I picked up wild daisies when I was 48. At times it was not long after the beginning of the year.

When I was taking a rest while smoking a flue in my room, I saw signs of people right outside and peeked, and it was the little boy I found behind the brothel. I was kneeling and leaning down, so I couldn't see my face right away.


I still remember that little one giving a crying voice.

I raised my face when I hung up, so I observed which... was quite a beautiful child.

Her hair is the wet feathers of ravens to her shoulders, her eyes glow as beautifully as they reflected the black and stars of the night sky, and her long eyelashes cover and crawl to protect it. The nostrils are noticeable. It would stick better to say neutral...

Was the skin also slightly white, and even in the darkness, it glowed lightly.

White makes your skin glow. I've never seen one like this in 48 years of my life. Fresh water is pretty white too, but this kid would be whiter by comparison. And it's a surprise.

Neutral, albeit puffy, swollen white bun-like cheeks with puffy red lips. I figured it would be a woman's child from the overall atmosphere.

Well, normally you have to check downstairs, but you're not supposed to lick me. How many vultures have I ever seen, seen a man and raised him?

However, I came to say that I was vague until I was old and I didn't know who I was. And I don't even know his name.

What the hell kind of parents raised you? He seemed solid as far as this boy was concerned...

And, well, he was a guy full of horn mysteries on a rabbit.

Yoshihara Child Custody Prohibition

The decision is in this Yoshihara.

Even if you find an unaccompanied child within Yoshihara, you should not feed him. Things to say.

This was done about 10 years ago.

It began when the owner of a brothel picked up and raised a small child within Yoshihara.

In fact, the child, a child who worked as a vulture in a different brothel, it was the owner of that brothel who picked it up before he escaped.

But you were unlucky, and the man at the original brothel who later picked up the child and saw him at the Lord's house, reported to the original brothel owner, "It's our vulture," which caused you to get stuffy.

The struggle between the picker, who could not return the child to the brothel now because he wanted to be cute, and the owner of the brothel, who bought the child for money.

Then it would be nice if the pickup lord paid for it, but I just wanted to say, yes, I don't get pom money.

It has finally developed into a killing in a situation that cannot be settled inside.

It was the owner who bought it for gold who got his hands on it. The victim was a child, slashed with a knife and the wound was also deeply dead.

But the slayer was never punished.

I saw that the children who betrayed their Lord and fled were bad. If I go crazy, I'll do it. I thought I should be punished for killing him, and at the time I heard him talk.

And so that this trouble will never happen again, it was Yoshihara's strict prohibition on child support that served to divide Yoshihara.

Since that year, officials have come to every brothel once a month to investigate. Have you been feeding and hiding other brothel children and unidentified children?

It's against the rules even if you're a kid who doesn't work in another brothel.

At the time they are found, the child is thrown outside Yoshihara and abandoned, and whoever was hiding it is punished.

It would be unreasonable, but this place is Yoshihara. It's natural that it's not normal.

Why, I thought I'd let you work at this time. Using wild daisies as vultures.

It can't be too small for cooking - it's too small to let you do the back job. So it would be reasonable to let them work as vultures. I'm not hooked on the rules, and I can't leave my unaccompanied little one alone.

Besides, it's a pretty good amount of equipment, so there will be flower queens who won't sell the colors from now on. Besides, it's not impossible because Hanaki made money without actually selling the colors for the rest of her life. It depends on your strength for that matter...

When I thought so, I kind of enjoyed the way ahead from here, and the corner of my mouth rose and I laughed.

I told Noju I was a geisha, but I was willing to be a flower queen from the start. Excuse me.

It's a form of deception, but I look forward to the future at this time.


"Oh, my God."

But it was a miscalculation that made me seem as if I was my own child as I grew up. I've raised so many bald chicks so far, it's surprising to me that I feel that way.

Because I gave it a name, because I've seen it since I was 5 years old - little one - or because I gave it a name that I was trying to name 'wild daisies' when I had a child with my wife.

I don't know what caused it.

It felt strange.

When Noju turned seven, he said, "Would you like to be the lord? I've had a conversation about cooking... 'I wondered what you were talking about to a 7-year-old, but it was a statement made after I somehow learned to rush into a chick who gradually blossomed her talents in the arts.

And no matter how neutral the beauty was, one day the limits will come.

But you can't feed them, so you have to earn a lot of money for your kimono and meals. It's been two years now, so it's not the right amount to make me work as a cook or back job after I'm a little older.

At the same time as working, the daily meals and all the things around you are covered by the sky and moon, so if you pull all the money for it, you can only get a small refund inside after any time. I want to mess with the books, but it's not easy because there are officials' investigations.

So for five years, I thought it would be better if I let him work as a flower queen and make money. You can make more than a few times as much money than you can cook.

Besides, the rules say, 'You must not provide for a child'. Then when you grow up, you can feed them.

I'm good at lifting feet.

Then three years later, the year the little one turned 10. I suddenly had a headache when the daisy came to me and said, 'Give me a salad'.

I knew immediately that I was willing to crush my breasts, a symbol of a woman, but I was unconscious that my kindness interrupted me and my hand to hand over the salad shook with a pull.

Now I'm like, "Man geisha quit, and if you don't mind working stuffing for half your life, will you turn it into cooking? 'I couldn't say anything.

Most importantly, half my life, I don't even know if I can live.

And it's been five years now at that point. Nojuku is motivated, and the art is already perfectly worn. It's just a secret here that I thought, 'Uh, let's mess with the books' in a reality that I can't pull anymore.

No, it's new to my memory that I found a new child where I found wild daisies. She was not as small as Nojuku and was a woman, and it seemed like she was already 12, so I decided to let her do the back job. Even if there was a woman named Nojuku, she thought it would be okay because there was not so much disturbance in the brothel.

However, at the time of discovery, I was caught up in the fact that I was strangely familiar and that it was not strange to be told that I was a flagbook lady. He said he only remembered his name and age, so he couldn't pry any further.

But, well, I actually work well, and I haven't been so worried. Noju would also be a little more at ease than a woman alone.


Then another two years went by today.

Little children climb one staircase.

"It's sunflower vertical. What do you say?"

"Yes, it's perfect!

"Okay. And then... take me to Mamoru. Talk to Orchid in the same room."

"Oh is that true!!... Chappie! Protect!! You can come with me."



Nodaisy, who seems happy to hold two different colors, is still a child. I laugh at myself for being a little relieved.

But I don't know why I'm giving a name to a frog, but I doubt why a cat is a decent name, but if he's good in person, well, I don't mind.

Besides, since these two arrived, the sales of Heavenly Moon have been good before, but even better. I think it might be the God of Blessings.

So amulet, not, but I want to apply it to wild daisies. You don't have to worry about anything happening, but it's not a bad thing to keep the edge near you.

"Um, so, do you want to go to Heavenly Moon?

"Well, it just changes the place of life. Come to the main room whenever you have a problem.... Then go."

Black, long hair flushes before tying to one on the side, wearing a sunflower perpendicular to make her look good. I'm worried my guests might find out a little because my neck is thin, but they won't mind because there are a lot of them in our brothel.

The eyes were bigger, so I instructed him to narrow his eyes slightly so that he could look manly, but... then he became a beautiful boy who seemed to settle down very calmly. Just the look.

But beautifully, the appearance that still leaves it unbearable is a good representation of the age of 12.

At this time, I'm going to reopen it and do it anyway.

"Hmm. I can finally meet everyone. I'm looking forward to chappie and protection."

"Nyan," "Geko,"

... Ah. Before we go... we have to prevent him and the others from jumping on the daisies early.

Do you want me to prepare a gold bar?

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