179: Lay down and see (4)

Ride on! Ride on!

Manager Ahn was frantically pounding the keyboard. Now, all the paperwork was a snack to hand over to his subordinates, but his fingers could not be seen playing.

“Ahn, what are you working so hard for? Haven’t we even started working yet?”

“We’re not working, we’re working hard to promote our wife’s business online.”

Manager Ahn responded by tapping the keyboard continuously. Manager Kwak, who realized the meaning of the word ‘wife’, pokes his head through the monitor out of curiosity and asks.

“Are you talking about Dain? What are you promoting? ah! What else do I say… Hasn’t this album been released yet?”

“Five! you know that well Were you also caring? Huh! And, Yanmar! What era do you really live in? Nowadays, where in the world is there a chinta that promotes after an album is released, in an era where it is common sense to promote it on various SNS in advance and then sweep it all at once during a comeback. Your child doesn’t know marketing, marketing…”

“But why are you doing that? Even during business hours at work…”

“This is my hobby and an investment for the future. If you don’t know, just close your mouth and just watch. Huh!”

“Then what about lunch?”

“I’m starving today, come eat alone.”

“…you are also very sincere, you are sincere. Ttttttttt!”

Manager Kwak clicked his tongue and headed to the cafeteria. I came early today, so the line wasn’t long yet.

In the meantime, due to the complex shopping mall project, I couldn’t take a proper rest. Although it was only a short time, he took his hand off the shopping mall and was enjoying the rest of the bay until the Pharaoh Hotel Gun started.

“Uh, Manager Jang? Did you go to work today?”

“female! Manager Kwak. I just stayed nearby and came here to eat. Huh!”

Director Kwak asked, looking at Cheol-woo, who was standing in front of the restaurant door that had not yet been opened. Cheol-woo, who recognized him, smiled and waved his hand warmly.

At that moment, the ‘Preparing’ sign in front of the restaurant door was moved. The real lunch break began.

“Wow! I’m so glad you came. Guo Baro is going to come out today. Huh!”

Cheol-woo, who had piled up a lot of freshly fried scallops on the plate, smiled as the winner. In his retina, the figure of a killer lying on the ground was reflected in the cold wind.

The fried meat eaten while appreciating such a guy was truly heavenly. Besides, it was a lunch that I ate while working at work, so the taste was even deeper.

“But you didn’t really go to work, did you?”

“Yeah, I’m in the process of carrying out the president’s orders from somewhere.”

“But why is your body in the company cafeteria?”

“Don’t ask, it will hurt if you know. Hororok!”

A bowl of hot fish cake soup was also served. Also, hot soup was perfect when the cold wind blew.

“Then when does the pharaoh start?”

“Why are you itching because you want to work?”

“No, I think I need to know when it will start so that I can prepare my heart.”

“I don’t think it’s my heart…?”

“It’s tweezers. In fact, strange rumors are circulating within the company…”

“Rumors, what rumors?”

“Rumors are spreading within the company that the Pharaoh Hotel Gun will more moderately bury the government’s eyes. Maybe it is, but our team’s atmosphere keeps sinking…”

Manager Kwak made a serious expression. Except for Cheol-woo, who is always roaming around irresponsibly, and Manager Ahn, who is crazy about idols, I thought that he was the core of the pharaoh project.

He tried to deny it, saying it was a delusion, but when he thought about the way he was going and the work he was going to take on, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pressure. He was promoted anyway and wanted to somehow avoid as much as his first project failed.

I couldn’t help but feel anxious even when I thought back on it that it was just rain. So, after meeting Chul-woo, Kim calmly confided his worries.

“Do I need to worry about things that have not yet been quoted? Now, experts in that field are investigating the pharaoh’s side. You will only be able to find a direction after the work is over, so please take a rest and rest in the meantime. Manager Kwak is good at taking vacation days.”

“Then, are you giving me paid leave?”

“Not that. Can I just use monthly or annual leave?”

“It was used up a long time ago. I was going to use the special leave system, but because of Manager Jang, I couldn’t use it for a while.”

“Because of me…, no, why?”

“After seeing Manager Jang taking his leave, the employees in other departments all tried to use the special leave system, so the company blocked them all because there was a risk of abuse.”

“okay? After all, the one who eats first was the best. Huh!”

“In that sense, please give me a vacation under the manager’s back.”

“There’s a good chance that I’ll give you your vacation and the vacation I’ll use will be reduced.”

“You should have rested that much. If you want to rest longer, then resign at all.”

“Hey, you are Manager Kwak. Why are you so aggressive?”

“I can’t take a proper vacation because of anyone, but the manager is playing every day. Aren’t you humanly hot?”

“Who is playing? You don’t realize how urgent the situation is right now…”

Cheolwoo was also embarrassed. Currently, he is fidgeting among women.

Besides, some madman sent a killer to scratch his nerves. Although he is eating comfortably now, it was not easy until he planted it.

“Is an emergency person eating this much?”

“There is no causal relationship between food intake and urgency.”

“However, a person with an uncomfortable heart will not eat as much as the manager.”

