosphere seeps out of the whole thing.

And I mean, you look young, maybe your old age isn't so different from your uncle's, but you're kind of young. Perhaps the word "young general" is more appropriate than "general".

Ha. What a good thing to say.

What do you call a woman's version of Tocha Boo?


He bows in slow motion.

I bowed my head in panic.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Nodaisy."

"Yes, I know. Pretty playboy. My name is Ryuyi Wakamatsu's wife."

It was known.

"You were so small, you got so big"

Look at me and suddenly you tell me to miss it.


Nostalgia......? No, isn't that weird?

Although I did live in my uncle's mansion for six years and his wife seemed to cook for me, I never met him face to face.

When were you talking about being so small? You're telling me this, aren't you?

Or are you lying next to me, Ellie?

"Actually, I slept with you a couple of times when you were coming to my house."

"Ha...... Yep!?"

"Ha. This is what he doesn't listen to."

"What do you mean?

"Oh, you want to know?

What the hell is an escort?

Apparently, according to my uncle's story, Mr. Noshi was secretly sleeping with me every time a vulture of draw came in unknowingly.

It's something I do when I realize it, so my uncle seems to know it in his wife's post-report every time.

She's a very ruinous woman. Is that everyone's mother?

Since there are no children between them, Mr. Noshi adopted a child in a brothel. How much do you know?

Please don't do this because it's dangerous. If you do that, you'll get caught.

"That's a favor from me, I've always wanted a girl"

Mr. Noshi tilted his neck with both hands together. Besides punching and blinking many times.

Please, it doesn't even look like a pose, but I felt intimidated by Bimio for some reason.

"Kimono, I heard from this guy that you don't want to wear it, is that true?

"I, for once, work for a man, so yes"

"No, you can't."

With her neck around her and her gaze away, she leaned on my shoulder as far as she could think.


"Even if you rot, a woman is a woman!

I know a hundred things about that, but surprisingly, Mr. Noshi's arm is strong and I can't argue with it. He was quite a strongman against his appearance.

I think it's pretty crazy to be forced to smile. I don't know if this fortitude is similar to my uncle's or original personality again, but it definitely means a couple of likes.

"So, but ma'am"

What's so fun about letting me dress as a woman? I'm not having any fun at all.

"You know, when I was asleep next to you, I really wished this kid were my own."

I wonder why it seems that way to a little girl who is someone else and hasn't seen her for a while. Maybe even some invisible filter is attached to the eyeball.

Mr. Noshi, who sees me with his eyes patchy, sits up on the spot after exhaling heavily. My uncle followed and sat next to me, so I was caught by it and sat right down.

Eiri can get some air, too, or she'll be sitting right behind me.

Now, what is this situation?

"You know, kids who get sold, they wish they'd come to me instead of being born to parents who sell like that."

"... eh"

My uncle nailed Noshi for saying so.

Mr. Noshi, who rocked his shoulder to it, looks bitter like trouble and looks down.

"I know. But that's an irresponsible idea, isn't it? I know each has a life of different people. I think I'm lucky enough to marry someone with money so I can say what I can afford, and from a tough guy, it's an arrogant Baba statement."

Ugh, what a face you were lying about and laughing at me.

Oh, no, I can't laugh and listen at all. Don't laugh, this story.

To a story that doesn't even make fine dust laugh, I solidify slightly up the edge of my mouth.

"The children in the brothel, whatever it is, are the lives that their mother gave birth to in pain of her stomach with the thought of dying. If you say this, you'll deny the very existence of those kids. You're just comforting yourself that you can't give birth, I"

Could it be that Mr. Noshi is someone who wants children but can't have them?

My uncle also said, "I don't have children," but he said, "I'm not here, I can't do it."

Although I don't have the courage to listen deeply, I may say that I'm an arrogant baba about myself because I'm trying to objectively admonish myself with envy for others and admonish myself that way.

But such, arrogant baba......

People of all sorts of women come to this whorehouse, but I don't feel like I see many people with children.


"Um, well, I don't know..."

Mr. Noshi looks up to me with his mouth open.

"There are several people who think this place is also a hell of a place, while others also think it's a heavenly place. For the guests, for the playmen."

