178: Lay down and see (3)

“You go up and guard the room. Never be vigilant.”

“Do not worry. older brother! I will risk my life to protect you two.”

He shouted with his waist bent at 90 degrees. The sound of vomit echoed through the parking lot.

Cheol-woo packed his weapons in a large backpack. Then he packed his sniper rifle in three long bags that looked like fishing bags.

When the big man handed the car keys and climbed up the building, Cheol-woo packed his bag and went out to the back of the building. He had instructed Ilho to come down behind him.

There were few large buildings around the officetel. Because it is near the Blue House, height restrictions were placed on this area without realizing it.

That’s why the killer was lured here. The glass of the officetel was coated, so it was difficult to see inside the building during the day, and it was easy to identify the location of the gnome as there were only a few points to shoot around.

What I like the most is that his sniper location is surrounded by other buildings. There were good points for sniping backwards from the rear or the side depending on the position of the gnome.

“Chief, what shall I do?”

“The place where he is is on the roof of that building. There is no proper building on the left, so you just keep him in check from the right. Then I’ll block his escape from the back. The rooftop emergency exit is in the front, so if you keep it there, there will be no way out.”

“Are you planning to be captured?”

“Yeah, I plan to catch them alive if possible. We need to catch him and find out for sure what kind of big guy ordered it. I can live with debt, but I can’t live without being hit in the head. Huh!”

When Cheol-woo let out a sinister laugh, Il-ho trembled without realizing it. He was just praying for the rest of the madman touching him.

“Come on, take a sniper rifle. Do you know how to use it?”

“Is it M110-SASS? It’s my first time catching this guy, but I’m confident I’ll use it.”

Ilho, who opened the fishing bag that Cheolwoo gave him, answered confidently. It was not a very unfamiliar thing as it was a sniper rifle that was enlarged from the M16.

“Yeah, at least within 100 meters. Rather than the performance of the gun, it will be a battle of the number of who grinds first. But don’t raise your head prematurely. You just need to expose the gun and let them know you are there. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yeah, you mean exposing your guns to give your opponent fewer escape options, right?”

“Yeah, that’s it. You don’t have to risk your life for nothing. The opponent is probably one of the most talented people in the world. Keep in mind that you can be beaten up in an instant!”

Even if he said that, there was a strange expectation in his eyes. This was common among those who received professional military training.

‘You’re such a handsome guy, let’s see where you are and how good you are?’

This guy was also a guy in the military. The unavoidable Ho Seung-sim had no choice but to sneak out of the middle of his chest.


Cheol-woo grabbed Il-ho’s head and pulled him to his chest. Then he whispered a small whisper in his slanted ear.

“Don’t listen to me in vain! He’s a guy who only dealt with people like you professionally. Whatever you do, he’ll look down from the top of your head. If that happens, don’t be shy and just lie flat on the floor. You shouldn’t let the Ilryong get rid of your corpse. is not it?”

The hand that gripped Ilho’s head gained strength. Ilho lightly trembled as if his sincerity had been transmitted through his arms.

“Okay, to the location…! Set your phone to vibrate and only expose the gun when I signal.”

Ilho, who had hardened his complexion, moved with his gun bag. Cheol-woo, who was watching the scene, also hurriedly walked to the target that he had taken.


A cold wind swept all around. The wind that came down from the other side of the mountain froze his fingertips.


He melted his fingertips with his breath. Because it was covering the top of her camouflage prisoner, she almost had to be taken to the hospital with hypothermia.

“Damn, whatever you see, shoot or not. I wonder if he is going through such a hard time because he was commissioned for nothing.”

He continued to grumble. This case was unrelated to his will.

It was a request from the mafia, who happened to get help when he was a chick. She had just been on a break, so she was receiving a very low amount and was in the process of repaying the favor.

However, this task was not as easy as I thought. It was my first time in Asia, so I couldn’t even consider the weather, and it wasn’t as easy as I thought to bring in firearms.

Of course, most of the work below was done by the Italian Mafia. However, walking around with the gun hidden was not as easy as I thought.

“Damn it, I’m in the mood to stay up all night, should I withdraw and try again?”

Because it was a small country in the Far East, I did not think of any danger. But from time to time, a strange sense of incongruity came up.

I just wanted to throw everything away and fly away. But, using his poor pride and failure as an excuse, he was holding back, thinking of the damn mafia who would get together again.

I tried to aim for the evening if possible, but the target rarely showed up. And since morning, I have been busy moving somewhere.

Rather, he saw this as an opportunity and quickly followed suit. I even expected that it would be neat to approach from an exposed street and assassinate an opponent with a stinger.

But his hopes were mercilessly shattered. He even blamed himself for seeing the mega-city of Seoul so ridiculously how complicated his path was.

Fortunately, the target wasn’t too far away. After barely catching up, he scanned the new location and climbed up to find the most optimal sniper point.

But that damn building had a mirror-reflective coating all over the front. To see the inside, we had no choice but to wait for the night to come.