“What is a lot? It’s just the right amount…”

“Look around. Everyone is full after eating only half of the manager.”

Cheol-woo looked around as he said. As Manager Kwak said, everyone was eating only half of Cheolwoo.

It was not during the Joseon Dynasty, and I did not know that I would be bruised with the amount of food I ate. Just as he was about to be offended, the chef came into his sight.

Perhaps he recognized Cheol-woo, the chef shook his head slightly and greeted him warmly. Again, thinking that the chef was the only one who welcomed him, Cheol-woo quickly gained courage.

“Because people are so picky, they lose their appetite. look over there The chef is looking at me and smiling. That smile for a fan who likes his cooking. The driving force that makes him laugh and give him strength is my appetite. No matter what the world says, I will enjoy my own gastronomy.”

Like someone who realized something, Cheol-woo was moved and ate the leftovers. As if the taste you enjoy at this moment will never come back…

“No, give me a vacation. yes?”

“Okay, I’ll be busy in the future, so I’ll give you a few days of paid leave. Send me the paperwork. okay?”

“yes! thank you Boss!”

Manager Kwak’s face brightened as he thought that his planned dissatisfaction attack had worked. However, he did not know the dark intentions of Cheol-woo.

Although rough, the decision regarding the pharaoh had already been made. Specific details were planned after consultation with Steve.

From then on, I was thinking of giving strength to the two managers. This is because only then can Cheol-woo be able to play with a light heart.

In a nutshell, he was planning to replace the two managers into the pharaohs. And he was planning to train him by giving him a short break from time to time.

It will feel much sweeter to throw it away when you desperately want it rather than just giving it a vacation. Then you will gradually become a slave to your work.

Like the tteokbokki in Muuido, here too, there were people who enjoyed a full vacation ahead of the mountain canter. They had no idea what obstacles awaited them in their future.

“Dain, have you eaten?”

After dinner, I remembered them. I was still thinking of ordering something for dinner.

“…No, I haven’t eaten yet. But what happened to that killer?”

“I think it will take some time. His feet are tied up, but it’s a bit dangerous to approach and catch him easily. I plan to wait patiently until I get tired, so please understand even if it makes you uncomfortable.”

If I caught the killer now, I had to accept Dain’s anger right away. And then you’ll be forced to break up with Linda immediately.

To prevent such a situation, the killer had to endure a little longer. During that time, I prayed that the two women could understand each other and become closer.

“Is he really after Linda?”

“okay. I sent someone to the other side just in case, but they got a call saying there was no problem.”

Just after dinner, I got a call from Paul. Pietro’s bodyguards, who had given him free time, were also returned and dispatched to Muuido Island.

Fortunately, there have been no suspicious signs yet. However, she received a report that she would watch for another day, just in case.

“…for what the hell are you aiming for him?”

“…why are you doing this, did you ever hear anything from her?”

Cheol-woo noticed a change in Da-in’s attitude. I was sure something was going on between the two of them.

“I heard that he also lost his parents. like me···.”

Her emotions were transmitted through the phone. She couldn’t be unaware of her loneliness that she had no blood in her world and her feelings of embarrassment with her inferior relatives.

Just as she relied on Cheol-woo, Linda knew that Cheol-woo was needed. She did, however, never want to share her man, so she struggled between her feelings of empathy, pity, and rejection.

“Dain-ah, I’m sorry! But I can’t shake Linda off. As if I can’t give up on you… It may sound like a cowardly and irresponsible excuse, but this is the truth. I don’t mean to hurt you, but this is how it happened. It’s all my fault, so please don’t hate her too much. All I ask of you is this I’m sorry, Dain!”

“···Sheesh! Order something delicious. You can’t go out now anyway.”

“Yeah, I’ll take care of the order. Be patient.”

She said as if there was nothing she could do. Seeing a glimmer of hope in those words, Cheol-woo hung up the phone with a happy heart.

Then I diligently dialed the phone in search of nearby restaurants. Delicious food was the best way to calm my heart.

Cheol-woo’s special menu, which he thought about with the Warrior, was busily delivered to the officetel. Nearby restaurants called nearby restaurants ran to them endlessly with all-inclusive food.

Ilho’s stomach, who was laying the boat on the side roof with the killer, shook. Unlike the killer who even prepared a chocolate bar, he hadn’t prepared anything to eat.

Cheol-woo, who was said to be moving in the opposite direction, was not news. But he couldn’t do anything else with the killer.

The lack of heat made me feel colder. If I stayed like this for another hour, I felt as if my body would be paralyzed.

But as he learned in the military, he never paid attention to anything other than small movements to relax his body. He put his eyes on the scope and focused his gun on the killer under his camouflage cannon.

At that moment, a call came from Cheol-woo. As soon as I put the phone to my ear, I heard the voice of Cheol-woo, who was waiting for me.

“It’s me, are you hungry? I’ll go up with food now, wait!”

It was a short call, but Ilho couldn’t help but be moved. After all, he praised him inwardly, saying that only Director Jang recognized his suffering.

I prayed that the food he brought with him would have warm soup. And finally, the door to the roof that had been waiting for was opened.

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