It's good to see some of the playmen in this brothel, what a chill. He said that his life before it was sold and his life now is better now. The colors have to be sold, but the more the rice can be eaten, the different the heavens and the earth are.

Perhaps there are still plenty of people who think so, as other brothels seem to eat at a minimum, not just in the Heavenly Moon.

But more than half also think of this place as a hell of an iron cage.

Where I like and don't come, I'm forced to do things I don't like and throw up words I don't like and I'm disparaged by unwanted desires to abandon my emotions to the valley bottom where I can't crawl up.

That's how the last thing that stays is the warm and cold tears of Shizuku and such loneliness that something important is plucked away.

"Really, I really don't know what's right and not good for people. I probably won't know for the rest of my life either. Some may disagree with your wife's words. But who can blame you for what your wife thinks you do? I don't have a cloud to deny even thinking about.... So, what do you say, I don't have the right to say this either, but I don't think your wife is arrogant."

When I said that, Mr. Noshi unwrapped the two hands he was matching and put his hands together behind him.

And when I laugh again huffy, I say thank you and grab the kimono I keep nearby.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to say that."

Mr. Noshi lowered his brow butt when he saw his uncle sitting beside him at the edge of his eyes.

"But my favor, will you listen?

"What is it?

"I want you to wear your kimono, Nokichi. Can't you?"

Tilt your neck again, please pose.

If I raise the point differently than I did earlier, would I still have a frown that stayed down?

I feel more intimidated than I just did without a heart.

"It's, uh"

But what do you say when you know it's a sexual nature you can't refuse to be told such a story?

If I say I don't want to be here right now, I kind of feel like I've become a bad guy, and I'm sorry for what I'm increasingly reluctant to do.

".................. Yes"

Still tilting my neck, please. Seeing Noshi deciding to pose, I also decided to get in the mood of a cute guy by nodding nicely, thinking, "Yes, I'll wear it," probably weak for a cute guy.

"Really!? You did it!

"Ah, oh. Tsuka, I just switched back... Ouch! Don't slap me on the shoulder like that!

I feel painful that I am no different than the men laid on the asses of the women of this world who can't help but be once again adorable to Mr. Noshi, who bounces like a girl and rejoices.

Bassi and my uncle don't hesitate to slap him on the shoulder and he looks cute.

"Then you, it's women's time from here. Please leave."

"What? Me too."

"Oh, hey, there."

Mr. Noshi's eyes seem to be laughing and he's not laughing.

From the schematic, this feels like my uncle is laying on his ass. As you wish.

"Well, I'll talk to the superintendent now."

"Yeah, come on in."

Waving, Mr. Noshi slapped his hand pampered like when his uncle finished cleaning things up as he left the room.

The treatment of my uncle...

"Well, uh... are you sure you're good with Eric?

"Yes. Nice to meet you."

"Would you like to try on your kimono, too? Because there are a lot of them."

"Is that okay? I want to wear it!

"Aili picks what she likes out of it? I think he put his kimono on you, but I want to change it a lot."

"Thank you!

Aili's eyes, going to bury herself in the kimono wave, were repeatedly going to and from the right to the left, worried about what she was just going to wear.

Sounds like fun. I wonder if I'd be easier too if I could sincerely enjoy it that way.


Oh, no, no.

I've forgotten what I came here for.

Change your kimono? Makeup? Here's your chance to ask Aili that she'll help! I thought that's why I came here. It's me, don't lose sight.

Mr. Noshi laughed at me as I shook my head and squeezed my fist.

"Oh, I'm glad you're more motivated than you were earlier."

I was mistaken.

"What they're asking me for today is clothing and makeup, but when I'm done with that, I have to go back to my house. So be careful not to fall apart. Especially Nokichi, because you won't be wearing a woman's kimono."

"Kee, I'll be careful. So there are so many kimonos, but my uncle said red kimonos..."

"Oh, you haven't heard? It's popular with women right now. It's popular with out-of-town kimonos."


"Put your front girdle on your shaker. Make your makeup look really flashy, and your noodles look beautiful. Women playing in Yoshihara are getting dressed like this these these days."


You know, come and see Yoshihara dressed like an abalone... What happened to morality?

