The season has turned, and the leaves of the garden are already completely yellow and brown.

There are a lot of red and orange dots falling under the tree and it's beautiful. Feeling like watching all the time.

But you can't just leave it like that.

So again this year my uncle is holding the magic howki he gave me.

Pfft... kicks ass.

"Ha ha!


That frog, Chappie, is still in this garden.

He couldn't find his daughter-in-law after all, and he lived in this garden. What a brilliant guy. And sad guy.

The breeding season has passed, which means that the time for the matchmaker Percy has passed (although Chappie hasn't even met him), so it doesn't ring, but it's still on that sad little back: 'I can still go. I can still go,' I'm not going to hear you say.

"Ha ha ha."

If you look up at the sky somehow while kicking a leaf with a hoe, a cloud is floating like a bird's feather.

The clouds of the sky are for a time. The clouds you see tomorrow will never look the same as they do today. If you think so, it's not funny to be able to say that this temporary is an important encounter.

Was this encounter with Chappie one important encounter for my life? I get an extra attachment than I did when I named myself something like that. I'll miss you when it's hibernate time.


Place the hoe down, goofy hands up and stretch out.

"High - high"

The air is very clear this season and the sky looks high and high. It naturally made me feel like I didn't exist.

... Ah, red dragonfly.


Mmm, nya? Cat, huh?

Where is it?

Five years after coming to this side, I heard a cat squeal that I had never heard before, seemingly of course.

That's a very pretty voice.




It was the little three-haired cat that came out of the shadow of the grass with a gusty... She was a really little cat that the baby was a little older.

It is thin and dirty, and the hair that is supposed to be in the white part has a color that is a mixture of gray and brown. The black and loess marble pattern is a little understated and seems to represent the character of this cat.

No... I still don't know my personality.

But there are two patterns on the back that look like bird wings, and the wings are in an interesting shape that feels like they are now being treated.

"Come - Cat"


Crouch down while suppressing the long hem and make the call like an inviting cat. But there's no sign of coming by.

I wish there was a cat or something like that at this time. Uncle, when you grow a cat, you pull it right out. No more. Not at all.




As I crouched and boo-dropped, suddenly Chappie flew between me and the kitten. Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

You're turning your back on me and confronting the cat, but are you trying to do something? A ringing match has begun with 'Gaikogeko' and 'Nyaaanya', but this is no longer a discussion?

The alternating ringing is the only sight I can take.

What is this?

Me, the frog and the kitten.

Heterochromatic Bremen?



"Uh, uh,"

I mixed it up a bit.

... because I miss you outside the mosquito net.

After a while the discussion was over, the previous two came towards me.

What is this, what is this?

Don't you think you can speak this person's language or something anymore?

Then the kitten stepped forward and approached me.

tyline tyline,



The cat touched it with her forefoot is the little bell attached under my hair.

I got it from my uncle at Peach Festival, a hair tie with a small bell on the red string.

For a bit of a favorite, I occasionally wear it on my hair, but apparently the cat likes it, too, and eats a punch in the bell so that she can screw herself with the cat.

That's good.

"Shall I put it on you"



Oh, that's a very temperamental reply.

Adorable again.

Tie it around your neck so you don't strangle it gently.

Chillin 'Chillin', and two little bells swinging in the kitten's neck. The red string gave an elegant shade somehow.

? Hmm... what this cat looks like..., like I saw it somewhere...

I can feel my eyes on that wing pattern.

Not now.

A long time ago.

Before? Before? In that world that's not this world?

"See, come on?

Passing my head on the way was the back of a cherry blossom-haired girl giving her hand to something.

Do you know...?

But I don't know anyone with cherry blossom hair. I haven't even met a girl other than myself in this world. Except for the guests. Even if I were there, I wouldn't see her yet.

Besides, I can't remember my friends, my parents, or myself from the past world.

Ugh, something disgusts me...

Oh, no, you're not a cat, you're yourself.

"Here, I'll give you a hug ~"

I try not to lose my mood.

Hey ~ Shh. Oh. Shisha. (Mutsugoro O)

High -............!

Shh! Eh.


The moment I held her, I was unintentionally surprised to see the cat that exposed everything under her belly.

Three-haired cat male!?

Three haired cat male who is supposedly only one in those 30,000!?

Oh, it's just tough.

Why are such rare species here?

Three hairy cat males are rarely present, and most are females.

Because of its scarcity, it is being bought and sold at considerable prices in the Edo era. They are also very popular with sailors and say, 'The ship with the male three-haired cat won't sink', and they worship it. Even though there is no basis for it.

And he is also a model for inviting cats, and he is the god of blessings.

Nanman ~ Nanman ~.

... Wait, wait.

What am I going to do with this cat? I felt light and tied it red with a collar feeling, but it tasted really bad for the kitten.

He stands out when he goes outside and is immediately noticed by humans. And when you find out you're a male, you're gonna make a leap to sell...

Because even I'm a strange cat who remembers weird visions.

I cornered it... but I don't know if I'll take it off.



When I reached out and tried to take the red string, I was avoided.

Rejected. Rejected?

But, you know, if I put it on, it'll stand out.

They sell it, they sell it, they flush it, they figure it out.



If I was suing him with that eye, the cat I was avoiding approached this way and thrilled out around my candle with his head.

... Yikes Cava No!!

Little creature sticks pit on my feet!! Already, already...


"Oh, are you done cleaning? For lunch."

"Would you like to have this cat!!?


Negotiation start.

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