I heard a loud signal in my stomach. In the cold weather, my bladder was contracted, and I was hungry because I couldn’t eat properly in the morning.


He put his hand in the pocket of his clothes and took out a chocolate bar and chewed it. The food he had on his body was enough to endure for two days.

Sweeping, twiping! Sweeping, twiping! sting!

While he was chewing on a sweet chocolate bar and looking at the telescope, a danger signal suddenly came to him. It was a feeling that you could only get when someone is aiming at you.

“Damn, what kind of bastard…?”

He gave up aiming at the target and widened the camouflage cannon covering his body. It had to cover such a large area, but the chance of being hit by a bullet was reduced.

So he covered himself with a camouflage cloth, and then lay flat on the floor and looked around. Then the position of the opponent was immediately revealed.

“One on the side and the other on the back? Damn it, I’m fucked…”

He was showing his gun openly. You’ve already been exposed, so all I could hear was a call to surrender.

But even in the worst case, I had no intention of giving up. I have been through so many crises like this that I have been able to do this to this day.

swipe! Dream, dream!

Bushyung! puck!

Covering his position as much as possible with a camouflage cloth, he crawled under it towards the emergency exit. He tried to hide in the corner of the roof, but he couldn’t avoid the gunshot next to him.

In this case, the best way was to keep the direction and distance in mind and then quickly roll up and get out of the emergency exit. There were not many options, so I was able to make a decision rather quickly.

Immediately while moving, a bullet flew from behind and landed in the emergency exit door. Just looking at it, it was a warning that no matter how much you thought about it, you couldn’t escape.

“Sibal, you are a pro…!”

The opponent was reading all his numbers. It literally occupied all the squares without a single pore.

Then there was only one way. The only thing that survived and moved first was the johnver game with bullet holes.

Fortunately, the opponent tried to catch him alive. If it wasn’t for him, he would have already had several air holes in his body.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooing Hang on!

He took the camouflage gun seriously and slowly changed the direction of his body. The only advantage he had was that he couldn’t see which of the two men he was aiming at.

“Let’s see who endures longer…”

He bit his lip and rested his face on the floor quietly. From now on, he must endure to die, but the chill of the floor has already risen to his face.

Cheol-woo, who grinded a bullet at the emergency exit, understood the intention of the opponent. However, he did not know that Cheol-woo had already grasped the direction of the muzzle.

At a short distance of less than 100m, the warrior could not miss the direction of the muzzle of the man who covered his body with a single layer of camouflage. With Cheol-woo’s retina, even the position of his hand under the camouflage was drawn in detail.

“After all, that guy is aiming for Ilho first.”

The muzzle in the picture spread out on the retina was aiming for the number one on the side. It was an action taking into account that the skill of the side support team was inferior on average.

The immediate threat was a sniper from the rear, but it was a great feat to aim for a gap in the flanks while remaining aware of the fact that he was trying to capture himself. He is still a very skilled guy.

Any guy could not stand this situation, and he would have been killed by rolling around in a hurry. If he was so harsh, he had no choice but to choose between killing him or just letting him go.

Conversely, if you are relaxed like that, you have more options for both the victim and the one watching. The more options you have, the more thoughts you have, and the more likely you are to reveal a gap.

“But you never know my style. Huh!”

Cheol-woo was very excited. It was a lot of fun to have a number fight with the masters after a long time.

There is nothing more enjoyable than digging through the gaps between the seasoned guys, thinking about the next move. The reason why the battlefield where he first went to die later turned into a playground where he risked his life was all because he knew this joy.

“Keep your head down. He’s looking for you right now.”

“I’m moving in the opposite direction, so keep an eye on it.”

“The other way around? There wouldn’t be any space to hide…?”

“That’s your opinion…. Anyway, be careful.”

After calling Ilho to warn him to be careful, Cheol-woo pulled out a mechanical device the size of a cigarette pack from his bag. He then placed the device in the trigger position of the sniper rifle.

This was also a device that was commissioned by venture companies in Silicon Valley. It was a simple structure with a graphics chip with a telephoto lens, a radio transceiver, and an automatic trigger to pull the trigger.

For a warrior who could control a large number of drones at once, it was a very easy to operate wireless trigger. It was a device that could grasp the situation through a lens and a chip and pull the trigger from anywhere within a 500m radius.

The moment you attach it to the sniper rifle, Cheol-woo becomes a free body. Although it could not change the aiming point of the gun, it was perfect for intimidating the opponent.

After putting the device on the trigger and checking the aiming point again, he left without any hesitation. From now on, the Warrior will pull the trigger for him.

When I came down from the roof of the building behind the sniper point, I was thirsty and hungry. I looked at the time and it was time to eat.

Cheol-woo, who took a leisurely visit to the bathroom, changed his mind and headed to the office. It was to fill his stomach in the company canteen in preparation for a long-term battle in the future.

When I think of the cafeteria, my mouth naturally salivates, and my steps automatically speed up. Cheol-woo, who had left his bag in the company security room, got into the elevator.

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