Although the job description is completely different, I wonder if it feels like a cab transfer will come to the host, for example, in modern times. Apparently.

"Well, let's get dressed, then"



"Because I'll take this too?

"Right. We will."

He was stripped of his long clothes and salad and left naked.

It's okay, it's not a no-pan because I'm wearing moko. A pair of pants.

"Oh, my chest is so cool..."

"Oh, don't touch me there"

"Do you think you can take it off?

"What? Oh, right"

Except during menstrual periods, a woman wears a waist roll and so on, and she doesn't wear it like me from time to time.

Until Aeri taught me Mokoshi, I was just like everyone else, but since I normally spent about 14 years in Mokoshi, I don't feel half uncomfortable when I take it off.

That's why I worked so hard in my childhood with no bread, but now that I think about it, I think I could have been good with no bread.

Sometimes it is said that the area was easily accepted just around.

"Nokichi has this green long-head and red shaker, and the girdle doesn't... I don't know about this."

I have a kimono on my shoulder that looks very pleasant.

I'm embarrassed by a pair of pants (which I'm going to take off now too), but I finally came to the point of wearing a long-lasting pair of pants, so I was relieved for a moment.

But what are we going to do?

The outfit of a playgirl also remains a game like development................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Wait, wait, wait.

Wait a minute.

You're dressed as a playgirl. That's it. You have an event.

There's a scene where the hero dresses beautifully!

"I'll do this."

As she was tightened around her waist with strings, Aili brought her chosen kimono to Mr. Noshi.

Mr. Noshi looks like he's in trouble to Airi, who shows him lifting the kimono he grabbed with both hands to his mouth.

"Red?... I think Aeri would look a little more comfortable with a light color, don't you? That said, I'm the one who said pick whatever you want. How's Nojuku?

I guess. I think it suits you. Cherry blossom, red, right?

I don't think it's weird at all.

Perhaps Noshi's taste is that light colors are best used for light colors. Sensibility is different from person to person, so I'm not sure how it is.

"Aha, I think it suits you, don't you?

It's okay, it's not weird, if you look at them like that, Mr. Noshi looks in trouble again, and Aili leans her neck with a crease between her eyebrows.

Is it my fault that I look slightly grumpy?

"Excuse me. Please excuse me right now."

Shit, maybe it was my fault. What should I do? 'Cause I can't. This. How can I keep it flat?

I'm like standing on a brittle scaffold right now where life disappears with pechons in an instant if a cliff falls.

I can't go either way because the scaffolding is brittle, whether I go right or left. When it moves, it's over.

Such a situation.

"But I like red..."

"Really? I thought it would be better if the colors weren't on."

Color on?

... Oh, I do wear a red kimono.

Is that why Mr. Noshi gave Erie a different color?

A different one because it's the color I wear...?

No, no, no, no, please don't.

No, no, no, no, no. I'm gonna be some kind of bad guy!

'Cause I want to wear a red kimono, but it's the color that different kids wear, so what if they tell you to give up?

Damn it! I want to wear it too, why is that kid a priority!? And I'm gonna bump into unfairness. I would. Probably.

But if I suddenly say "I, I want to wear blue" or something here, it's going to be like I hate it, and what am I going to do?

While they are doing so, they also exchange conversations.

"Then yeah. That might be a good match for you. So, do you want the white stuff you keep there, and the long tape in black? You know how to wear it?

"I don't know what a playgirl looks like, so... can I ask you if I can?


"Wow! Thank you! Your wife is really sweet and beautiful."

"Oh, there's nothing for you to say, is there?... Nokichi, aren't you tight?

As such conversation unfolds, I am dressed steadily by Mr. Noshi. Even though my mouth was moving, my body was moving tediously and there was no waste.

In exchange for that, I was left with my body just to be done, and in my head I was waving my hands and feet up and rambling. Instead, I'm in a hurry and bumpy.

to, I guess I shouldn't run away. But I asked for Noshi's favor, and you can't. I don't have two words for what a man says, or something cool to say, but that's not the case.

I hope it's not on your face.

"Noisy? Not tight?

"It's not tight."

I don't know how long until I get into makeup, when will it end, what am I supposed to do?

I couldn't see the end of it, I replied in silence.

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